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THE MANAGEMENT OF STATE PROSECUTORY AGENCY (PUBLIC MINISTRY) IN THE SYSTEMIC/INTEGRATED PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT Searches: Sustainability/ Effectiveness Peace – internal and external. Actuating on: the causes and consequences.
THE MANAGEMENT OF STATE PROSECUTORY AGENCY (PUBLIC MINISTRY)IN THE SYSTEMIC/INTEGRATED PLANNING AND MANAGEMENTSearches: Sustainability/EffectivenessPeace – internal and external Actuating on: the causes and consequences
What is the connection to the World Conference about Development of Cities? FirstthemeRighttothecity LOCAL POLICIES ABOUT RIGHTS AND RESPONSABILITIES OF CITIZENS 2ndtheme:GovernanceandDemocracy inthecities INOVATING EXPERIENCES OF DEMOCRATIC MANAGEMENT AND PARTICIPATION
We should verify: 1.What is, usually, thefocus of local policies and management experiences = Cycle of Extremes; 2- What can we do? = Cycle of Equilibrium
SUSTAINABILITY – in management terms - EFFECTIVENESS State Prosecutor Agency - Focus – Priorities: A - 2005-2006 – Among others: Family Planning: Forums – projects in counties (Rio Grande – children’s mortality 2007 = 9,3 death/1000 born alive) B - 2007 – Strategic Position Strategic Map – State Prosecutor Agency (Public Ministry) 2022
THE MANAGEMENT OF STATE PROSECUTORY AGENCY (PUBLIC MINISTRY)IN THE SYSTEMIC/INTEGRATED PLANNING AND MANAGEMENTSearches: Sustainability/EffectivenessPeace – internal and external Actuating on: the causes and consequences
In a broader context ... What are the true causes of the increasing disrespect to nature and to the dignity of the human being?
It seems that the causes are systemic, that is, • They are the result from interdependent and interrelated relationships among several components from the Habitat.
How to remedy them? SYSTEMIC PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT/INTEGRATED They enable the vision and the integration of multidisciplinary, inter-sector and transdisciplinary resources, which performance, may affect positive or negatively, the society as a whole.
ABSTRACT OF THE GRAPHIC THAT WILL BE PRESENTED: The aim of the Graph Systemic Planning and Management/Integrated is to allow the mapping and the integration that make it possible to reach internal and external peace, exteriorized in effectiveness and sustainability. Taking in consideration that the causes of the crescent disrespect to nature and human dignity (own and from de others) are systemic, that means, they come from interdependent and interrelated relationships among several components of The Habitat. We recommend the systemic/integrated planning and management which enable the vision and the integration of multidisciplinary, intersectorial and transdisciplinary resources, which performances may affect the society, positive or negatively as a whole. In this context, we can establish what to do, how, who, where, when/why, how to map and integrate all those components. For that it is important that we become conscious of a common mission, perceived as “mutual benefits” and fulfilled through answering physiological and psychological needs, safety, belonging and self-esteem - and self-realization (different from desires) in the three axes of sustainability (economical, social - health, education, citizenship, safety and environmental, with prime focus on the family to generate public effects, aggregating sustainable value. This common mission demands and favors the formation of cooperation nets for systemic actuation prioritizing the familiar nucleus and allowing the integration of the three sectors (public, private and organized civil society), and from community in general.
ABSTRACT OF THE GRAPHIC THAT WILL BE PRESENTED Those nets, that make isolated efforts visible and enable the integration and peace (internal and external), generate a model of economical development integrated and sustainable, which favors participative and representative democracy as well as the consciousness of unity. This model is planned by the basis of society and guarantees the survival. Therefore, in order to fulfill this, planning and management should produce the systemic thinking, including the mapping of needs, possibilities and activities. With this we will be able to actuate in a systemic form. This way the inclusion of people is possible, mainly in those actions they feel excited about, make the difference (slice of heart) in society, being, for this, remembered, recognized and valorized. So, the society members will find out they are useful in a bigger context, which increases the motivation in the search of improvement, generating sustainability in the internal and external environment. It favors consciousness of co-responsibility and understanding of the binomial obligation-right, awakening the vision of context, and dismissing immediate practices based exclusively on punishment or victimization. It creates the true systemic thinking, which is similar to the complex thinking from Edgar Morin which establishes transdisciplinarity as a main focus.
