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GRID-PA. Equatorial GRID-PA. GRID-PA. The system has been developed to get the lower MWh cost between all solar system on the market. The tracking + cooling systems, with minimum decay, gives a +22% up to +45% VS traditional PV in extreme conditions.
GRID-PA Equatorial GRID-PA
GRID-PA The system has been developed to get the lower MWh cost between all solar system on the market. The tracking + cooling systems, with minimum decay, gives a +22% up to +45% VS traditional PV in extreme conditions. Starting all included cost for Lakes and water basins as low as $1,600,000-$1,680,000 / MWp for a 1.000 meters diameter 71/90 MWp (traditional/Back-contact techn) arriving at max of $2,000-$2,230 / KWp (artificial basin Included) in little plant power as 25 meters diameter, ex. “Roundabout” 42 KWp. with production up to +45% VS fix PV. VS “CSP” and “CPV” technologies,GRID-PA has no competion thanks his low cost in set-up / maintenance / management, GRID-PAwin also in set-up time, risks, complexity, environmet impact. Also lifetime is higher of every systems thanks minimum degradation, with estimed -60% of repairs and sobstitution problems and >20% more life expected. All cost are referring at 2014. Expected avg yearly lower cost of -5% from 2015 to 2025, more thanks PV technology up-grades. In the following pages some over description. on Land on Lake
GRID-PA PV-FTCWS plusover production up to +45% / year VS traditonal PV- simple / economic maintenance / management VS CSP, CPV, otherThe 1 axis Tracking systemdepends from Latitude, generate an over production up to 20% (dual axis up to 30%)The cooling systemWater cooling is an efficient and simple way for increasing panel efficiency by generating a water veil on the panel surface. The increase in efficiency has 3 different sources:- Reduction of the panel reflection (up to 5%)- Reduction of the negative thermal drift effect (up to 25% Year avg)- Less decay of 20%, mean over 3% avg more production in 30 YearThe cooling is driven by the general control system of the plant which collects data on meteorological variables as well as on the produced energy. A control system to switch on the pump when the panel temperature exceed a fixed threshold (30°C is a typical value).Another plus, the reduced degradation (-60%) resulting in fewer replacements, thanks to the minimum working temperature.All the “plus” gives an average gain of expected up to +45% in 30 years period VS fix PVThe Water savingCoverage of the surface hinders evaporation which is favored by sun and wind. Block the effects of evaporation can achieve preservation of the water resource from a minimum of 0.75 cubic meters per square meter / year (medium latitude) to more than 3 cubic meters per year in particularareas. This mean, for a 1.000 meters diameter plant, up to >2,2 mln cubic meters / Year
Qatar - DohaGRID-PA“Roundabout”case history4x PV-FTCWS-1003,6 MWp / 9 GWh
Buharyrat al Qadisiya LaggonGRID-PA case history80x PV-FTCWS-10007,2 GWp / >18.000 GWh/Ywater saved from evaporation >80 mln cubic meters / Y
Gabriele Puccetti ITALY SKYPE: gabriele0301 Telephone: +39 392 2730361 e-mail: gabriele.puccetti@geaeurope.com Intellectual properties of Gabriele Puccetti 2012-2013 “OFEES” Oil Free Electric Energy Strategy Water, Energy, Agriculture, Work “GRID-PA” PhotoVoltaic Floating Tracking Cooling WaterSaving “GRID-PA” PhotoVoltaic Equatorial Floating Cooling “TIDAL BOOST”