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JOM KIMIA A1. A. I. N. G. L. O. D. PART 3. PART 3. WHAT YOU MUST KNOW ABOUT CHEMISTRY PAPER 3. SKOR A1 : THE SCORE. To Score Paper 3 is To Tackle Paper 3.
PART 3 WHAT YOU MUST KNOW ABOUT CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 SKOR A1 : THE SCORE To Score Paper 3 is To Tackle Paper 3 KAMAL ARIFFIN BIN SAAIM SMK DATO’ BENTARA LUAR BATU PAHAT e-mel : kamal_ariffin2006@yahoo.com website: http://kemhawk.webs.com/ 2
PART 3 Past SPM Question Scoring YEAR: 2005 YEAR: 2006 No. 1 No. 2 YEAR: 2007 YEAR: 2004 No. 1 No. 2 YEAR: 2003 YEAR: 2008 No. 1 No. 2 CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3 3
PART 3 Past SPM Question Scoring Scoring SPM Paper 3 2006 Question No. 1 Question No. 2 [Click button to see the question] CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3 4
PART 3 SPM 2006 Question no. 1 Tips to write a good report: 1(a): Dapat mencatat suhu awal, suhu tertinggi dan perubahan suhu dengan tepat. Contoh jawapan: 5 CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3
PART 3 SPM 2006 Question no. 1 Tips to write a good report: 1(b): Dapat membina jadual yang mengandungi tiga perkara berikut untuk kedua-dua eksperimen. Contoh jawapan: 6 CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3
PART 3 SPM 2006 Question no. 1 Tips to write a good report: 1(c): Dapat memberikan hipotesis dengan tepat. Contoh jawapan: Asid hidroklorik / kuat menghasilkan (haba peneutralan) / (perubahan / kenaikan suhu) yang lebih tinggi / rendah daripada asid etanoik / lemah Skor 3 7 CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3
PART 3 SPM 2006 Question no. 1 Tips to write a good report: 1(c): Dapat memberikan hipotesis dengan kurang tepat. Contoh jawapan: Haba peneutralan asid hidroklorik dengan natrium hidroksida adalah lebih tinggi Daripada haba peneutralan asid etanoik dengan natrium hidroksida Skor 2 8 CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3
PART 3 SPM 2006 Question no. 1 Tips to write a good report: 1(c): Dapat memberikan idea hipotesis dengan betul. Contoh jawapan: Kenaikan suhu mempengaruhi nilai haba peneutralan. Skor 1 9 CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3
PART 3 SPM 2006 Question no. 1 Tips to write a good report: 1(d): Dapat meramal suhu dengan betul dalam julat [ 12 < Ө ≤ 15 ] oC 10 CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3
PART 3 SPM 2006 Question no. 1 Tips to write a good report: 1(e): Dapat menyatakan kegunaan langsung dengan tepat mengapa suhu awal dan suhu tertinggi perlu direkodkan. Contoh jawapan: Untuk mendapatkan perubahan / kenaikan / perbezaan suhu. 11 CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3
PART 3 SPM 2006 Question no. 1 Tips to write a good report: 1(f): Dapat memberikan kaedah memperoleh perubahan dengan betul Contoh jawapan: Suhu tertinggi – suhu awal // Suhu akhir – suhu awal 12 CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3
PART 3 SPM 2006 Question no. 1 Tips to write a good report: 1(g): Dapat menyatakan mana-mana 2 pemerhatian dengan betul Contoh jawapan: • Cawan polistirena menjadi panas • Bacaan termometer meningkat • Tiada perubahan warna larutan • Bau asid etanoik hilang 13 CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3
PART 3 SPM 2006 Question no. 1 Tips to write a good report: 1(h): Dapat memberikan mana-mana 3 pembolehubah yang dimalarkan dengan tepat daripada senarai berikut Contoh jawapan: • Kepekatan (bahan tindak balas) • Isipadu (bahan tindak balas) • Bekas // cawan polistriena // cawan • Suhu persekitaran 14 CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3
PART 3 SPM 2006 Question no. 1 Tips to write a good report: 1(i)(i): Dapat memberikan definisi secara operasi dengan tepat Contoh jawapan: 1. Haba dibebaskan apabila 1 mol ion H+ bertindak balas dengan 1 mol ion OH- untuk menghasilkan 1 mol air 2. Haba dibebaskan apabila 1 mol air dihasilkan 3. Haba yang dibebaskan per bilangan 15 CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3
PART 3 SPM 2006 Question no. 1 Tips to write a good report: 1(i)(ii): Dapat menyatakan sebab yang tepat mengapa nilai y lebih tinggi daripada nilai x Contoh jawapan: • 1. Perubahan suhu eksp. II / Y lebih tinggi • 2. Eksp. II menggunakan asid kuat, asid etanoik • adalah asid lemah • 3. HCl / asid hidroklorik adalah asid kuat, • adalah asid lemah • Perubahan suhu eksp. II lebih tinggi • berbanding eksp I 16 CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3
PART 3 SPM 2006 Question no. 1 Tips to write a good report: 1(j): Dapat membuat pengelasan ketiga-tiga asid dengan tepat Contoh jawapan: 17 CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3
45 mm 45 mm 59 mm 60 mm 45 mm 50 mm SPM 2006 Question no. 2 Plan an experiment to compare one characteristic shown in Diagram 2 for both types of rubber. 18
