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MetLife LTC

Financial Strength and Stability- @ $500 billion in assets- @$4 billion reserved for LTCi claimsBrand Name Recognition-"Snoopy"Commitment to LTC: TIAA/CREFF, AARP, Federal, Group, IndividualProduct Offerings-flexibleService- Local MGA's

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MetLife LTC

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    1. MetLife LTC Multi-Life Discount Program

    2. Financial Strength and Stability- @ $500 billion in assets- @$4 billion reserved for LTCi claims Brand Name Recognition-Snoopy Commitment to LTC: TIAA/CREFF, AARP, Federal, Group, Individual Product Offerings-flexible Service- Local MGAs & regional staff MetLife Mature Market Institute Benefit Process staffed by caring, knowledgeable RNs

    3. Why Multi-Life? Producer Multiple Sales Door opener for other financial needs Discounted rates Reduced underwriting Employer endorsement/support Other agents are beating you to it! Employer Retention of key employees Tax deduction to employer Executive Carve-Out

    4. Multi-Life/Group Sales One-third of large companies and more smaller companies are offering LTC as a benefit to employees Since 2001 there is a large increase of employers that offer LTC to employees. 35 in 1990 3,200 in 1999 7,000+ in 2006 Employer sponsored market accounts for @ 40% of LTC sales. Average annual growth in Employer Groups have exceeded Individual and Association sales.

    5. Who Qualifies? Eligible Groups Small, closely held businesses, including: Law & Accounting Firms Banks & Financial Institutions School Districts Technology Companies Carve-out employee groups Employer interest & support Simple plan design Stand alone offering Few locations Stable Industry Ineligible Groups Building & trade contractors Charitable organizations Warehouse workers Unions Seasonal employees Foodservice workers Police/Firefighters No or little employer support Unrealistic enrollment timeline Complex plan design/requests Multiple carriers involved Multiple locations

    6. Eligible Participants Employees/Retirees W-2 & Actively at work (30-hour work week) Spouses/Domestic Partners Parents (Step & In-Laws) Grandparents (Step & In-Laws) Adult children 18+ All receive Multi-Life discount & reduced underwriting ? Siblings & Aunts/Uncles - not eligible

    7. Modified vs. Simplified Underwriting Simplified Underwriting Available to: Employer Groups only - Employees under 65 & actively at work (& spouses if premium paid by employer) Maximum benefits: 5 year benefit period and $300 DBA Participation Requirement: 3 insured lives. Participation Timeframe: 90 days from Approval date. Employees over 65 and/or applying for higher benefits and family members MUST complete modified underwriting application No APS, PHI or F2F required Standard rates used - no Preferred discount available Decline offer maybe offered to employee

    8. Decline Offer - Modified Guarantee Issue (MGI) Available to: Employees only if they failed Insurability question(s) on Simplified application Plan offer: Facilities-Only $50 Daily Benefit Amount 2-year Benefit Period 100 Day Elimination Period No Benefit Increase Option Sub-standard Rates No comp to agent Must have ratio of at least 10 healthy insureds for every 1 decline offer made Decline offer may vary in some states

    9. Modified Vs Simplified Underwriting Modified Underwriting Available to: All groups - employees & their relatives Minimum to establish group: 3 employees Requirement to maintain group: 3 insured lives in 12 months Technically there are reduced u/w requirements. APS - ages 66-84 under 66 at u/w discretion PHI - ages 66-74 under 66 at u/w discretion Medical questions on app are same as Individual sale Preferred rating is available Each group member must use MultiLife Modified Underwriting app & write in designated Group Number

    10. Group Choice - Underwriting Employer Groups - must choose Modified or Simplified underwriting for ENTIRE group at time the Qualification Form is submitted to HO Employer can choose to have Executive Carve-Out with Simplified UW as well as modified UW for all other employees on voluntary basis This will be treated as two separate groups (& group #s) and each must meet minimum participation goals

    11. MultiLife Discounts Employer Groups 5% to employees & relatives Maximum discount available is 45% Preferred & marital/spousal discounts also available 10% to employees & spouse-only if case is Simplified Underwriting and premiums are paid by Employer Maximum discount available is 40% Marital/spousal discounts also available

    12. Multi-Life Billing 3 Billing Options 1) Direct to Insured Annual, Semi-Annual, Quarterly, Monthly EFT 2) 3rd Party Billing Can have direct bill sent to person other than insured 3) List Billing Must be approved Multi-Life group Monthly statement sent to Employer or Payroll Vendor Not required for all employees. Applicant can choose any of 3 options for billing

    13. Employer Funded Programs & Buy Up Options Show Employer valuable benefits to pay for LTC coverage Get buy-in for them to pay 100% of premium or have them provide minimum benefit to employees last but not least - obtain endorsement to offer as a voluntary benefit The Buy-Up success Employees can purchase additional coverage over and above their employers benefit Consult with employee when completing application for employer funded benefits Complete one application with full benefits desired

    14. Group Approval Process Step #1 Agent to send Qualification Form(s) to MetLife Submit to HO for review & pre-qualify group Apps should never be taken at this stage Step #2 MetLife to send Offer Letter to agent Organization to sign offer & return to agent Agent to mail back original letter to MetLife Step #3 MetLife assigns Group Number We will countersign offer letter Assign Group # Advise of correct applications to use Agent to begin enrollments!

    15. Multi-Life Sales Support Multi-Life Coordinator Responsible for group set up Communicates with MGA Wholesaler Team Advise of acceptable groups Marketing strategies

    16. Quotes & Proposals Quote/Illustration via MetWINS - agent can run Introduction Illustration Side by side of 3 plan designs for ages 18-84 Suitable for any group interested in our pricing Summary Illustration Detailed quote for each employee within group Suitable for employer paid situations Proposal Prepared by Multi-Life coordinator Used for bidding situations or when employer wants detail on MetLife and the LTC offering. Customized for employer E-mailed to agent

    17. Marketing Materials NEW!: Employer/Employee Presentations Announcement Letters/E-mails Contact & Meeting flyers/posters Lead generators - to employer or employee Illustrations/Proposals Prospecting Letters Employer Brochure Agent Resource Guide

    18. Competitive Advantages No reduction in commission - 10+ life cases Spouse can complete Simplified App if Employer funded Simple participation requirements - a percentage of lives not required. Medical requirements optional under 65 for all family members 10% discount available - Simplified Underwriting & Employer Paid required Illustrations - can import census for employer paid totals or provide multiple plan designs as a premium matrix

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