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The evaluation of atmospheric pollution in Europe. The EMEP Programme. Wenche Aas EMEP/CCC (NILU). Outline. History of EMEP (CLTRAP) Environmental issues throughout the history of EMEP Trends Outlook. “Brand” ( Henrik Ibsen , 1866) ;
The evaluation of atmospheric pollution in Europe The EMEP Programme Wenche Aas EMEP/CCC (NILU)
Outline • History of EMEP (CLTRAP) • Environmental issues throughout the history of EMEP • Trends • Outlook
“Brand” (Henrik Ibsen, 1866); ” Worse times, worse sights flashes through future nights! The sickening black coal clouds of the Brits descends on the country, soils all the fresh green, suffocates all green sprouts, moves low with poison mixed” Long Range Transport of Air Pollution history • 1866, “Brand” (H. Ibsen) • 1872, The term ”Acid Rain” was introduced (R.A. Smith) • 1881, Black snow observed in Southern Norway (W.C. Brøgger) • 1890 - 1900, reductions in salmon stocks in Southern Norway • 1916, reduced trout stocks reported (Landmark, Dahl) • 1934, First association made between acid rain and adverse effects on fisk populations was made (Torgersen) • 1959, The relationship between Acid Rain and acidity in rivers and lakes was described (Dannevig) • 1968-1970, The relationship betweeen Acid rain and fish death was described (Odén, Dannevig). • 1972-1979, OECD-project and the SNSF-project • 1979 CLTRAP
Protocols to the Convention The 1984 Protocol on Long-term Financing of the Cooperative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe (EMEP protocol) The 1985 Protocol on the Reduction of Sulphur Emissions or their Transboundary Fluxes by at least 30 per cent The 1988 Protocol concerning the Control of Nitrogen Oxides or their Transboundary Fluxes The 1991 Protocol concerning the Control of Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds or their Transboundary Fluxes The 1994 Protocol on Further Reduction of Sulphur Emissions The 1998 Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). The Aarhus protocol The 1998 Protocol on Heavy Metals. The Aarhus protocol The 1999 Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone. The Gothenburg multi-pollutant protocol
UN-ECEConvention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution ( 51 Parties) - 8 Specific protocols, where the first is European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) (42 Parties) The EMEP vision; To be the main science based and policy-driven instrument for international cooperation in atmospheric monitoring and modelling activities, emission inventories and projections, and integrated assessment to help solve transboundary air pollution problems in Europe
www.emep.int EMEP Topics • Acidification and Eutrophication Sulphur, Nitrogen, base cations • Photochemical oxidants Tropospheric ozone, precursors (NOx, VOC) • Heavy metals Pb, Cd, Hg, +++ • Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) PAH, PCB, HCB, Chlordane, DDT/DDE... • Particulate matter PM mass, chemical speciation, physical characterisation
Projections for 2020 Light blue = no risk Health - PM Health+vegetation - ozone Vegetation – N dep. Forests – acid dep. Semi-natural – acid dep. Freshwater – acid dep.
Monitoring programme: • Level 1 • Main ions in precipitation and in air • heavy metals in precipitations • ozone • PM10 and PM2.5 mass • meteorology • at ca 125 sites • Level 2, supersite (joint EMEP/GAW) • POPs • Heavy metals in air and aerosols • VOC • EC/OC, OC speciation • Mineral Dust • PM speciation incl. gas particle ratio • + all level 1 activities • 15-20 sites Both levels are mandatory by all Parties
Monitoring programme, Level 3 Optical properties Scattering and absorption coefficients Research driven and voluntary,
Trends in Sulphur Emissions 1980 1990 2004 Modelled 1980 1990 2004 http://webdab.emep.int
Trends in Nitrogen emissions, 1980-2000 Average 24% decrease Decreased NOx emissions are mainly due to changes in combustion sector k tons NO2/year Average 20% decrease Decreased NH3 is due to activity changes and control measures in agricultural sector k tons NH3 /year
Trends in observations, 1990 -2004 20 sites with N in air and 33 sites with S,N in precip and S in air Emission reduction 65% 30% 22% Change in chemical composition in air. Less (NH4)2SO4 and more NH4NO3. Shift in equilibrium between HNO3 + NH3 = NH4NO3
Emissions left to reduce, 2000-2010 NOx Violet = 60% or more Red = 30 - 59% Yellow = 1 - 29% Green = the goal is achieved SO2 NH3
Spanish emissions Distance to target (Goth. Protocol) EMEP report 1/2006
Ozone baseline (1987 –2004) at Mace Head, Ireland
Ozone is a large health problem in Europe Summer 2003 ETC/ACC
8th TFMM meeting, Dessau, 2007 EMEP region Hg intercontinental transport Hg deposition to Germany Contribution of non-European sources to Hg depositions in the NH Hg deposition to the UK 25-60% of Hg depositions in Europe comes from global sources
From 8th TFMM meeting, Dessau, 2007 Finland Austria non-European non-European sources sources Re-emission 40% 17% 15% Finland 21% Other 15% Re-emission Poland Austria 6% 6% 25% Poland Other 5% Russian Czech 16% Ukraine Slovakia Federation Sweden Germany Republic 3% 6% 5% 3% 8% 9% PCDD/F intercontinental transport Contributions of different emission sources to total depositions of 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF over Austria and Finland
Particles cause large environmental problems • Local: health and visibility • Regional: acidification, eutrophication, ozone • Global: climate, (ozone layer)
40 35 30 25 20 15 regional background 10 hemisspheric/natural background urban background 50 % of PM10 in Berlin is from regional background PM [µg/m³] Urban areas countryside Traffic, local sources Ref: Martin Lutz, Senate Department for Urban Development Berlin
High uncertainty in both direct and indirect effect of aerosols on the climate Radiative forcing by sulphate and by carbonaceous material
Intensive measurements and modelling of size segregated chemical composition of aerosols in June 2006 and Jan 2007 Wenche Aas, Rami Alfarra,Elke Bieber, Darius Ceburnis, Thomas Ellermann, Martin Ferm, Marina Frölich, Robert Gehrig, HC Hansson, Gyula Kiss, Ulla Makkonen, Nichos Mihalopoulos, Eiko Nemitz, Rene P. Otjes, Noemí Perez, Cinzia Perrino, Jean Philippe Putaud, Christian Plass-Duelmer, Gerald Spindler, Svetlana Tsyro, Milan Vana, Karl Espen Yttri. www.emep.int
PM10 June 2006 PM10 Jan 2007 PM2.5 Jan 2007 PM2.5 June 2006 PM2.5 june 2006
Extreme episode, May 2006 Forest fires in eastern Europe observed in the arctic CO, PM, O3 and AOT were all record high
EMEP in the years to come... • Challenges • Unresolved issues (Acid, Eutrophication, PM, Ozone, HMs/POPs) • Additional pollutants (new POPs, health relevant exposure, ....) • climate change, biodiversity, biogeochemical cycles, hydrological cycle, land-use changes, biomass burning..... • Synergieswrt climate change • large overlap in parameters of relevance • Joint infrastructures • EMEP wrt GEO (GEOSS) • ”New” technologies: multiple platforms and data assimilation • Near-Real-Time data provision • GAS; GMES Atmospheric Service • Geographical coverage • Hemispheric and global transport fluxes • Regional vs. Local pollution issues
Thank you for the attention AND Congratulation with the 35 year anniversary!!