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VTHT 1205. Chapter 4 -2 Adjectival Roots Dr. Dipa Brahmbhatt VMD, MpH. BRACHY-. SHORT Brachycephalic – having a short head Brachygnathous- having a receeding underjaw. BRADY-. SLOW Bradycardia – slow heartbeat Bradypnea – slow breathing. BREV/I-. SHORT
VTHT 1205 Chapter 4 -2 Adjectival Roots Dr. DipaBrahmbhatt VMD, MpH
BRACHY- SHORT Brachycephalic – having a short head Brachygnathous- having a receeding underjaw
BRADY- SLOW Bradycardia – slow heartbeat Bradypnea – slow breathing
BREV/I- SHORT abbreviate - The reduction of a word or phrase to a letter or group of letters RVT
CRY/O COLD Cryoanesthesia – regional anesthesia produced by localized application of cold
CRYPT/O HIDDEN Cryptorchid – undescended testicle
DEXTR/O RIGHT, RIGHT SIDE AD, OD ambidextrous - Able to use both hands with equal facility
DIPL/O DOUBLE, TWICE Diplopia – seeing two images; double vision
DOLICH/O LONG Dolichocephalic – long headed
GLYC/O, GLUC/O SUGAR, SWEET Glycemia – sugar in the blood
HETER/O OTHER, DIFFERENT Heterodont – having teeth of different shapes (molars, incisors, etc.)
HOM/EO-, HOM/O SAME, ALIKE Homozygous- having identical alleles for a single trait
HYDR/O WET, WATER, FLUID HYDROCEPHALUS - abnormal expansion of cavities within the brain that is caused by the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid.
IS/O EQUAL, ALIKE Anisocoria – unequal size of thepupils
LEPT/O SLENDER, SMALL, THIN Leptospire – thin, coiled, mobile bacteria
LEVO Left, to the left Levorotation – a turning to the left
MACR/O- LARGE Macrophage - any of the large, mononuclear, highly phagocytic cells derived from monocytes that occur in the walls of blood vessels and in loose connective tissue
MAL- ILL, BAD Malodor – a bad odor; a stench
MALAC/O- Soft, softening Malacia – morbid softening or softness of a part or tissue
MEG/A, MEG/ALO, MEG/ALY LARGE, OVERSIZED cardiomegaly – a medical condition where the heart is enlarged
NECR/O- DEATH necrosis – death of living cells or tissues
OLIG/O- FEW, LITTLE oliguric – reduced daily output of urine
ORTH/O- STRAIGHT, NORMAL, CORRECT Orthodontics - The dental specialty and practice of preventing and correcting irregularities of the teeth, as by the use of braces
PACHY- THICK Pachyderm - Any of various large, thick-skinned, hoofed mammals such as the elephant, rhinoceros, or hippopotamus
PALE/O- OLD, PRIMITIVE Paleontology– the study of prehistoric life
PLATY- FLAT, WIDE Platypus- flat billed animal
PLE/O MORE, MANY Pleomorphic – having more than one shape or form
POIKIL/O IRREGULAR, VARIED Poikilocytosis – an abnormally shaped red blood cell
-SCLER/O HARDNESS Arteriosclerosis – Hardening and thickening of the walls of the arteries
SINISTR/O- LEFT, TO THE LEFT AS, OS Sinistrad – toward the left
STEN/O- NARROWED, CONSTRICTED Stenotic – marked by abnormal narrowing or constriction
STERE/O- SOLID, 3 DIMINSIONAL Stereoscope - An optical instrument with two eyepieces used to impart a three-dimensional effect to two photographs of the same scene taken at slightly different angles
TACHY- RAPID, FAST Tachycardia – rapid heart beat
TEL/E-, TEL/O- DISTANT, END Telencephalon - anterior part of the forebrain; the endbrain (cerebrum)
THERM/O- HEAT Thermogenesis – the production of heat, especially within the animal body.
XER/O- DRY xerophagia – the eating of dry food