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„ Gender Responsive Budgeting experience in Berlin: A mutual learning process Tbilisi, Georgia 01.04.08. Effective use of public expenditures for Gender Equality & Justice makes more Good Governance, Transparency & Economical Growth. Marion Böker Consultancy on Human Rights
„Gender Responsive Budgeting experience in Berlin: A mutual learning processTbilisi,Georgia 01.04.08 Effective use of public expenditures for Gender Equality & Justice makes more Good Governance, Transparency & Economical Growth Marion Böker Consultancy on Human Rights www.boeker-consult.de & Gender Issues, Berlin
1985: sinceUN-Decade for Women inPRSP / EU-sponsered (Canada, USA-WILPF,AUS) 1985: CEDAW: 0–Tolerance for any form of discrimination on the ground of gender/sex – not even through the budget – Shadow report German NGOs (GBI Berlin) 3/04: Article: 1-16; 5, Art 2d, 3; see Diane Elson (06):Budgeting for Women‘s Rights. Ed. by unifem : 1995: ►2000: Peking + 5/ 2005: Peking + 10 1999: EU – Treaty of Amsterdam 1997: EU-Regulation: German decision of Govn. cabinet for GM, 1999 2001: EU-Finance Minister Conferenz by UNIFEM: Benchmark 2015 A5-0214/2003 Decision of the European Parliament 2005: Council of Europe: Gender Budgeting. Final report of the group of specialists on gender budgeting (EG-S-GB)www.coe/int/equality 2006:EU – Roadmap to Equality (bis 2010) 2007: CSW: Confirms GM/GB – especially on girls/boys - age as a category 2008: CSW Confirms and calls for implementation of GB as an efficient way of financing gender equalty 2008: CCRE/CEMR: European Charta for Gender Equality within the Life Communities/ by the Council of Communities and regions of Europe and the nightbours International Background: Law, regulations agreed consensus on the implementation of Gender Mainstreaming & Budgeting ->Benchmark: 2015
UN-WORLD CONFERENCE Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, Programme of Action, 2001, DURBAN WCAR • PARA 52, p. 63 f. : “Recognize that poverty shapes economic and social status and establishes obstacles to the effective political participation of women and men in different ways and to different extent, urges States to undertake gender analyses of all economic and social policies and programmes, • especially poverty eradication measures, • including those designed and implemented to benefit those individuals or groups of individuals who are victims of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerances;”
BRIEF HISTORY of German NGO Practice: Muenster first experiences1993- a west-german community of 400.000 • December 1993: A first experience of a gender budgeting process on the local level to turn around the local budget of the city Muenster in Nordrhein Westfalia (West-Germany). • We – a NGO - the Women’s Research and Archives, Muenster - checked it for it’s gender balance, for to win criteria for a new gender balanced budget, we compared the minimum of resources for women’s projects and women’s and girls and migrant women’s needs in the city as to other portions of the budget, men’s football clubs, costs of male violent side effects, male dominat use of huge planing projects ... • We looked through all budget posts and measures and questioned their benefit for women. • We asked: What do we want to cancel, where do we want to spend more? • Result: The visible money in the budget for women’s projects and need was under 1% (0, 005 %) of the whole amount of the budget. We increased it later to 153 %. And we reached out for the left over 99 % of resources to define their use. We found 1,5 MIO DM wasted- we listed them for better use • We made the budget transparent: We discovered useless spent money (since 1952) for measures- a support for a military submarine in the North of Germany - which nobody wanted any more to be financed in 1993 – this later was corrected by the next budget • We claimed (after a study about the real need of women’s projects) bigger amounts of the regular local budget for the women’s projects and reached one year and one election later the increase of 153 % and that the Women’s Project are fixed in the budget • We were noticed ‚important‘ because we wanted the hard power while discussing the ‚hard facts of the whole budget & we scandalized while proposing to cancel the public support for carnival and a traditional men’s music club. As such in 1994 we were invited from the new local government and some of our issues were implemented- Being empowered to talk about the budget means gaining POWER! Even if there are cuts again, the effect lasts until to-day: The effect was sustainable! Marion Böker und Anne Neugebauer (HG.) : nichts ist unmöglich...Frauen fordern Geld in den Kommunen, unrast verlag, Münster 1994
2000 Peking +5: Gender Budget was recommended as the NEW innovation !!! • May 2001: NGO – Women’s Forum offers workshop in Berlin as to Gender Budgets: With Mascha Madörin et. al • The Berlin Women decided to continue working on Gender Budgeting and implementation on Berlin Land Level & Fed. level • August 2001: Berlin had non-regular elections & had a financial scandal (open window) • The Initiative for a Gender Balanced Budget in Berlin focused on their Lobbying for to implement Gender Budgeting in Berlin- AND FOR POLITICAL WILL & CAPACITY (Trainings for MPs) • September 2001 : Short before the elections:OPEN LETTER for a Gender Balanced Budget in Berlin: a budgetary analysis, transparency & participation of women in Berlin! • 153 persons und 25 (Women’s) Organisations signed the OPEN LETTER • It was send to the media and recognized. In October after the elections it distributed to all Board members of the Parties and of the elected politicians in the Berlin Parliament • We were invited to speak at different seminars and events for parties, especially with Greens and Social Democratic and other stakeholder (adult education institutions, foundations, with women’s and gender advisors from the Berlin administration) • Only one political party integrated their will to implement Gender Budgeting in Berlin into their party election program: The Greens Berlin • The Bavarian branch of the Heinrich-Boell Foundation, called PETRA KELLY Foundation started with the Berlin branch to make seminars for politicians to balance the budget: • November 2001: We succeeded having implementation of GB in the coalition contract • Dec. 2001: The three party’s dealing for a coalition split apart: The new coalition kept the written chapter as to the implementation of Gender Budgeting in the contract • January 2002 : IMPLEMENTATION in Berlin is promised
