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Everything You Need To Know About Mandatory Employee Training Programs

Mandatory Employee Training- All employers should adequately train their employees to maintain a productive and safe workplace. Effective employee training can be developed by implementing training required by law, as well as additional training that assists your employees to be productive and successful in the workplace.

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Everything You Need To Know About Mandatory Employee Training Programs

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  1. ὗ{8885859978 ὘‚sales@coggno.com GETFREELMS EverythingYouNeedToKnow AboutMandatoryEmployee TrainingPrograms EverythingYouNeedToKnowAbout MandatoryEmployeeTrainingPrograms ROCHELLEVANRENSBURG|DEC,112020 • TableofContents • Whatemployeetrainingmustemployersprovide? • Discrimination • Sexualharassment • Safety • FairLaborStandardsAct(FLSA) • Complianceandethics • Joborindustry-specifictraining 

  2. 1.7.Statebystate-requiredemployeetraininglist 2.Conclusion MandatoryEmployeeTraining-Allemployersshouldadequately traintheiremployeestomaintainaproductiveand safe workplace. Effective employee trainingcan be developed by implementing training required by law, as well as additional trainingthatassistsyouremployeestobeproductiveand successful in the workplace. This article will look at mandatory employeetrainingby the state and additional recommended training,ensuringthatyourcompanyremainscompliantwhenit comestosafetyandstafftraining. Whatemployeetrainingmustemployers provide? Mandatory EmployeeTraining-Training can include general skills such as technical skills, literacy, orientation about the organization,andprogramsdesignedtopreventaudits,fines,and lawsuits.Examplesaresexualharassment,safety,andcompliance and ethics training. Be sure to comply with all regulations that applytoyourindustry,workplace,andemployees. Federaltrainingregulations do not necessarilyapplyto all employers, but certain rules and laws may apply to specific employers andindustries. Someof the maincategoriesof trainingrequiredbyfederallaware:

  3. Discrimination Discrimination in the workforce can take many forms, all of whichmaybeillegalanddetrimental.Traininginthisareahas become more critical than ever, as the consequences of not havingastronganti-harassmentanddiscriminationprogram canbeverydamagingtoyourorganization. Buy Now – Understanding And Preventing Age Discrimination (Course) UnderthelawsenforcedbyThe EqualEmployment OpportunityCommission(EEOC),youmaynothire,promote, or fire someone based on their age, race, religion, disability, color,orsex.Mostemploymentagenciesandlaborunionsare coveredbyEEOClaws,aswellasemployerswith15ormore employees. Regulations apply to work situations such as harassment, training, wages and benefits, and hiring and firing. Employeesarealsoprotectedfromretaliationbytheselaws. Retaliation occurs when a manager takes hostile or adverse actionagainstanemployeewhofilesaharassmentcomplaint. Sexualharassment As this is the most common form of workplace harassment, whichcouldleadtoheftyfinesandlawsuits,trainingonthis subject is vital. Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome requestsforsexualfavors, sexualadvances,andother physicalorverbalconductofasexualnature. BuyNow–SexualHarassmentInTheWorkplaceForHealthcare Providers(Course) Because of its damaging effects on a company’s morale, productivity,andculture,employersmustdotheirutmostto eliminateandpreventsexual harassmentintheir organization actively. This involves educating your entire workforce on acceptable behavior and sexual harassment. Managersandsupervisorsmustbegivenspecializedtraining onhowtohandlethesecasescorrectlyandprofessionally.

