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The National Framework of Qualifications. “The NFQ” It’s all about YOU!!. ‘The NFQ’ - It’s all about YOU !!. The National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). Have you seen this ‘fan’ diagram before?.
The National Framework of Qualifications “The NFQ” It’s all about YOU!! ‘The NFQ’ - It’s all about YOU!!
The National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) Have you seen this ‘fan’ diagram before?
Got questions about Ireland’s National Framework of Qualifications?.....get them answered!
What is the NFQ? The National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) is a system of 10 levels used to describe the Irish qualifications system and to recognise people’s learning - including yours!...It was introduced in 2003. The NFQ includes learning from the most basic level (NFQ Level 1) to the most advanced (NFQ Level 10). Learning is gained in lots of places - schools, the workplace, the community, training centres or colleges and universities! The National Qualifications Authority of Ireland is responsible for the NFQ!
The NFQ – Levels and Award-Types Can you spot 16 major award-types What NFQ level are you on? Can you spot 15 major award-types What NFQ level are you on? Do these award-types look familiar? !! Do these award-types look familiar? !! Levels…. Levels….
Let’s Build the Framework!! • The National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) has 10 levels. • Award-types describe the amount of learning - Can you see the major 16 award-types on the fan diagram? - The Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate are award-types. What NFQ level are they?
The Framework – Awarding Bodies School.... SEC = State Examinations Commission Watch the colours!! Watch the colours!! SEC = State Examinations Commission
Know your Awarding Body! • An Awarding Body is a body which gives you an award to recognise your learning. This is then YOUR qualification…. School: The State Examinations Commission (SEC) is the Awarding Body for the Junior Cert & Leaving Cert….
The Framework – Awarding Bodies Further Education.... ....NFQ Levels 1 - 6 FETAC = Further Education and Training Awards Council FETAC = Further Education and Training Awards Council
Awarding Bodies Further Education: FETAC is the awarding body for further education from NFQ Level 1 to NFQ Level 6….can you name the award-types awarded by FETAC?
The Framework – Awarding Bodies Higher Education.... ....NFQ Levels 6 - 10 DIT = Dublin Institute of Technology HETAC = Higher Education and Training Awards Council HETAC = Higher Education and Training Awards Council DIT = Dublin Institute of Technology & IoT IoT = Institutes of Technology IoT = Institutes of Technology
Awarding Bodies Higher Education: • HETAC is the awarding body for some Institutes of Technology (IoT) • Some Institutes of Technology (IoT) have permission from HETAC to be awarding bodies themselves • DIT is an awarding body itself
The National Framework of Qualifications – award-types & awarding bodies Universities.... ....NFQ Levels 7 - 10 & IoT Ireland has 7 universities!!
Awarding Bodies Higher Education - Universities: • Universities are awarding bodies themselves for NFQ Level 7 to NFQ Level 10 • We have 7 universities in Ireland
Awarding Bodies SEC, FETAC, HETAC, IoT, DIT & Universities An award from any of these Awarding Bodies shows your friends, family and future employers that you have achieved a high quality qualification!
Why was the NFQ developed? 1. To make it easier for YOU to understand the qualifications system in Ireland 2. To help YOU learn throughout your life – not just at school!! 3. To make sure that YOU can travel abroad and use your Irish qualifications
How can I use the NFQ to help me? As a learner, the NFQ can help you…. 1. Plan YOUR education and training and career choices 2. Make good decisions about YOUR future with information on courses available to you Additional benefits: 1. All qualifications in the NFQ are quality assured 2. All qualifications in the NFQ are recognised at home and abroad
Use the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) as a tool to plan your future!
Looking for courses? www.qualifax.ie Know your options…. Check it out!
Planning to travel in the future? Qualifications Matter: Make them part of your travel arrangements…. Qualifications on the NFQ are recognised at home and abroad….. Check where YOUR qualifications fit on the NFQ
Need to know loads more....? .…visit the website…. www.nfq.ie