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Are you concerned about…Obesity Teenage PregnancySexual IssuesTeenage RelationshipsDrugs Bullying
Our School is working towards National Healthy School Status.This involves working together to achieve a National standard in four themes:1.Personal, Social and Health Education2.Healthy eating3.Physical activity4.Emotional Health & Well-being
A Healthy School is a place where: -The whole school community works together to share ideas.-Healthy eating is encouraged.-Young people can learn and develop life long skills.-The whole school has the opportunity to take part in physical activity.-The emotional health and well being of the whole school is given importance.-Everyone is valued equally.
“A healthy school promotes the health and well being of its pupils and staff through a well planned, taught curriculum in a physical and emotional environment that promotes learning and healthy lifestyle choices” (National Healthy Schools, Dfes 2005)
What does it mean for the school? -Healthy food choices. -More opportunities to exercise. -Opportunities to build self esteem and participate confidently. -Skills and knowledge to help pupils make positive decisions about their health. -The work at school complements what is learnt at home from parents, carers, family and friends as well as wider society.
What are we doing already? 1.Personal, Social and Healthy Education -Encourage young people to take responsibility for their own health and well-being.-Teach them how to develop a healthy lifestyle and address issues such as body image, healthy eating, healthy lifestyle choices.-Discuss issues of interest to young people e.g. advertising, drugs,eating disorders
2.Healthy Eating-Healthy eating is promoted throughout most curriculum areas (see food policy)-Cool water is freely available throughout the day to all members of the school community.-The school canteen provides a wide variety of delicious healthy foods at breakfast, break and dinner times (see menus). These new healthy menus were developed with the help of the school councillors.
3.Physical activityThe P.E department provides pupils with the opportunity to develop physically and to understand the practical impact of sport,exercise and dance.
Sports-School visits provide pupils with activities to enhance their physical development e.g. activity centres.After school sports activities-Year 7&8 Netball Monday - All years Basketball Monday -Badminton Team Tuesday -Year 7 Football Tuesday -Year 10 &11 Football Tuesday
-Year 9 & 10 Netball Wednesday -Year 8 Football Wednesday -Gifted and talented trampolining Wednesday -Year 9 football Wednesday-Year 9 &11 rugby FridayPrimary-Regular primary events, which encourage more exercise. The primary schools are taught dance and sports by our staff and use our facilities to promote enjoyment whilst exercising
-Dance-Wigan Dance Youth Group Monday 4pm-7pm-Dance Club Wednesday after school-Boys Break dance Wednesday after school
-The school council is at present working on a school travel plan using the information collated from the travel survey. This is to encourage pupils to walk and cycle more.
4.Emotional Health and Well-beingLearning mentor support-Ear 4 u-Friendship groups-Drop in sessions with the school nurse who can advise any pupils on healthy living including: food, exercise, drugs issues, emotional well-being. This enables pupils to make more informed choices.
In D1 12:25-1:00pm Mon,Wed,Fri EAR 4 U We listen to year 7,8 and 9’s problems that they face e.g bullying, family problems etc.
-Self-Esteem groups-Work around social skills -Regular meetings with parents of pupils who have a learning mentor-Support for parents-Text a problemSchool councillors-Our 3 school councillors provide professional help, support and guidance to pupils and parents within school.
For more information ring school Tel: 01942 202580 or visit: www.wiredforhealth.gov.ukwww.westleigh.wigan.sch.uk Email:enquires@admin.westleigh.wigansch.uk