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The Russian pellet market Dr . Olga Rakitova The National Bioenergy Union , The Bioenergy International . russIa INFOBIO. 24th of May 2017. The Bioenergy International. Russia.
The Russian pellet marketDr. Olga RakitovaThe National Bioenergy Union ,The Bioenergy International. russIaINFOBIO 24th of May 2017
Presentation title The Bioenergy International. Russia The Bioenergy International. Russia is the only specialized magazine about pellets, briquettes and bioenergy in Russia More info: www.infobio.ru
Presentation title The main opportunities • The pellet production is increasing in Russia but we can’t compare it with the same in the USA or Canada • Russian pellet export increases for 10-15% every year • Pellet production becomes profitable in Siberia in the middle of Russia in 2017-2019 because of the Russian government support
Presentation title Export of Russian wood pellets
Presentation title The map of several big pellet produces which export about 70% of pellets Arkaim from Far East exports to S.Korea. Some North-West companies tried to export pellets in containers from North-West harbors to South Korea bu it was stopped due to political sanctions consequences as lack of free containers SK NORTH-WEST: Archangelsk, Leningrad, Nivgorod and etc Siberia (Krasnojarsk and Irkutsk), EU Far East, Khabarovsk, 1 plant Pellet plants export to Europe to Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Italy mostly from North-West. Even Siberian companies export from NW SK
Presentation title The biggest pellet producers in Russia
Presentation title The Russian pellet production is developing • Severalnew plants with annual pellet production capacity from 30 000 till 120 000 tons are opened in Irkutsk region in last years • Thegoal of Irkutsk region is to produce 500 000 tons per year of pellets • The new big pellet producers started pellet production in Archangelsk region (North-West of Russia) • Thegoal of Archangelsk region is to produce 500 000 tons per year of pellets. • Russian annual export is about 1 400 000 tons of pellets to the European Union and it increases for 10-15% annually • South Korean market is the second but not as big as EU market for Russian producers.
Presentation title Irkutsk region is located in Siberia in the center of Russia Irkutsk pellets are exported to Europe mostly. Some volumes are transported to and South Korea but the EU market is more attractive due to good prices and logistics. Pellets plants are certified EN-Plus and SBP. Irkustk is in the middle of Siberia as well as Krasnoyrask which export about 100 000 tons of pellets to EU by railway and sea. Pellets are transported to St.Petersburg harbors by railway and are exported by sea to Denmark, Sweden, Germany and other EU countries.
Presentation title The main markets • Europe is the main market for Russian pellet producers (85%) • South Korea is the second attractive market for Russians (12%) • Other markets (as China) are under research so far (3%)
Presentation title EU countries are the main Russian pellet consumers Denmark, Sweden, Italy and UK are the main European consumers of the Russian pellets. They import pellets by sea Germany, Italy and Finland prefers trucks. Source: The analytical report of the Russian pellet market issued by INFOBIO
Presentation title The biggest pellet importers of the Russian pellets in 2017-2018 Source: The analytical report of the Russian pellet market issued by INFOBIO
Presentation title Main points 2019 Analysts are expected the further growth of the pellet industry in Russia due to the following support measures (the government supports export and doesn’t support domestic consumption):1) The government will continue to support pellet exporters by compensating 80% of the cost of transporting pellets for export. (However, the volume of compensation was changed from ¼ to 1/14 where one is the total price of the product and 14 (former 4) is the transportation costs in 2019. 80% could be received if the transport costs are only 1/14 from the price. If the transport costs are higher than 80% is calculated according to the ration one to fourteen. Thus, the Russian pellet producer can receive 80% from 1/14 from the final price even if the transportation costs are higher than 1/14 from the price).2) Strict measures are introduced for the disposal of wood waste. Regional governments prohibit their storage and impose high fines. The owners of these wastes are forced to produce goods out of this waste as pellets. Pellets are more profitable because briquette export is not supported by government and the local consumption is limited. • Analysts are expected the further growth of the pellet industry in Russia due to the following support measures (the government supports export and doesn’t support domestic consumption):1) The government will continue to support pellet exporters by compensating 80% of the cost of transporting pellets for export. (However, the volume of compensation was changed from ¼ to 1/14 where one is the total price of the product and 14 (former 4) is the transportation costs in 2019. 80% could be received if the transport costs are only 1/14 from the price. If the transport costs are higher than 80% is calculated according to the ration one to fourteen. Thus, the Russian pellet producer can receive 80% from 1/14 from the final price even if the transportation costs are higher than 1/14 from the price).2) Strict measures are introduced for the disposal of wood waste. Regional governments prohibit their storage and impose high fines. The owners of these wastes are forced to produce goods out of this waste as pellets. Pellets are more profitable because briquette export is not supported by government and the local consumption is limited.
Presentation title Main points 2019 • 3) Due to the previous facts, it is expected to establish pellet production at almost all large woodworking and forestry enterprises.4) The pellet consumption in Europe is growing, coal mines are closing. The EU is moving away from fossil fuels, introducing strict emission control measures (and the burning of pellets is considered CO2-neutral), so the energy concerns of Europe (and several Asian countries) are forced to move away from coal. The easiest way to replace coal is to use wood pellets because this product is similar in quality characteristics to coal.5) More than 95% of produced pellets are exported from Russia to Europe and South Korea. Only small amount of pellets is used in rich private houses in some regions where pellet boilers are installed. Some regions as Archangelsk and Komi have several municipal pellet boilers but the pellet consumption is very small there.The growth of pellet production will be continued in Russia in 2019-2024. The yield of marketable products in harvested wood is only 74% in Russia, while the same figure is 95-97% in the world.
Presentation title The analytical report about the Russian wood pellet market from INFOBIO • The Analytical report about the Russian wood pellet market is issued twice a year by INFOBIO • Welcome to subscribe it by e-mail: info@infobio.ru • More info is here: www.infobio.ru
Presentation title WELCOME • CONFERENCE “ENERGY FROM BIOMASS: BIOMASS BOILERS AND POWER STATIONS, PRODUCTION OF PELLETS, BRIQUETTES AND BIOGAS IN RUSSIA AND WORLDWIDE” • 5THOF June, Moscow • Everybody is there! Send your applications by info@infobio.ru In the framework of WasteTEK fair, Crocus-Expo
Presentation title Thank you for your attention! Questions? The Russian pellet market Dr. Olga RakitovaThe National Bioenergy Union ,The Bioenergy International. russIaINFOBIO tel.+7 812 356 55 88 Rakitova@infobio.ru www.infobio.ru