  4. California, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maine, and New York have their state laws specifically addressing sexual harassment.Makesure what yourspecific statelaw requirements are, for example, the frequency in which the trainingmustbeprovided,whomustbetrained,therequired contentofthetrainingprogram,andproperrecordkeeping. TheUSEqualEmploymentOpportunityCommission(EEOC) enforceslawsregardingworkplaceharassment. Enroll Now–CaliforniaSexualHarassmentTrainingFor ManagersAndSupervisors Safety The federal Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) requires that employers train their employees in their jobs’ safetyandhealthaspects. Traininghelpsandshows employees what they should and should not do when they performtheirworkplaceduties.Effectivetrainingcanreduce accidents and workplace incidents, ensure fewer lawsuits, lowercosts,andpromoteahappierandsaferworkplace. Enroll Now–WorkplaceSafetyAwarenessCourse HerearesomeofOSHA’ssafetytrainingrequirements: Hazardcommunication. Firstaidtraining. Emergencyactionplantraining. Personalprotectiveequipment(PPE). ManymoreOSHAregulationsrequiretraining.Forexample, specific training requirements for occupations considered safety-sensitiveororganizationsinvolvingthepublic’ssafety liketheFederalAviationAdministration(FAA)andthe DepartmentofTransportation(DOT). Besure to comply with all regulations that apply to your industry,workplace,andemployees.

  5. FairLaborStandardsAct(FLSA) FLSA is a federal law that determines the minimum wage, recordkeeping,overtimepayeligibility,andchildlabor standards. The act affects full-and part-time workers in the privatesectorandfederal,state,andlocalgovernments.This trainingshouldcoverovertimerequirementsandensurethat allhoursofworkarerecordedandcompensated. Enroll Now – Wage & Hour Compliance (FLSA) Made Simple Course Complianceandethics Ethicsandcompliancehavedifferentmeaningsbutoftengo hand-in-hand. Compliance means following rules, laws, and policies to the letter of the law. Ethics means doing what is right, regardless of what the law says. It is a conscious, personalchoice.Corporationshavedifferentwaysof addressingcomplianceandethicsissueswithintheir companies. Regardless of how it is internally handled, most corporateboardsknowethicsandcompliance greatly influencetheirculture. Adequateandeffectivetrainingcanhelppromoteacultureof ethical business practices and compliance with the law. The trainingshouldcoverthecompany’spoliciesandprocedures, any rules that may apply to the company, and efforts to detect,prevent,andaddresswrongdoing. Joborindustry-specifictraining Some state and federal laws require special training for employeeswithspecificjobfunctions. Examplesare HazardousMaterialsRegulations,whichrequirethat employersprovidespecializedsafetytrainingtoemployees

  6. whodirectlyworkwithhazardousmaterials,andtheHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). This actrequirescoveredentitiessuchashealthcareprovidersto traintheirstaffonprotectedhealthinformationprocedures. BuyNow–DangerousGoodsFunctionSpeci몭cTrainingAnd Assessment For Shippers ByAir Statebystate-requiredemployeetraining list As sexual harassment is such a significant problem in the workplace,somestateshaverespondedwithsexual harassmenttrainingrequirements.Thelawsvaryinthetype, amount, and training format, but they are fighting the same problem.Statesthathavepassedlawsregardingharassment training are California, Connecticut, Delaware. Illinois, and Maine. Conclusion It is best practice to provide an effective employee training programfor your company.These employee trainingshould include mandatory state training, as well as additional training providedbyemployers.Informedandtrainedemployeesleadtoa successful and productive organization with a healthy company culture. Coggno has a wide range of mandatory as well as additional onlinecorporatetrainingcourses. You can have a look at our free courses here and our course cataloghere. RelatedCourses: EmployeeMotivationCourse PreventingEmploymentDiscrimination:EmployeeEdition (Course) ACivilAndRespectfulWorkplace ONLINETRAINING ONLINETRAININGFOREMPLOYEE

  7. EMPLOYEETRAININGTRAININGPROGRAMS MANDATORYTRAINING FreeLMS101:Concepts,Trends, Applications Learn how to treat your employees well, provide them with opportunitiestoadvancethemselves,encouragesocialbehaviors, and empower and support your managers all with learning managementsystems. InthisEbook,wecover: KeepingTeamsEngagedandHappy TheLatestSubjects,AddedQuickly UpskillingandReskillingMakes EmployeesStickAround MakeLearningaGameWheneverPossible CommunityLearningIncreasesLearningTime30X MakingOnlineLearningMoreInteresting&Personal ManagersAstheKeys-UsingLMStoHelptheWhole TeamSucceed TrendsandApplicationinLMSDifferByAge LMSTrainingMakingBusinessMoreResilient GettheeBookhere Name* BusinessEmail*

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