How we got the decision for GM/GB in Berlin – We got lot`s to do! • Conference of Heinrich-Boell-Foundation: „Gender Budget and Financing for Development“ - preparation to Monterre, Berlin Land Parliament, Feb. 2002 • Talks with the smaller ruling party THE LEFT - Briefings of politician, April 2002 • We mentioned the implementation in Berlin during a hearing of the national „Parliaments Enquete Commission to Globalization and Gender“ – A few MPs announced to take the issue of GB as an issues in the upcoming national elections. • The Greens decided to mention GB at the first chapter of their constitutional program • The Berlin Initiative made a Flyer, webpage and lobbying at all parties, MPs members etc. • 3/2002 UN - Committee on the Status of Women in NYC mentioned GB as an important instrument to combat poverty and tool for macro economics and the UN-Conference Financing for Development, in Monterrey/Mexico dealed with the issue • 6/2002: After a hearing with one of our members, Regina Frey, the Berlin Senat decided the implementation of Gender Budgeting in Berlin decided to implement • 9/ 2002: It became a promise in the national coalition contract after the elections • 1/ 2003: Speech of EU-Commissioner Michaela Schreyer: EU want’s GB 4/ 2003: Konferenz in Gdanz • 5/ 2003: GB–Initiative Berlin got a seat in the Commission on Gender Mainstreaming of the Berlin Land level (was one of the 10 RECOMMENDATIONS of the GBI Berlin) • GBI`s Shadow Report to the first Report of the Berlin Senat on GB - Recommendations • 04: Shadow report to CEDAW on GB !!! Feasabilitystudy is promised: publ. 07
What you need! • Lobbying • Knowledge – Training of MPs- Politicians & Decision Makers • Political Will • Help them by strategy development & networking – give space for strategic talks Counceling! • Resources: your expertise - strategic partners – budget - staff • Structure (have a plan what is needed- which bodies- what steering group - where) • Provide your recommendation in public • FEED the POLITICAL WILL with arguments, best practice by opportunity to exchange – INVITE AN EXTERNAL „PROPHET“ !!! • IDENTIFY meaningfull supporters with psychological leader qualities for a change management in the administration & Politics • Have energy for the long run- be patient & claim for the impossible
Berlin - Gender BudgetingOrganizational Structure Parliamentasks for activity and better information 2002 / 2005 / 2007 Government (Senate)resolution gender budget 2002 / 2003 specifications Gender Mainstreaming Land Commission -steering group(state secretaries) Two times a year since 2003 reports Gender Budgetingsteering and working group(chair: head of budget departmenthigh level government employees2 members of parliamentindependent initiatives/NGOs) monthly since 2003 (since then over 50 meetings) First in BPDoc 2008/08 Gender Budgeting as an integrative part of Berlin state budgetary policy with all methods dealing later with 100%
Resources: Berlin with a deficid budget decided it‘s a good investment • The Coordination Unit for GM/GB of the Land (4 persons staff within Ministry for Economy, Technology and Women`s Equailty, budget for publications, conference, trainings) • Order for Head of budget department, Ministry of Finance Berlin & his staff collegue (their time as a regular part of the job) • 100.000 EUR for external consultancy per year – Especially requested from the districts-for GB & GM-Analysis when first results had to be interpreted, varifyed: e.g. Library; playing ground, external consultants push the process further (indicators as best practice & test, then methodology can be generalised) • Programme of the Admin. Academy of the Land Berlin: Training of their regular staff and freelancers for to train/teach new admin. staff
The Political Will… • Starts as a commitment by candidats runing for elections • The political parties – Administrative staff- • Is manifested best in documents: Party programmes – Coalition Contract to hold the politicians accountable for their commitment • If documented must be told the media (!) • …is never strong enough • Must be enshrined in the budgetary law of the municipality/ state- not depend on individual but law and documents
…will be taken through a clear understanding of the potential of GB • In Berlin GB is not only a measure of getting an informed budget document & more gender justice • It helps as the first systematic process with a methodology to get more general transparency in the budget, to reform a traditional budgetary process to be a modern administrative & political tool • AND might be open ways into a participatory budgetary process for the citizens (Women and men/ migrants/ of different age groups/ handicaped…) • As it helps with GM to break gender stereotypes it might help for more equality for all targeted groups
