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DRR mapping related to food security Afghanistan Livelihood Network meeting 5 June 2013. Background information. What is the Food Security and Agriculture cluster? a network of 125 agencies with activities in food security co-led by FAO and WFP
DRR mapping related to food securityAfghanistan Livelihood Network meeting5 June 2013
Background information What is the Food Security and Agriculture cluster? • a network of 125 agencies with activities in food security co-led by FAO and WFP • support the GoIRA in providing timely and effective responses to disasters • building up the capacities of its members to increase the quality of responses What has FSAC already achieved in early 2013? • provided services to 400,000 food insecure community members and 20,000 IDPs • released a study report on gender good practices “gender, closing the gaps” • developed harmonized tools for a seasonal food security assessment • released four early warning updates • contributed to a nation-wide pre-harvest assessment What is still to achieve in 2013? • deliver services to 600,000 food insecure people • implement a nation-wide food security assessment (34 provinces, 136 districts) • enhance capacities in food security analysis to FSAC partners and MAIL • support FSAC partners in improving practices with regard to gender, feedback mechanisms and cash/voucher transfers
DRR and Emergency food security Why is FSAC interested with disaster risk reduction? • avoiding /mitigating impacts of disasters is a better option than responding to • FSAC partners already developed practices and experiences to share • growing importance from international community given to DRR and Resilience What are the FSAC activities related to disaster risk reduction? • a DRR working group established in December 2012 • a mapping of DRR activities conducted in March and April 2013 • an international consultant to identify best practices and gaps What are the roles of national authorities? • MAIL, MRRD, ANDMA are actively participating to DRR working group • MRRD already provided lots of evidences of good practices • DRR working group may have a different institutional anchorage in the future
Phase 1 - DRR mapping What is a DRR mapping for? • clear understanding of the existing practices and capacities • identify the gaps (technical, geographical) for effective /efficient DRR activities How has the DRR mapping be conducted? • individual meeting with 23 FSAC partners, reporting DRR practices • 17 INGOs : IRC, Afghanaid, Actionaid, Tearfund, Focus, Concern, Save the children, ACTED, ACF, CARE, Medair, IRC, Oxfam GB, Islamic Relief, INTERSOS, SFL and ZOA • 4 NNGOs : AREA, SOFAR, CoAR, AIRO + WFP + MRRD What resources have been collected? • location of the DRR activities • dedicated human resources • other specific materials:policy, strategy, assessment tools, work plan, training curriculum, evaluation reports, lesson learned
Initial results of DRR mapping A baseline of DRR activities • strengthening community level institutions • sustainable land and water management • small scale mitigation infrastructures • contingency activities • others : policy works, university degree, radio, etc. DRR is extensively implemented across Afghanistan : 34 provinces • North region : Balkh, Saripul, Samangan, Jawzjan, Faryab • North East region : Kunduz, Badakhshan, Takhar, Baghlan • Central region: Kapisa, Logar, Khost, Ghazni, Paktya, Bamyan, Wardak, Kabul, Parwan, Daikundi, Panjsher • West region : Herat, Badghis, Ghor, Farah • East region : Laghman, Nangarhar, Nuristan, Kunar • South region : Hilmand, Uruzgan, Kandahar, Zabul, Nimroz
Available resources about DRR Policies, Strategies, Work plan… • Oxfam GB, ACF, WFP, Concern, Focus, save the Children, NRC has DRR policies while ACTED, SFL and Action Aid policies on DRR is in process • Islamic Relief has global DRR strategy. • Action aid has DRR work plan at district level • Full or part time human resources (DRR, NRM…) • Field level (province, districts) : ActionAid, Acted, Afghanaid, WFP, Concern, Tearfund, SC, CARE, IRC, DACCAR, FOCUS, Islamic Relief and INTERSOS. • Main office country advisors : Acted, Afghanaid, WFP, Concern, Tearfund, SC, Medair, IRC, DACAAR, INTERSOS, SFL and Islamic Relief. • HQ and/or Regional office advisors : CARE master trainers, Oxfam GB • Assessment tools, training curricula, evaluation reports, etc… • Focus, ActionAid, ACTED, Tearfund, Save the children, CoAR (TV Gorbat, Share university), Medair training manual, IRC two training modules, Oxfam GB, SPD training modules, AREA environment training module, SFL Earthquake training and tool, INTERSOS CBDRM and school based DRR training, Islamic Relief tools.
Ways forward Encouraging FSAC partners to mainstream DRR until Dec.2013 • resources and best practices put on line • identify pilot / champion FSAC partners to provide tailored services to • develop ToRs and action plans to pilot FSAC partners • organize a lessons learnt workshop in December 2013 • elaborate a DRR strategy that fits into FSAC mandate • develop advocacy works to address gaps Many thanks for your kind attention…