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Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company

Explore how Mutual of Omaha's Critical Illness Insurance can help you financially cope with unexpected medical expenses from major illnesses. Take control of your future with a lump-sum cash benefit. Learn more.

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Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company

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  1. Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company Critical Illness Insurance The coverage that pays you for living AFN39346_0311

  2. Critical Illness Insurance Due to medical advancements • People live longer • Average life expectancy at birth1 • 1900 - 47.3 years • 2007 – 77.9 years 1 National Center for Health Statistics - 2010; Table 22 - Life Expectancy at Birth

  3. Critical Illness Insurance Due to medical advancements • More critical illnesses are diagnosed in the United States • More than 1.5 million new cancer cases were expected to be diagnosed in 20101 • Every 25 seconds someone suffers a coronary event2 • Every 40 seconds someone suffers a stroke2 1 2010 Cancer Facts & Figures, American Cancer Society 2 Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics - 2010 Update; American Heart Association

  4. Critical Illness Insurance Due to medical advancements • People survive more critical illnesses • The 5-year relative survival rate for all cancers diagnosed between 1999 and 2005 was 68%1 • As of June 5, 2009, the 1-year survival rate for males was 88% and for females was 86.2% for heart transplants2 1 2010 Cancer Facts & Figures, American Cancer Society 2 Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics - 2010 Update; American Heart Association

  5. Critical Illness Insurance Due to medical advancements • Unexpected medical expenses are rising • Costs like: • Loss of income • Out-of-network treatment • Experimental treatment • Transportation and lodging for family members and loved ones during treatment • Child care, housekeeping and other domestic assistance

  6. Critical Illness Insurance A Critical Illness insurance policy may help meet the need not met by traditional products… .

  7. Critical Illness Insurance What is Critical Illness Insurance?

  8. Critical Illness Insurance What is Critical Illness Insurance? • Developed by Dr. Marius Barnard in 1983 • Critical Illness provides you with a tax-free1 lump-sum cash benefit when you’re diagnosed2 with one of the covered conditions providing you Financial independence when you need it most 1 According to current tax laws. Consult your tax advisor. 2 As defined by the policy/certificate. Exclusions, limitations and reductions apply.

  9. Critical Illness Insurance How do I use the cash benefit payment? • Critical Illness insurance is all about personal choice…you may use the cash benefit payment on Anything you wish

  10. Critical Illness Insurance You may be thinking “I already have health and disability insurance, so why do I need this?”

  11. Critical Illness Insurance Although traditional insurance won’t cover all the expenses related to a critical illness • Medical Insurance • Pays for doctor visits and prescription drugs • Disability Insurance • Pays a portion of income during a period of covered disability • Life Insurance • Pays a beneficiary upon death

  12. Critical Illness Insurance Who do you know who’s had: • …cancer • …a heart attack • …a stroke Who planned to be on that list?

  13. Critical Illness Insurance Now think about what a difference a cash payment of $10,000, $50,000, $100,000 or more would have made to each person when their condition was diagnosed. What difference would it make in your life?

  14. Critical Illness Insurance What events may impact or change your life? Event Are you Insured? Stolen vehicle _______________ Home fire _______________ Home flood _______________ Death _______________ Diagnosis of heart attack or cancer _______________

  15. Critical Illness Insurance Critical Illness Insurance from Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company

  16. Critical Illness Insurance Mutual of Omaha’s Critical Illness Insurance • Pays 100% of your maximum benefit amount when you’re diagnosed1 with: • Life-Threatening Cancer • Heart Attack • Stroke • Alzheimer’s Disease • Deafness • Major Organ Transplant - when registered with United Network of Organ Sharing (UNOS) Paralysis • Renal (kidney) failure • Blindness 1 As defined by the policy/certificate

  17. Critical Illness Insurance Mutual of Omaha’s Critical Illness Insurance • Pays 25% of your maximum benefit amount when you’re diagnosed1 with: • First Carcinoma in Situ • First Coronary Angioplasty • First Coronary Bypass Surgery 1 As defined by the policy/certificate

  18. Critical Illness Insurance If 25% of policy benefit amount is paid, your policy still continues at a 75% benefit amount - with a 25% premium reduction

  19. Critical Illness Insurance(A specified disease policy) A Critical Illness Insurance policy can help you when the unexpected happens!

  20. Critical Illness Insurance Return of Premium Feature1 • You’ll receive the lump-sum benefit upon diagnosis, or if you die while this coverage is in force, your beneficiary or your estate will receive either: • All paid premiums less benefits received; or • Nothing, if the benefits paid are equal to or greater than the premiums paid 1 As defined by the policy/certificate. Not available in Florida.

  21. Critical Illness Insurance Return of Premium Feature1 • In Georgia, if you die while this coverage is in force, your beneficiary or your estate will receive an amount equal to or less of: • Return of premium; or • The maximum benefit amount in force at the time of death 1 As defined by the policy

  22. Critical Illness Insurance Reduction of Benefits • The maximum benefit amount will be reduced by 50% at age 65 or 5 years after the issue date if the insured is age 60 or older at policy/certificate issue • If the policy/certificate or certain riders pay a portion of the maximum benefit amount, your maximum benefit amount and premium will be reduced accordingly

  23. Critical Illness Insurance Questions? This is used as a source of leads in the solicitation of insurance and an insurance agent (in WA: producer) may contact you. Critical Illness insurance policy/certificate CI/CI1/CCI/CCI1 (in ID, CI-20145/CI1-20146; in OK, CI-19655/CI1-19656; in OR, CI-19913/CI1-19914; in PA, CCI-19936/CCI1-19937; in TX, CI-19753/CI1-19754; in WA, CI-22113/CI1-22114) or state equivalent underwritten by Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company, Mutual of Omaha Plaza, Omaha, NE 68175. Exclusions, limitations and reductions apply. Benefits and rates may vary by state. THIS IS A LIMITED BENEFIT HEALTH POLICY/CERTIFICATE.

  24. Critical Illness Insurance Exclusions and Limitations: This policy/certificate does not cover any loss of the Insured caused by the following: (a) intentionally self-inflicted injury, while sane or insane (in CO and MO, while sane only); (b) the use or intake of any drug, intoxicant or narcotic, other than as prescribed and administered by or in accordance with the instruction of a Legally Qualified Physician (not applicable in ID, OK, SC, SD and VT); (c) the Insured’s operation of a motor vehicle while the Insured’s blood alcohol concentration is in excess of the legal limit in the state in which the incident occurs (not applicable in ID, OK, SC, SD and VT); (d) committing or attempting to commit a felony; (e) loss resulting from, or service in the armed forces or auxiliary units (in SC, loss resulting from, or service in the armed forces or auxiliary units – upon notice of entry into a service, the pro rata premium will be refunded; (f) while engaging in an illegal occupation; or (g) participating in a riot or insurrection. (h) In ID, alcoholism or drug addiction. (i) In OK, drug addiction. (j) In OK, alcoholism. (k) In SC, being intoxicated or under the influence of any narcotic unless taken on the advice of a Legally Qualified Physician. This policy/certificate will cover only the following skin cancers: (a) invasive malignant melanoma in the dermis or deeper, and (b) skin malignancies that have become Life Threatening Cancers. No benefits are payable for any medical conditions or surgical treatments other than the Critical Illness Insured Conditions defined in the policy/certificate. If cancer is detected within the first 30 days following the policy/certificate issue date, the policy/certificate will be terminated and premiums paid will be returned (provisions may vary by state).

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