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Bus Tour of Bangalore Today

Bus Tour of Bangalore Today. Place a picture of your country and a bus from Your country. Your City Bus Tour. Place a map and a picture of your city or region on this slide. Now take us on a tour of your city!!!!. You must insert pictures and a text box describing what we see.

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Bus Tour of Bangalore Today

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bus Tour of Bangalore Today

  2. Place a picture of your country and a bus from Your country Your City Bus Tour

  3. Place a map and a picture of your city or region on this slide

  4. Now take us on a tour of your city!!!!

  5. You must insert pictures and a text box describing what we see.

  6. Be sure to include places of worship

  7. Do not forget to include people.

  8. You can include foods that people eat!

  9. Schools can make your project come alive

  10. Try to find slides of your city at night

  11. Gandhi returns to India after working for civil rights in South Africa • He begins a campaign of non-violent resistance against the British Colonial government. • His work led to the Independence of India in 1947.

  12. Write a statement here about Ghandi and Non Violent Campaign for Home Rule1942. This is the Salt March. Anglo ACT IT OUT NUMBER ONE

  13. As the British prepare to transfer rule back to the Indian people, a plan is put into action to divide India to create Pakistan, a Muslim homeland on the Indian sub-continent. • 14 million people are displaced by this decision. Many of them are killed by violence or disease along the journey. • The country of Pakistan was again divided by the creation of Bangladesh in 1971. • Tensions continue to be high in the region.

  14. Add a Brief Summary of the event here. Discuss how differences in religion led to two different countries and how tensions still exist. Anglo ACT IT OUT NUMBER TWO

  15. India has transformed itself as technological leader in our world today • This revolution was brought about a revolution in education.

  16. Add a Brief Summary of the event here. Discuss how the math and science education with a technological emphasis is transforming life in India. ACT IT OUT NUMBER THREE

  17. Please exercise caution when exiting the time machine!

  18. Sixth grade in Bangalore is shaped by academic competition for the nations best schools. Bangalore is the fastest growing city in India and is the Silicon Valley or the technology center for the country. Schools are driven by national exams in the same way as they were when India was part of the British Empire. Although students love cricket and music, since there is such competition on these examinations, there is little time. The city is booming with business and opportunities for jobs, especially technology support for American companies. The people are mostly Hindus are students are in conflict between old values, such as arranged marriage and castes, and modern values shaped by our technologically connected world. Indian children envy the freedom and fun enjoyed by American school children.

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