GB with GM is a necessary tool to solve economic challenges… • GIA in the planning process for all new budget lines & measures • Longterm evaluation - Controling & improvement of finances in the budget (the analysis often requires a re-definition the goal of measures: proper gender equality- for which specific targeted group of women/men – quota – criteria of quality: indicators while the volume of the budget line might be the same or changes a bit) • Lissabon goals of women in labour force – less unemloyment- less forced part time - (rights to work - more tax for the budget!) • Elimination of pay gap – For equal loan - Equal chances as entrepreneurs • No more women`s discrimination through taxation, pension, public contracting (outsourcing or subventions to private sector) • Enshrining care economy as a economic factor of wealth & value • Sharing this payed and unpayed economic contribution between women and men • Inclusion of women in decision making on budgetary and financial targets, effects • Equal access for women and men as to their needs to public expenditure and : all economic production of the society as well on (global) macroeconomic level • Enhance State‘s, Govn.‘s & Civil Societies (Populations) capacity to address and profit from future economic challenges to create a framework of well being in dignity – educate all on the capacity to do so- empower for participation
Berlin´s three step model: An example of good practice • Achieve transparency: analysis of primary beneficiaries • Extent analysis: involve secondary beneficiaries • Steering by objectives
Analysis of primary beneficiaries- inclusion of gender information in regular budget planing document • pilot phase • preparatory training: by steering group & Berlin Admin. Academy • budget 2006 / 2007: specific benefits of public expenditure • collection and compilation of data: absolute and relative • identification of most relevant issues • current transfers at city (State of Fed. system) level • 56 services at borough (municipal) level
Berlin Data Collection- Matrix was provided by the Ministry for Finances
First Results on Municipality Level:From 6 to56 products/ budget lines Source: 3. Report of the Berlin Senat on GB 2005: 13 Districts In addition gender experts are doing GM-Analysis as to find out what causes the gap to not make it just sex counting- but find measures – e.g. how to engage men in reading- how to make them users of libraries and not to send their mothers/wifes, sisters….- how to make libraries a public service adressing the needs of all groups including boys and men) • 1. Seminars in Adult Educ. Inst. 74,31 % Frauen & 25,68 % Männer • 2. Media in Libraries 63,39 % Frauen & 33,96 % Männer • 3. Programme/ Events in Arts 61,25 % Frauen & 44,29 % Männer • 4. Counceling of handicaped persons 55,64 % Frauen & 44,36 % Männer • 5. Integrative Educational & Family Counseling 52,20 % Frauen & 45,95% Männer • 6. General Measures for Children & Youth 45,09 % Frauen & 54,90 % Männer
Extent analysis: involve secondary beneficiaries • budget 2008 / 2009 • concentration on recipients of public funds • agreements with recipients to provide necessary information • gender information one of many types of information in the budget plan • gender budgeting as an integrative part of normal budgeting process
Steering by objectives • Definition of gender-specific objectives • Meaningful policy analyses • Strategic conclusions for better government • Final stage: full integration of gender budgeting as a steering mechanism into the parliamentary budgetary process
... Important economical issues can be addressed after the first results: Financial Programmes for Entrepreneurs have to be balanced more gender equal- Below: PUBLIC donation for private Entrepreneurs and special economic and work place creation – Ministry for Economy, Technology and Women – Stimulation of he private sector
Other examples of early interventions are… • To invest in better equiped and hygenic sport grounds with roofs for more girls/women – just allow female sport teams to enter the grounds (Lichtenberg, Krbg/Frh.): football • Age groups being active in sports: men in the middle ages stop sport activities- women increase them: What about long life health and the gender relations… BUT • Berlin must become more progessive talking with private sector, companies when they take beneficiaries: They then need to implement gender equality (no gender pay gap – workplaces with works life balance criteria- …) • Berlin has to address poverty by more investment in better child care institutions and education (as well libraries, programmes for kids and young people and minority groups: GB justifies investing here – as well as in integration – on the long run more workplaces and more qualified women and men of all groups will generate more tax and a higher budget- but: more investment in this budget lines without an increase of the budget volume
Limits of budgetary influence of the State/Land in a Federal System – Need=Chances to infuence Fed. Level.. • Labour market issues in the education of unemployed, measures for unemployed or low qualified women and men gender specific (Fed. Unemployment Agency)! • Lots of funds are under federal authority • Trade • Military & Security spending is increasing on federal level: • Tax policy (no individual tax for women) is defined on Fed. Level) & many more! • Sometimes we cannot get data if they are generated by a national institution or under a national regulation (Data on tourism as a growing private sector !!!) So: • Our Senate make interventions in the second chamber- Berlin brings gender competence – Berlin requests gender action from the Fed. Council of Laender/ Bundesrat – and into Joint Federal & Laender Commissions • WE NEED A FEDERAL GENDER BUDGETING PROCESS!
The Berlin example: How to achieve good practice… • clear demands and requests by parliament and government • clear formal structures, leading role for Ministry of Finance • integration into the yearly budgeting process instead of additional reporting mechanism • working together, learning together, learning by doing • be practical, do not annoy people with too much theory • bring together government officials, parliament, NGOs and other experts • not yet achieved: to persuade more members of parliament of active collaboration