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Solving Systems of Equations with Incompatible Operations

Solving Systems of Equations with Incompatible Operations. CITS – Cryptology and Information Security Fakultät für Mathematik Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Magnus Daum. Systems of Equations. Cryptanalysis often uses systems of equations, e.g. linear equations

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Solving Systems of Equations with Incompatible Operations

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  1. Solving Systems of Equations with Incompatible Operations CITS – Cryptology and Information Security Fakultät für Mathematik Ruhr-Universität Bochum Magnus Daum

  2. Systems of Equations • Cryptanalysis often uses systems of equations, e.g. • linear equations • quadratic equations (e.g. algebraic attack) • But many cryptosystems include different, mathematically incompatible kinds of operations: • integer operations modulo 2n • bitwise defined functions • bitrotations / -shifts • could be also represented by polynomial equations • better to have tools for directly solving equations involving such different operations Daum - Solving Systems of Equations with Incompatible Operations

  3. Motivation/Application • Dobbertin‘s attacks on hash functions: • e.g. solve where f is a bitwise defined function • Idea: Xk,…,0 solution for least significant k+1 bit)Xk-1,…,0 solution for least significant k bit • Solve „from right to left“ • T-functions (Klimov/Shamir): • f T-function , k-th output bit of f depends only on least significant k-1 input bits • solvable „from right to left“ Daum - Solving Systems of Equations with Incompatible Operations

  4. Dobbertin‘s Algorithm tree of solutions Daum - Solving Systems of Equations with Incompatible Operations

  5. Dobbertin‘s Algorithm tree of solutions • Often possible to stop early • Faster than exhaustive search • For each solution there exists a leaf in the tree • Complexity directly related to the number of solutions • Problem: We are mainly interested in equations with many solutions. Daum - Solving Systems of Equations with Incompatible Operations

  6. Improvement:Exploiting Redundancy • Idea:Combine redundant subtrees • Problem:Detect redundancy during the construction of the graph • Only the carrybit is relevant for the solution for the third bit • Labeling the vertices with the carrybits makes it possible to detect redundancies on the fly tree of solutions Daum - Solving Systems of Equations with Incompatible Operations

  7. Example Tree of solutions fromDobbertin‘s algorithm Daum - Solving Systems of Equations with Incompatible Operations

  8. Example solution graph 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11 00 Daum - Solving Systems of Equations with Incompatible Operations

  9. Example • Compact representation of the set of solutions • Can be simplified even more solution graph Daum - Solving Systems of Equations with Incompatible Operations

  10. Solution Graphs • One root and one sink • Labelling of the edges describes solutions:Each path from the root to the sink represents a solution (and vice versa) • Also possible to consider equations with more than one variable: • E.g. label edges with XiYiZi instead of only Xi sink root Daum - Solving Systems of Equations with Incompatible Operations

  11. Size of Solution Graphs • possible to minimize size: • delete „dead-ends“ • merge equivalent vertices • Size is hardly predictable in general • worst-Case: exponential size • here: upper bounds • because of labelling with carrybits • T-functions: narrowness gives upper bound on possible labels Daum - Solving Systems of Equations with Incompatible Operations

  12. Algorithms for Solution Graphs • Solution graphs are closely related to binary decision diagrams (BDDs) • Further efficient algorithms from the theory of BDDs deriveable: • computing the number of solutions • choosing random solutions • combining solution graphs (e.g. intersecting two sets of solutions) Daum - Solving Systems of Equations with Incompatible Operations

  13. Conclusion • presented a new data structure, a solution graph • closely related to BDDs • allows efficient computation and representation of special systems of equations with incompatible operations • especially for T-functions with small narrowness Daum - Solving Systems of Equations with Incompatible Operations

  14. Thank you!Questions??? Daum - Solving Systems of Equations with Incompatible Operations

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