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Internship in GGY

Internship in GGY. GGY 498. Adam Faircloth: US Army Corps of Engineers. Tyler Lockamy: NC Estuarine Reserve. David Johnson, Carolina Resource Mapping. Tommy Billisoly , New Hanover Co. Soil & Water. Land Use, Zoning Issues, and Environmental Impacts

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Internship in GGY

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Internship in GGY GGY 498

  2. Adam Faircloth: US Army Corps of Engineers

  3. Tyler Lockamy: NC Estuarine Reserve

  4. David Johnson, Carolina Resource Mapping

  5. Tommy Billisoly, New Hanover Co. Soil & Water

  6. Land Use, Zoning Issues, and Environmental Impacts of Titan Cement Company, Tyler Lockamy Tyler Lockamy 4-14-2011 GGY 473

  7. Trevor Lancaster & Justin Arnette, USACE

  8. Gamma Theta Upsilon • UNCW’s Theta Delta Chapter since 1993 • $40 lifetime membership • Conferences • Scholarship money competitions • Resume building: “I’m hot stuff in Geography!”

  9. GTU Scholarships • http://www.gammathetaupsilon.org/scholarships.html

  10. Rissa Curtis, GTU Scholarship Recipient, Aringa, Uganda

  11. GEO Club? • It’s easy to form one • You meet the greatest people • SGA has money for student activities, which can include service, recreation, and travel

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