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The Ocean Seafloor

The Ocean Seafloor. By Mikayla. Can ye fathom the ocean, dark and deep, where the mighty waves and the grandeur sweep?...... Fanny Crosby. 70% of our planet is ocean but as little as 1% is protected. All the continents were once a great big continent called Pangaea

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The Ocean Seafloor

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Ocean Seafloor By Mikayla

  2. Can ye fathom the ocean, dark and deep, where the mighty waves and the grandeur sweep?......Fanny Crosby

  3. 70% of our planet is ocean but as little as 1% is protected. All the continents were once a great big continent called Pangaea North America and South America are moving away from Eurasia and Africa because of ocean floor spreading. As little as 10% of the sea floor is known or explored. The youngest rocks found on the sea floor are found in the middle of the ocean because that is where new sea floor is added. Did you know?

  4. Sea-floor Spreading Sea floor spreading occurs when the ocean floor is extended as two plates spread apart. Magma seeps from the opening forming an oceanic ridge as the magma cools. Artwork by Mikayla

  5. Continental shelf Continental slope Trench Mid-ocean ridge Abyssal plain Forms on the sea floor Artwork by Mikayla

  6. The mid Atlantic ridge is really an underwater mountain range! Do you wonder what the ocean would look like without any water? It is not flat like a desert. It is full of mountains, valleys, volcanoes, and plains just like on dry land. Artwork by Mikayla

  7. Russia Plants Flag on Ocean Floor! 2.5 miles below the water, Russia planted a flag on August 2nd, 2007. They claim that part of an underwater ridge is part of their shoreline making the sea floor part of Russia! (http://news.nationalgeographic.com)

  8. There are all kinds of plants on the sea floor. (www.oceanlight.com) (www.rockwood.k12.mo.us) (www.unk.edu) (www.itmonline.org)

  9. Some people even think the lost city of Atlantis may lay on the ocean floor……. (http://rameysrealm.com/atlantis.htm)

  10. As beautiful as our ocean is this is the legacy we give it…….. (www.gigo-design.com)

  11. We all need to remember that we each are part of this planet. Just because we don’t see the ocean floor doesn’t mean it’s not there. That tin can you throw away may be on the ocean floor one day……Mankind has probably done more damage to the Earth in the 20th century than in all of previous human history.”(Jacques Yves Cousteau)

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