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Liver Transplant Hospital in Hyderabad

Department of Liver Transplantation at PACE Hospitals is backed up with cutting-edge infrastructure and equipment including world's 1st Robotic Surgical System, advanced 3D HD laparoscopic system and world-class infrastructure to provide precision treatment. PACE Hospital is one of the best Liver Transplantation in Hyderabad, India. Our team of liver transplant doctor has performed 600 adult liver transplant and 150 pediatric liver transplant surgeries with high success rate.

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Liver Transplant Hospital in Hyderabad

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  1. Best Liver Transplant Surgeons and Doctors in Hyderabad

  2. What is Liver Transplant? A Liver Transplant is a surgery to replace a diseased liver with a healthy liver from another person. Liver Transplantation is considered a major surgery as it involves the risk of some potentially serious complications that might occur during or post-surgery, such as • Haemorrhage (loss of excess blood from ruptured blood vessels) • Post-transplantation rejection of the donor's liver in the recipient's body • Increased risk of infections • Loss of renal (kidney) function • Damage to surrounding organs during transplant surgery • Non-functionality of the transplanted liver

  3. At PACE Hospitals, team of best liver transplant surgeons and doctors are highly skilled and trained to perform the Adult and Pediatric Liver Transplant, including: • Cadaver or Diseased donor liver transplantation (DDLT) • Living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) • ABO-Incompatible Living Donor Liver Transplantation • Domino liver transplantation (DLT) for metabolic disorders patient • Swap Liver Transplantation • Split Liver Transplantation • Reduced size liver transplantation (RSLTx) • Auxiliary Liver Transplantation • Hepatocyte / Hepatic cell transplantation

  4. We PACE Hospitals, Hyderabad have one of the top liver specialist doctors in India, are having wide expertise and vast experience in medical and surgical treatment for various types of liver diseases and related conditions such as NAFLD, cirrhosis, hemochromatosis, liver cancer, acute or chronic liver failure, fatty liver disease; with utmost priority focused on patient comfort and satisfaction. PACE Hospitals is one of the best Liver Transplant Hospital in Hyderabad.Our team of liver doctors are awarded nationally and internationally in their respective field of study.

  5. Department of Liver Transplantation at PACE Hospitals is backed up with cutting-edge infrastructure and equipment including world's 1st Robotic Surgical System, advanced 3D HD laparoscopic system and world-class infrastructure to provide precision treatment. PACE Hospital is one of the best Liver Transplantation in Hyderabad, India. Our team of liver transplant doctor have performed 600+ adult liver transplant and 150+ pediatric liver transplant surgeries with high success rate.

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