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I Have Lost My Teeth

Believe it or not, we all may lose one or more teeth. This unpleasant experience can happen due to various reasons, such as a bad accident, a severe disease, a hit in a sport, or even the process of aging.

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I Have Lost My Teeth

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  1. https://parkviewdentalvancouver.com/i-have-lost-my-teeth/ I Have Lost My Teeth Believe it or not, we all may lose one or more teeth. This unpleasant experience can happen due to various reasons, such as a bad accident, a severe disease, a hit in a sport, or even the process of aging. When a tooth is lost, especially if it is one of your front teeth, you may feel ashamed of smiling and talking with others. Besides, you will probably face difficulties while chewing. And finally, when a tooth is lost, the adjacent teeth will move to fill the gap that happened because of this tooth loss; as a result, you will suffer from irregular teeth after a while. These days, cosmetic dental treatments have different tooth replacement methods, such as dental bridges, dental implants, and dentures. Those valued Vancouver residents looking for a tooth replacement method can visit the dedicated and experienced dental team at Parkview Dental Implant Centre to restore their healthy teeth and great smiles. In this article, we will briefly explain the two most common types of the mentioned teeth replacement options: dentures and dental implants. If you are one of those who do not know what option to choose, do not miss reading this article. Dentures This cosmetic dental method was the first way to replace missing teeth many years ago. The first dentures were a removable false set of teeth made in laboratories that the patient could put on their gum and take away at night before sleeping. Then, those who wore dentures often complained about their difficulties. For example, they said dentures usually were sleeping while chewing and talking. Or the patients had trouble and sensitiveness when wearing dentures. However, these days, dentures are made in different types: partial and complete, fixed and removable. As the names reply, if you have lost some of your teeth or all of them in both jaws, you can benefit from dentures. Or, if you do not want to remove or take them away, you can go for fixed dentures. To choose the best type, you can visit the dentist and consult him. Dental Implants When it comes to dental implants, it is mostly said that dental implants are a kind of cosmetic dental process. However, most dental specialists believe that this golden treatment is both a restorative and cosmetic dental procedure. How? We will explain in the following. Dental implants are false teeth made of titanium fixed in the patient’s jawbone. These false teeth are designed in a way that not only looks like natural teeth but also functions like natural teeth. So, when you go to replace your lost teeth with an implanted tooth, you can smile confidently once again. This is the cosmetic advantage of this method. In addition, you will no more have difficulties chewing. And finally, you will not face the problem of bone loss because of missing teeth. It means dental implants will somehow guarantee the health of your other teeth, gums and jaw bones. This is the restorative advantage of dental implants.

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