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Cannula Costs & How To Reduce Them (portable O 2 & Turbo-206 O 2 ) Fred Clark, CAPT Civil Air Patrol SWR-NM-030, Sqdn II January, 2013. We have two oxygen systems in the Squadron: t he Aerox portable tanks:. and the Precise Flight built-in system in the turbo-206:.
Cannula Costs & How To Reduce Them(portable O2 & Turbo-206 O2)Fred Clark, CAPTCivil Air PatrolSWR-NM-030, Sqdn IIJanuary, 2013
We have two oxygen systems in the Squadron: • the Aeroxportable tanks:
Aerox portable tank connector/valve and flow-meter These are different from …
As an individual, you do not need to buy either of the valve/connector/flow-meter connections for either system.
As an individual, you do not need to buy either of the valve/connector/flow-meter connections for either system. • Those stay with the O2 tanks (for the Aerox system) or with the airplane (for the turbo-206 system).
As an individual, you do not need to buy either of the valve/connector/flow-meter connections for either system. • Those stay with the O2 tanks (for the Aerox system) or with the airplane (for the turbo-206 system). • You only need your own cannula.
Cannula for Aerox portable O2 tank
Note bell-shaped connecting end Cannula for Aerox portable O2 tank
Cannula for Precise Flight O2 system in Turbo-206
Note plastic adaptor (comes standard with the 206 cannula and must stay with it) Cannula for PreciseFlight O2 system in Turbo-206
$44.43 ($35.54 + $8.89 s&h) at • http://aerox.com/product/conserving-cannula-cc-rev-a $29.95 + s&h from Precise Flight
Thus, for an individual purchase, your cost could be well over $75.00, if you purchased one each of the two types of cannulas.
Wouldn’t It Be Better to Buy One Cannula That Fits Both Systems? (There is a way.)
Cut the bell-shaped connecting end off of the cannula tubing
Cut the bell-shaped connecting end off of the cannula tubing – but DON’T throw it away!
Insert plastic adaptor into tubing. This cannula can then be used with the Turbo-206 O2 system.
To use the same cannula with the portable Aerox system, re-attach the bell-shaped connector-end onto the other end of the plastic adaptor.
Thus, a cannula plus a plastic adaptor would allow you to have one personal cannula that can be used to attach to either the Aerox portable tank or the Turbo-206 oxygen systems, interchangeably.
Where to Buy • (prices as of December, 2013, for individual orders) • Buy connector from: • Precise Flight, for $6.17 ($1.00 + $5.17 s&h) at • 541-382-8684; ask for Salesperson 34 • (Note: same $5.17 s&h could apply to larger quantities.)
Where to Buy • (prices as of December, 2013, for individual orders) • Buy connector from (Cont’d): • Precise Flight, for $6.17 ($1.00 + $5.17 s&h) at • 541-382-8684; ask for Salesperson 34 • (Note: same $5.17 s&h could apply to larger quantities.) • McMaster-Carr, for $5.86 ($0.56 + $5.30 s&h)at http://www.mcmaster.com/#2429k37/=pitz1x • (Note: same s&h could apply to larger quantities.)
Where to Buy • (prices as of December, 2013, for individual orders) • Buy cannula from: • Aerox, for $44.43 ($35.54 + $8.89 s&h) at • http://aerox.com/product/conserving-cannula-cc-rev-a
Where to Buy • (prices as of December, 2013, for individual orders) • Buy cannula from (Cont’d): • Aerox, for $44.43 ($35.54 + $8.89 s&h) at • http://aerox.com/product/conserving-cannula-cc-rev-a • Aircraft Spruce, for $28.27 ($24.50 + $3.77 s&h), at • http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/pspages/oxymizercan.php?clickkey=18051
Where to Buy • (prices as of December, 2013, for individual orders) • Buy cannula from (Cont’d): • Allegro Medical, for $26.75 ($19.30 + $7.45 s&h)at • http://www.allegromedical.com/respiratory-therapy-c534/oxymizer-oxygen-conserving-devices-disposable-p560994.html • (be sure to select “Mustache style”)
Thus, your cost could still be over $32.00, if you purchased on your own.
Thus, your cost could still be over $32.00, if you purchased on your own. • However ...
Thus, your cost could still be over $32.00, if you purchased on your own. • However ... • With volume buying (3 or more), Allegro Medical offers discounts & reduced or free shipping on purchases of $50.00 or more. Thus, we can get the per-cannulacost down to $20.00 (including cannula, adaptor, and s&h).
Show of hands for who wants to sign up to buy his/her own $20.00cannula? • (Note: payment must be made in advance; arrangements will be made through Squadron and/or Wing Finance)