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Cellulose Spear & Point

UzeOnce Cellulose triangular eye sponges are high soaking capacity cellulose sponges that are mounted on plastic handles. The micropoint absorbent used is of superior quality & deliver optimum performance with our tear or shred. Being meant for single use these are safe & do not transmit infection. For more information - http://www.disposablesurgicalproducts.com/ophthalmic-general.html#cellulose-sponge-spear or http://www.ophtechnicsunlimited.com/

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Cellulose Spear & Point

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cellulose Spear & Point By: “Ophtechnics Unlimited” www.ophtechnicsunlimited.com

  2. We are a preferred sub-contract / private label / OEM manufacturer for major brands in USA, Europe & Asia, who account for bulk of our sales. Our products are also available for resellers, supplied under UzeOnceTM brand name.Our state-of-the-art manufacturing plant at Gurgaon follows methodic compliance to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and manufactures product in strict compliance to the Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC.

  3. PVA triangular spear sponge fitted on a plastic handle is 100% fiber and particle free. These disposable & sterile eye sponges are best suitable for absorb any fluid / blood during incision procedures. Cellulose triangular eye sponges are high soaking capacity cellulose sponges that are mounted on plastic handles. The micro point absorbent used is of superior quality & deliver optimum performance with our tear or shred. Being meant for single use these are safe & do not transmit infection.

  4. PVA triangular spear sponge fitted on a plastic handle is 100% fiber and particle free. These disposable & sterile eye sponges are best suitable for absorb any fluid / blood during incision procedures. Cellulose sponge points (also known as Eye Sponge / Eye Spear) are high soaking capacity cellulose sponges that are mounted on plastic handles. The micro point absorbent used is of superior quality & deliver optimum performance with our tear or shred. Being meant for single use these are safe & do not transmit infection.

  5. TRY OUR PRODUCTS FOR FREE Web: ophtechnicsunlimited.com or disposablesurgicalproducts.com +(91)-(124)-4053491 / 2 / 3 Haryana, India.

  6. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK FOR OFFERS & EVENTS www.facebook.com/ophtechnicsunlimited

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