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Popcorn. History, practical use, and resent uses of popcorn. By Adam Juhl. History of Popcorn. Popcorn was originally grown in Mexico but somehow it had spread globally through India, China and Sumatra years before the first European explorers arrived on North America's shores.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Popcorn • History, practical use, and resent uses of popcorn. • By Adam Juhl

  2. History of Popcorn • Popcorn was originally grown in Mexico but somehow it had spread globally through India, China and Sumatra years before the first European explorers arrived on North America's shores. • Popcorn was popped by throwing it on sizzling hot stones tended over a raging campfire. Naturally, as it popped it shot off in various directions. The game was to catch the popcorn and the reward was snacking on it. • Grains of popcorn over 1,000 years old were disvovered on Peru's east coast. Preservation methods of the Peruvian Indians was so advanced that 1,000 years later, this corn still pops. • The colonists loved popcorn so much they served it with sugar • and cream for breakfast. This was the very first puffed Breakfast cereal.

  3. Practical uses of Popcorn • Popcorn is mainly used as a snacking food. • Popcorn, threaded onto a string, is used as a wall or Christmas tree decoration in some parts of North America.

  4. Resent uses of Popcorn • World Records • The world's largest popcorn ball was unveiled in October 2006 in Lake Forrest , Illinois . It weighed 3,415 pounds measured 8 feet in diameter, and had a circumference of 24.6 feet (8 m). • Popcorn Balls • The Boy Scouts of America sell popcorn door-to-door as a primary fundraiser, similar to Girl Scout Cookies. • Popcorn Chicken

  5. Popcorn • By Adam Juhl

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