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$100. $100. $100. $100. $200. $200. $200. $200. $300. $300. $300. $300. $300. $400. $400. $500. $500. $500. $500. $500. $100. $200. $400. $400. $400. Great Depression. New Deal. WWII Homefront. WWII Abroad. Potpourri. Great Depression. WWII Homefront. WWII Abroad.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $100 $200 $400 $400 $400

  2. Great Depression

  3. New Deal

  4. WWII Homefront

  5. WWII Abroad

  6. Potpourri

  7. Great Depression WWII Homefront WWII Abroad New Deal Potpourri $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

  8. CATEGORY 1 - $100 The name given to the growing number of shacks and shantytowns built by the homeless on empty lots…

  9. CATEGORY 1 - $200 The increasing numbers of farm families who migrated from the Dust Bowl of Great Plains, often to California were known as…

  10. CATEGORY 1 - $300 One of the most significant causes of the Great Depression was made worse by declining prices for farmers’ crops because of…

  11. CATEGORY 1 - $400 In 1932, WWI veterans who sought early payment of lump sums promised by Congress were known as…

  12. CATEGORY 1 - $500 Hoover finally urged Congress to create this to provide loans to large businesses and banks…

  13. CATEGORY 2 - $100 FDR used these informal radio speeches to communicate with and reassure the American public…

  14. CATEGORY 2 - $200 This controversial program sought to eliminate overproduction by subsidizing farmers to leave fields fallow and even destroy crops…

  15. CATEGORY 2 - $300 FDR’s efforts to bypass opposition to New Deal legislation by the judicial branch; the scheme damaged FDR politically…

  16. CATEGORY 2 - $400 A liberal critic of FDR; his “Share Our Wealth” program was a legitimate threat to the New Deal until he was assassinated in 1935…

  17. CATEGORY 2 - $500 John Maynard Keynes’ theory on how to end the Depression; it included the argument that consumers needed to spend money, thus stimulating the economy…

  18. CATEGORY 3 - $100 The most convincing evidence of the end of US isolationism by the end of WWII was the creation of this organization in 1945…

  19. CATEGORY 3 - $200 This federal organization worked closely with the media to encourage support for the war effort through the use of propaganda…

  20. CATEGORY 3 - $300 The name of the top secret American program to build an atomic bomb AND the name of physicist who led the effort…

  21. CATEGORY 3 - $400 African American leaders stressed the “Double V” campaign during the war; victory over…

  22. CATEGORY 3 - $500 The name of the Supreme Court case involving the Japanese-American who refused to report to an Internment camp in 1942…

  23. CATEGORY 4 - $100 The Allies opened a second front in Europe with the largest-ever amphibious attack into France on June 6, 1944 known as …

  24. CATEGORY 4 - $200 By late 1942, American troops saw their first action of World War II under the leadership of Dwight D. Eisenhower here…

  25. CATEGORY 4 - $300 Following WWII, surviving Nazi leaders faced trial for their roles in the Holocaust here…

  26. CATEGORY 4 - $400 The name of the final, all-out German counter-attack near the Ardennes in Belgium (Dec. 1944) that ultimately failed…

  27. CATEGORY 4 - $500 November 9, 1938; the beginning of overt, government- sanctioned discrimination and acts of violence against the Jews…

  28. CATEGORY 5 - $100 This Amendment, passed in 1919, finally granted women the right to vote…

  29. CATEGORY 5 - $200 The name of the infamous New York City political machine run by William “Boss” Tweed…

  30. CATEGORY 5 - $300 In late 1940, these three countries pledged to support one another in case of attack when they signed the Tripartite Pact…

  31. CATEGORY 5 - $400 The allure of radio was evident in 1938 when Orson Welles tricked many into believing that Martians were invading earth in …

  32. CATEGORY 5 - $500 The infamous decision in the 1896 Supreme Court case, Plessy v. Ferguson was…

  33. CATEGORY 1 - $100 Hoovervilles

  34. CATEGORY 1 - $200 Okies

  35. CATEGORY 1 - $300 Overproduction

  36. CATEGORY 1 - $400 The Bonus Army

  37. CATEGORY 1 - $500 Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)

  38. CATEGORY 2 - $100 Fireside Chats

  39. CATEGORY 2 - $200 Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)

  40. CATEGORY 2 - $300 Court-Packing

  41. CATEGORY 2 - $400 Huey Long “The Kingfish”

  42. CATEGORY 2 - $500 “Pump Priming” or deficit spending

  43. CATEGORY 3 - $100 The United Nations

  44. CATEGORY 3 - $200 The Office of War Information (OWI)

  45. CATEGORY 3 - $300 Manhattan Project and Robert Oppenheimer

  46. CATEGORY 3 - $400 Fascism abroad and Discrimination/Racism at home

  47. CATEGORY 3 - $500 (Fred) Korematsu v. U.S. (1944)

  48. CATEGORY 4 - $100 Operation Overlord (D-Day)

  49. CATEGORY 4 - $200 The North Africa Campaign

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