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Intellectual Property has re-defined the concept of 'Property' perceived conventionally which usually conjures up tangible things such as a land, house, car, jewellery etc.
PARITY PATENTS Global Patent Copyright Services
Patent Issues: Intellectual Property As the interpretation of 'Property' and 'Ownership' evolved over time, Intellectual Property came to be included in the meaning and definition of property, though cannot be seen, felt, touched it is none the less real enough to be audited, encashed, pledged, secured, transferred, bequeathed and sold.
Intellectual Property What is Intellectual Property ? Intellectual Property has re-defined the concept of 'Property' perceived conventionally which usually conjures up tangible things such as a land, house, car, jewellery etc.
Intellectual Property Rights It is also referred to as 'Industrial Property' at times and is inclusive of: • Inventions • Brands • Industrial Designs • Geographical Indications • Integrated Circuits • Copyrights
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