PART 3 SPM 2006 Question no. 2 Tips to write a good report: 2(a). Tujuan : Dapat memberikan tujuan eksperimen dengan tepat • Membandingkan/membezakan/mengkaji/ menentukan kekenyalan getah tervulkan dengan getah tak tervulkan • Menentukan sama ada getah tervulkan lebih kenyal daripada getah tak tervulkan CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3 19
PART 3 SPM 2006 Question no. 2 Tips to write a good report: 2(b). Pembolehubah / variable : Dapat menyatakan ketiga-tiga pembolehubah dengan betul Pemb. dimanipulasikan: Getah tervulkan dan getah tak tervulkan // jenis getah Pemb. bergerak balas: Perubahan panjang jalur getah // pemanjangan getah // kekenyalan getah Pemb. Dimalarkan: Panjang / saiz jalur getah // pemberat // beban CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3 20
PART 3 SPM 2006 Question no. 2 Tips to write a good report: 2(c). Hipotesis: Dapat menyatakan ketiga-tiga pembolehubah dengan betul Pemb. dimanipulasikan: Getah tervulkan dan getah tak tervulkan // jenis getah Pemb. bergerak balas: Perubahan panjang jalur getah // pemanjangan getah // kekenyalan getah Pemb. Dimalarkan: Panjang / saiz jalur getah // pemberat // beban CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3 21
PART 3 SPM 2006 Question no. 2 Tips to write a good report: 2(c). Hipotesis: Dapat menyatakan ketiga-tiga pembolehubah dengan betul Pemb. dimanipulasikan: Getah tervulkan dan getah tak tervulkan // jenis getah Pemb. bergerak balas: Perubahan panjang jalur getah // pemanjangan getah // kekenyalan getah Pemb. Dimalarkan: Panjang / saiz jalur getah // pemberat // beban CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3 22
PART 3 SPM 2006 Question no. 2 Tips to write a good report: 2(d). Bahan dan radas: Dapat menyatakan bahan dan radas yang lengkap Getah tervulkan, getah tak tervulkan Klip Pemberat (10 – 100)g Kaki retort, Pembaris jalur CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3 23
PART 3 SPM 2006 Question no. 2 Tips to write a good report: 2(e). Prosedur eksperimen: • Gantung jalur getah *tervulkan/(tak tervulkan) • Ukur panjang asal // ambil bacaan • Gantungkan pemberat • Ukur panjang getah • Tanggalkan pemberat voltmeter reading. • Ukur panjang getah • 7. Ulang eksperimen menggunakan getah tak tervulkan 24 CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3
PART 3 SPM 2006 Question no. 2 Tips to write a good report: 2(e). Penjadualan data: Manipulated Variable Responding Variable 25 CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3
PART 3 Past SPM Question Scoring Scoring SPM Paper 3 2007 Question No. 1 Question No. 2 [Click button to see the question] CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3 26
PART 3 SPM 2007 Question no. 1 Tips to write a good report: 1(a)(i) : Able to read all reading accurately to one decimal point with unit. Sample answer: 27 CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3
PART 3 SPM 2007 Question no. 1 Tips to write a good report: 1(a)(ii) : Able to construct a table that contains the following information. Sample answer; 1. Heading in the table: Experiment, Initial temperature, Highest/Lowest temperature 2. Transfer all temperature reading from (a)(i) correctly 3. With unit at heading 28 CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3
PART 3 SPM 2007 Question no. 1 Tips to write a good report: Sample answer: 29 CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3
PART 3 SPM 2007 Question no. 1 Tips to write a good report: 1(a)(iii) : Able to make correct classification for the four experiments. Sample answer: 30 CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3
PART 3 SPM 2007 Question no. 1 Tips to write a good report: 1(b)(i) : Able to give any three things correctly that must be kept constant. Sample answer: 1. volume of water 2. polystyrene cups 3. thermometers 4. mass of sodium hydroxide 5. reject: amount, quantity 6. size of cups 7. sodium hydroxide and water 31 CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3
PART 3 SPM 2007 Question no. 1 Tips to write a good report: 1(b)(ii) :Able to state the hypothesis accurately • Sample answer: • The reaction between sodium hydroxide and • water is an exothermic / endothermic reaction. • 2. The reaction between NaOH and water results • in increase/decrease in temperature. • 3. When NaOH dissolves/added in water, it • increases/decreases in temperature/released • heat/absorbed heat 32 CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3
PART 3 SPM 2007 Question no. 1 Tips to write a good report: 1(c)(i) :Able to state; Dropped/decreased 4 oC // - 4 oC // 29 – 25 oC Able to state two correct reasons; • Sample answer: • Heat/energy is absorbed // Endothermic reaction • The energy in product is more than the energy in • reactants • The heat/energy absorbed during bond breaking • is greater than the heat/energy released during • the bond making. 33 CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3
PART 3 SPM 2007 Question no. 1 Tips to write a good report: 1(c)(ii) : Able to give the operational definition accurately by stating the following three information. - The temperature decreases // The temperature goes down/dropped - Endothermic reaction - Heat/energy absorbed Sample answer: The decrease in temperature shows that endothermic reaction happens where heat/energy is absorbed from the surroundings 34 CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3
