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R.D. Viollier University of Cape Town. Neutrino Masses Dark Matter and the Mysterious Early Quasars. The Mysterious Early Quasars.
R.D. Viollier University of Cape Town Neutrino Masses Dark Matter and the Mysterious Early Quasars
The Mysterious Early Quasars • Observational facts: Earliest quasar SDSS J114816.64 +525 150.3 has redshift z = 6.42 corresponding to receding velocity v/c = 0.96. Quasar light was emitted at te= 0.85 Gyr and is observed today at to= 13.7 Gyr after the Big Bang (WMAP-3). • Simplest interpretation: Quasar is temporarily (Δt < 30 Myr) powered by isotropic accretion of baryonic matter onto a supermassive black hole of mass M = 3×109 M☼, radiating at the Eddington luminosity
The Eddington Luminosity • gravitational force on protons dominates • radiational force on electrons dominates M(r) - mass enclosed within r mp - proton mass LE(r) - nett luminosity crossing r outwards σT - Thomson cross section of the electron
The Eddington Luminosity cont. • local neutrality of plasma implies Fgrav(r) = Frad(r) or Eddington luminosity
Black Hole Mass Increase • differential equation εM = 0.1 is the standard efficiency εL = L/LE = 1 for the Eddington limit mass doubling time Eddington time characteristic time • solution • Answer: • 210 ~ 103 230 ~ 109 • 30 mass doubling times • t = 30 × 35 Myr = 1.05 Gyr
Simplest Scenario for the formation of supermassive black holes HOWEVER: • the massive star can only form after zreion~ 11 or treion ~ 0.365 Gyr • reionization molecular hydrogen • Compare this tform> 1.437 Gyr to the observed times of te ~ 0.85 Gyr • this scenario does not work!
Three possible remedies • initial BH mass should be MBH(0) = 1.4×105 M☼ instead of MBH(0) = 3M☼ population III stars? • allowing super-Eddington accretion with e.g. εL = 2 instead of εL = 1 non-spherical accretion? • lowering the efficiency from εM = 0.1 to εM = 0.05 (dark matter has εM = 0!) X X √
ν-Minimal Extension of the Standard Model • P. Minkowski, Phys. Lett. B67 (1977) 421: add 3 right-handed (or sterile) neutrinos invention of the seesaw mechanism renormalizable Lagrangean which generates Dirac and Majorana masses for all neutrinos LSM: Lagrangean of the Standard Model Φi = εijΦj*: Higgs doublet Lα (α=e,μ,τ): lepton doublet NI (I=1,2,3): sterile neutrino singlet kinetic energy terms Yukawa coupling terms MD = FαI‹Ф›exp ~ Majorana mass terms MI
Discussion of the νMSM • In comparison with the SM, the νMSM has 18 new parameters: • these parameters can be chosen such as to be consistent with the solar, atmospheric, reactor and accelerator neutrino experiments • the baryon asymmetry comes out correctly • the Majorana masses are below the weak interaction symmetry breaking scale • the lowest mass right-handed (or sterile) neutrino has a mass of O(10 keV) and is quasi-stable: it could be the dark matter particle
Spectrum of the νMSM quasi-stable dark matter particle, observable through its radioactive decay unstable, observable at accelerators M. Shaposhnikov arxiv: 0706.1894v1 [hep-ph] 13.06.2007
Properties of N1 ≡ νs • to fix our ideas, we assume that the lightest sterile neutrino νs has • production process: scattering of active neutrinos out of equilibrium • production process is necessarily linked with decay process! mixing: resonant or non-resonant ≡ vacuum L. Wolfenstein (1978)
Early Cosmology • νs’s produced at T ~ 328 (mc2/15 keV)1/3 MeV/K with Ωs= 0.24 through resonant and non-resonant scattering of active neutrinos • ~ 22 min after Big Bang, the νs’s are non-relativistic • νs’s dominate the expansion of the universe ~ 79 kyr after Big Bang • degenerate νs-balls form between 650 Myr and 840 Myr
Mass Limits of νs-balls • mass contained within the free-streaming length at matter-radiation equality at 79 kyr is • since part of the neutrinos may be ejected, the minimal mass that may collapse is perhaps Mmin ~ 106M☼ . • the maximal mass that a self-gravitating degenerate neutrino ball can support is the Oppenheimer-Volkoff limit resonant production, cold non-resonant production, warm Planck mass m-dependent
Symbiotic Scenario for the formation of supermassive black holes NEW M.C. Richter, G.B. Tupper, R.D. Viollier JCAP 0612 (2006) 015; astro-ph/0611552 NEW NEW antihierarchical formation of quasars and active galactic nuclei
Accretion of a Neutrino Halo onto a Black Hole • Bernoulli’s equation for a steady-state flow • the flow is trans-sonic, i.e. • Bernoulli’s equation is now • Here, v(x) fulfils the Lane-Emden equation • u(r): flow velocity of infalling degenerate sterile neutrino fluid • vF(r):Fermi velocity • φ(r):gravitational potential • rH:radius of the halo
Accretion continued Total mass enclosed within a radius r = bx is Solutions of the Lane-Emden equation with constant mass M = MC + MH= 2.714 M⊙
Accretion continued • mass accretion rate into a sphere, containing a mass MC within a radius rC from the centre is • with universal time scale • and shut-off parameter, defined as μ = MC /M rC = bxCis now the radius at which the escape velocity is c
Results M.C. Richter, G.B. Tupper, R.D. Viollier JCAP 0612 (2006) 015; astro-ph/0611552
Conclusions 4 main characteristics of the symbiotic scenario: • no Eddington limit for νs-ball formation and accretion onto BH • matter densities in νs-balls much larger than any form of baryonic matter of the same total mass • νs-balls have for m ~15 keV/c2 the same mass range as supermassive BH • different escape velocities from the center of the νs-balls may explain antihierarchical formation of quasars