ABSTRACT OF THE GRAPHIC THAT WILL BE PRESENTED In broader terms, this context allows the access to resources suitable to implement actions (volunteering Habitat, Caixa, BNDES - Social Nets, etc) as well as guaranties the fulfillment of many treats, Conventions, Pacts, and Actions Plans from several United Nations Conferences (Convention about the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against the woman, Convention about children’s rights, Action Plan from the World Conference of Population and Development, etc). Besides, if systemic/integrated planning and management use methodologies, tools and evaluation system, an index of systemic development and/or an integrated development index transparent and therefore reliable may be elaborated.This way, the risk of investments efetivated in the place is reduced, which attracts national and international resources for the region (for example, via systemic investment in the stock exchange, through business sustainability index from Bovespa and DJSI - Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes from the New York Stock Exchange). This way, the cycle of public effects is developed, and it is an environment where effectiveness and sustainability is reached. As a matter of fact the internal and external peace is obtained.
PGS: • GEMP 2022 • (BSC - Second Perspective = Stock holder/Financing X Resources)
PGS • GEMP • (BSC - Third Perspective = Internal Organizational Process)
PGS • GEMP • (BSC - Fourth Perspective - learning and Growing/Innovation)
The State Prosecutor Agency (Public Ministry)established for implementation:GOALS- TARGET DESCRIPTION - IDICATORS - MEASURE SYSTEM - PERIOD
What are the systemic reflexes of this actuation? • 1.Fulfillment of national and international guidelines: • Examples: • United Nations International Conference on Population and Development – Cairo; • Istanbul Declaration on Human Settlements; • - 8th The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) • To create a World Partnership for the development; • - National Foundation for Quality – Fundaments of Excellence; etc • Due to this and generating decreasing in the risk of investments
2- Access to human and monetary resources: • Examples: • - ISE - BOVESPA Business Sustainability Index; • - DJSI – Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes; • Paragraph 50 of Habitat Agenda for Cities • (via financing from CAIXA); • - etc. • Really, planning and management, with prime focus on family, • and using indicators, creates, with transparency, a cycle of public effects, suitable to develop consciousness of the rights and responsibilities, favoring, with Governance and Democracy, the Right to the city, • place for internal and external Peace, exteriorized in effectiveness and sustainability.
more than this...IT MAKES IT POSSIBLE TO UNDERSTAND • That all of us take part in a big family and • that Management is INTEGRATION!
In this sense, Peter Drucker already stated: “ The essence of management is the human being. Its goal is to make people able to perform in a team, to become their forces efficacious and their weaknesses irrelevant. This is the organization, and the management is the determinant factor.” (The New Realities)
In the same sense, the first paragraph of the Habitat Agenda for municipalities: “ ...There is a sense of great opportunity and hope that may build a new world, in which the economical and social development and environmental protection, as components of the sustainable development, interdependent and that could acquire more strength mutually and may be accomplished through solidarity and cooperation inside and among countries through efficacious partnerships in all levels.”
With these concepts we may present the third theme of the World Conference: Local Development in Cities Process of investment in Social Capital fordeveloping Economic, Environmental, Human, Social and Political Assets.
GENERAL STRATEGIES • Mapping of needs (physiological, psychological and self-realization), of possibility and actives from the three sectors, and from community em general (databank constitution; systemic mapping - Balanced Scorecard- Translating vision and strategy) • Integration (A-Meetings; B-Models - projects and indicators; C- Replication - forums, seminars, journeys, internet, etc.) (Balanced Scorecard - Translation Vision and Strategy; Communication and Connection; Business Planning; Learning and Feedback) • SDI - Systemic Development Index ( and/or IID - Index of Integrated Development) (It is possible to elaborate SDI and indicators of systemic development, personal, familiar, municipal, state, regional, federal and international implementing general strategies - which priorize the quality of relationships).
Mapping:1- Needs: (physiological, psychological which allow self-realization);2-Possibilities3- Activities + From the three sectors and from community in general=(Data Bank)
IntegratingA) Meetings B) Models –Projects e Indicators C) Replicating(forums, seminars, journeys, internet, etc.)
We refer INDICATORSnot as a mechanistic control method,but as quality advisers in the relationships, as stated in the book’ “Kaplan and Norton in Practice”: - “The indicators aim tocongregate people in search of a general view”; - “Matching the perspectives..., the balanced scorecard helps managers tounderstandmanyinterconnectionsinside the company.”; - The balanced scorecard induces the enterprises to look- and to move - forward - instead of backwards”.