PART 3 SPM 2007 Question no. 1 Tips to write a good report: 1(d) : Able to predict the three temperature readings correctly. Sample answer: 1. Sulphuric acid 37 oC 2. Nitric acid 32 oC 3. Ethanoic acid 28 – 31 oC 35 CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3
PART 3 SPM 2007 Question no. 1 Tips to write a good report: 1(e)(i) : Able to state three correct observations. Sample answer: 1. Final temperature is lower than the initial temperature. // The temperature decreases // Level of mercury decreases // thermometer reading decreases. 2. Bubbles are release // effervescence. 3. The volume of the solution is greater/ increases // level of solution increases/ higher. 36 CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3
PART 3 SPM 2007 Question no. 1 Tips to write a good report: 1(e)(ii) : Able to make an accurate inference based on the chemical equations. Sample answer: (Endothermic reaction)/heat/energy is absorbed) when hydrochloric acid/HCl with sodium hydrogen carbonate/NaHCO3 to produce sodium chloride/NaCl, carbon dioxide/CO2 and water. 37 CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3
PART 3 SPM 2007 Question no. 1 Tips to write a good report: 1(e)(iii) : Able to sketch the graph of the change of the volume of CO2 gas against time by showing the following three information; 1. The axes are labeled correctly 2. Correct unit 3. Curve on the graph shows the increase of volume 38 CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3
PART 3 SPM 2007 Question no. 1 Tips to write a good report: Sample answer: Volume of CO2 / cm3 Time / minute 39 CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3
PART 3 SPM 2007 Question no. 2 Identify the factor that influences the differences in the voltage. Plan a laboratory experiment to construct an electrochemical cell to determine one factor that influences the differences in the voltage. 40 CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3
PART 3 SPM 2007 Question no. 2 Tips to write a good report: 1. Problem statement: Start with ‘Does …..’ Does the position of the two metals in Electrochemistry Series affect the voltage? CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3 41
PART 3 SPM 2007 Question no. 2 Tips to write a good report: 2. Aim: Find “Statement” from the question To determine one factor that influences the differences in the voltage CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3 42
PART 3 SPM 2007 Question no. 2 Tips to write a good report: 3. Variables : Always given in the question. Manipulated variable : Pairs of metals Responding variables: Voltage Constant variable : Electrolyte /name CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3 43
PART 3 SPM 2007 Question no. 2 Tips to write a good report: 4. Hypothesis : Manipulated + responding + direction The further the distance of the pair of metals in the Electrochemical Series, the voltage become greater. CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3 44
PART 3 SPM 2007 Question no. 2 Tips to write a good report: 5. Materials and apparatus : List all the materials and apparatus that involves, Aluminium, zinc, copper, beaker, voltmeter, wires, sand paper, the copper(II) sulphate solution (any suitable), CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3 45
PART 3 Tips: Name at least three metals below than Ca in ECS If use K, Na, Ca : score1 If use any acid as electrolyte, the molarities is less than 1.0 mol dm-3 If use concentrated/bench/molarity greater than 1.0 moldm-3 : score1 No need to state the volume and the concentration of the electrolyte. If you do make sure it suitable/accurate. CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3 46
PART 3 SPM 2007 Question no. 2 Tips to write a good report: 6. Procedures: use simple sentences, passive or active voice, use keywords, sequence Key word: pour, dip, connect, record, repeat, stir, heated, observe, measure, add, put into, CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3 47
PART 3 Not Suggested Answers: 6. Procedures: use simple sentences, passive or active voice, use keywords, sequence CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3 48
PART 3 Suggested Answers: • Pour the copper sulphate into a beaker. • Clean aluminium and copper with sand paper. • Dip aluminium and copper into the solution. • Connect it to the voltmeter // complete the circuit. • Record the voltmeter reading. • Repeat steps 1-5 / experiment by substituting aluminium with zinc / one metal for another. 49 CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3
PART 3 SPM 2007 Question no. 2 Tips to write a good report: 7. Tabulation: heading for manipulated and responding variables, units, Responding Variable Manipulated Variable HOME Max: Score 2 50 CHEMISTRY PAPER 3 4541/3