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Appearance of single spin asymmetries in hard scattering processes

Investigate factorization of cross sections in hard scattering processes into QCD amplitudes and distribution functions. Topics include transverse momentum dependence, gauge links, electroweak processes, hadron-hadron scattering, gluonic pole cross sections, and factorization breaking for TMDs.

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Appearance of single spin asymmetries in hard scattering processes

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  1. Appearance of single spin asymmetries in hard scattering processes Piet Mulders mulders@few.vu.nl Trento June 13, 2007

  2. Content • Introduction: the partonic structure of hadrons • Transverse momentum dependence (TMD) • Gauge links and dependence on hard processes • Electroweak processes (SIDIS, Drell-Yan and annihilation) • Hadron-hadron scattering processes • Gluonic pole cross sections • Factorization breaking for TMDs made explicit • Conclusions

  3. Introduction:The partonic structure of hadrons For (semi-)inclusive measurements, we want to investigate the factorization of cross sections in hard scattering processes into hard squared QCD-amplitudes and distribution and fragmentation functions entering in forward matrix elements of nonlocal combinations of quark and gluon field operators (f y or G) lightcone TMD lightfront: x+ = 0 FF

  4. Quarks • Integration over x- = x.P allows ‘twist’ expansion • Gauge link essential for color gauge invariance • Arises from all ‘leading’ matrix elements containing y A+...A+ y

  5. Generic hard processes • E.g. qq-scattering as hard subprocess • Matrix elements involving parton 1 and additional gluon(s) A+ = A.n appear at same (leading) order in ‘twist’ expansion • insertions of gluons collinear with parton 1 are possible at many places • this leads for correlator involving parton 1 to gauge links to lightcone infinity Link structure for fields in correlator 1 C. Bomhof, P.J. Mulders and F. Pijlman, PLB 596 (2004) 277 [hep-ph/0406099]; EPJ C 47 (2006) 147 [hep-ph/0601171]

  6. SIDIS SIDIS  F[U+] =F[+] DY  F[U-] = F[-]

  7. A 2  2 hard processes: qq  qq • E.g. qq-scattering as hard subprocess • The correlator F(x,pT) enters for each contributing term in squared amplitude with specific link U□ = U+U-† F[Tr(U□)U+](x,pT) F[U□U+](x,pT)

  8. Gluons • Using 3x3 matrix representation for U, one finds in gluon correlator appearance of two links, possibly with different paths. • Note that standard field displacement involves C = C’

  9. f2 - f1 K1 df K2 pp-scattering Sensitivity to intrinsic transverse momenta • In a hard process one probes partons (quarks and gluons) • Momenta fixed by kinematics (external momenta) DIS x = xB = Q2/2P.q SIDIS z = zh = P.Kh/P.q • Also possible for transverse momenta SIDIS qT = q + xBP – Kh/zh-Kh/zh = kT – pT 2-particle inclusive hadron-hadron scattering qT = K1/z1+ K2/z2- x1P1- x2P2 K1/z1+ K2/z2 = p1T + p2T – k1T – k2T • Sensitivity for transverse momenta requires  3 momenta SIDIS: g* + H  h + X DY: H1 + H2  g* + X e+e-: g*  h1 + h2 + X hadronproduction: H1 + H2  h1 + h2 + X  h + X (?) p x P + pT k z-1 K + kT Knowledge of hard process(es)!

  10. In collinear cross section In weighted azimuthal asymmetries Transverse moment TMD correlation functions (unpolarized hadrons) quark correlator F(x, pT) • T-odd • Transversely • polarized quarks

  11. Integrating F[±](x,pT)  F[±](x)  collinear correlator

  12. transverse moment FG(p,p-p1) T-even T-odd Integrating F[±](x,pT)  Fa[±](x)

  13. Gluonic poles • Thus: F[U](x) = F(x) F[U]a(x) = Fa(x) + CG[U]pFGa(x,x) • Universal gluonic pole m.e. (T-odd for distributions) • pFG(x) contains the T-odd functions h1(1)(x) [Boer-Mulders] and (for transversely polarized hadrons) the function f1T(1)(x) [Sivers] • F(x) contains the T-even functions h1L(1)(x) and g1T(1)(x) • For SIDIS/DY links: CG[U±] = ±1 • In other hard processes one encounters different factors: CG[U□U+] = 3, CG[Tr(U□)U+] = Nc ~ ~ Efremov and Teryaev 1982; Qiu and Sterman 1991 Boer, Mulders, Pijlman, NPB 667 (2003) 201

  14. A 2  2 hard processes: qq  qq • E.g. qq-scattering as hard subprocess • The correlator F(x,pT) enters for each contributing term in squared amplitude with specific link U□ = U+U-† F[Tr(U□)U+](x,pT) F[U□U+](x,pT)

  15. Bacchetta, Bomhof, Pijlman, Mulders, PRD 72 (2005) 034030; hep-ph/0505268 D1 CG [D1] = CG [D2] D2 D3 CG [D3] = CG [D4] D4 examples: qqqq in pp

  16. Bacchetta, Bomhof, D’Alesio,Bomhof, Mulders, Murgia, hep-ph/0703153 D1 For Nc: CG [D1] -1 (color flow as DY) examples: qqqq in pp

  17. (gluonic pole cross section) y Gluonic pole cross sections • In order to absorb the factors CG[U], one can define specific hard cross sections for gluonic poles (which will appear with the functions in transverse moments) • for pp: etc. • for SIDIS: for DY: Bomhof, Mulders, JHEP 0702 (2007) 029 [hep-ph/0609206]

  18. examples: qgqg in pp D1 Only one factor, but more DY-like than SIDIS D2 D3 D4 Note: also etc.

  19. e.g. relevant in Bomhof, Mulders, Vogelsang, Yuan, PRD 75 (2007) 074019 examples: qgqg D1 D2 D3 D4 D5

  20. examples: qgqg

  21. examples: qgqg

  22. Pictures for qgqg part in pp (9 diagrams) ‘gluonic pole’ cross section ‘normal’ partonic cross section Both are gauge-invariant combinations (‘of course’ but ‘non-trivial’)

  23. examples: qgqg It is also possible to group the TMD functions in a smart way into two! (nontrivial for nine diagrams/four color-flow possibilities) But still no factorization!

  24. ‘Residual’ TMDs • We find that we can work with basic TMD functions F[±](x,pT) + ‘junk’ • The ‘junk’ constitutes process-dependent residual TMDs • The residuals satisfies Fint (x) = 0 andpFint G(x,x) = 0, i.e. cancelling kT contributions; moreover they most likely disappear for large kT no definite T-behavior definite T-behavior

  25. end Conclusions • Appearance of single spin asymmetries in hard processes is calculable • For integrated and weighted functions factorization is possible • For TMDs one cannot factorize cross sections, introducing besides the normal ‘partonic cross sections’ some ‘gluonic pole cross sections’ • Opportunities: the breaking of factorization can be made explicit and be attributed to specific matrix elements Related: Qiu, Vogelsang, Yuan, hep-ph/0704.1153 Collins, Qiu, hep-ph/0705.2141 Qiu, Vogelsang, Yan, hep-ph/0706.1196 Meissner, Metz, Goeke, hep-ph/0703176

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