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Testing Distributed Software. ECEN5053 Software Engineering of Distributed Systems University of Colorado, Boulder. Outline. Testing for Software Security – if time Testing Patterns for Distributed Services - Binder’s book Distributed Software Issues and approaches
Testing Distributed Software ECEN5053 Software Engineering of Distributed Systems University of Colorado, Boulder
Outline • Testing for Software Security – if time • Testing Patterns for Distributed Services - Binder’s book • Distributed Software Issues and approaches • Threads and synchronization • Path testing • Life-Cycle • Models and testing implications • Test environment Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Bibliography • Robert V. Binder, Testing Object-Oriented Systems: Models, Patterns, and Tools, Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series, c. 2000, ISBN 0-201-80938-9 (1,190+ pp.) • John McGregor & David Sykes, A Practical Guide to Testing Object-Oriented Software, Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series, c. 2001, ISBN 0-201-32564-0 (393 pp.) • Testing Applications On The Web • Client-Server Testing • Herbert H. Thompson & James Whittaker, Dr. Dobb’s Journal, “Testing for Software Security”, November 2002, pp. 24 - 32. Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Defects specific to concurrent & distributed sw • Failure to synchronize accesses to shared data values can lead to incorrect data values even though each thread is correctly computing its result. • A specific node in a distributed system can fail to perform correctly even though every other node is performing properly. • A network link between nodes can fail while the remainder of the system continues to function. Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Basic concepts review – thread in Binder • thread -- independent context of execution within an operating system process. • Has its own program counter and local data • Smallest unit of execution that can be scheduled • Most operating systems allow a single process to group multiple threads into a related set that shares some properties and keeps others private. • Sequence of computations • Simplest testing situation -- address various entry points and multiple paths through • Multiple threads complication -- share information • Dependencies implies thread order matters Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Basic concepts review -- thread • Developer must provide a synchronization mechanism to ensure correct order • OO languages provide some natural means of synchronization by • hiding attributes behind interfaces • sometimes making threads correspond to objects • synchronization is visible in the object interface • messaging is a key element in synchronization • Class testing would not likely detect synch. defects • Objects must interact to reveal a synch. defect Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Computational Models -- concurrent • Design assumes multiple things are happening at the same time • Testing for concurrency defects • Focus on how two threads interact • Methods should receive typical testing before being exercised in an interaction setting • State-driven testing, for example • Parallel processors in the same “box” -- we’re ignoring this Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Computational Models -- networked • Physical concurrency achieved by linking together separate boxes with communication devices • Communication devices operate at slower speed than the internal data bus • Internet • Difficulty in synchronizing the many independent machines • Times of events are measured by local clocks • Hard to determine thoroughness of testing Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Computational Models -- (truly) distributed • Multiple processes support a flexible architecture • Number of participating objects can change • Objects can be distributed • across multiple processes on the same machine • across multiple physical computers • Components must be able to locate others • naming service known to all components • configuration file may list the machines authorized to participate • part of the infrastructure; may be standardized and reusable on many systems without modification Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
How are distributed models different? • Nondeterminism • Additional infrastructure • Partial failures • Time-outs • Dynamic nature of the structure These basic differences directly impact testing. Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Nondeterminism • Difficult to exactly replicate a test run • Determined by scheduler of the operating system(s) • Changes in programs not associated with the SUT can affect the order in which threads of the SUT are executed. • Just because a defect does not reoccur does not mean it has been repaired correctly. • Leads to certain techniques -- next slide Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Nondeterminism -- continued • More thorough testing at the class level • Review should pursue whether adequate provision for synchronization • Dynamic class testing should determine if synchronization is working correctly in a controlled test environment • Execute a large number of cases trying to record the order in which events occur • Specify a standard test environment --> Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Nondeterminism -- continued • Specify a standard test environment • Clean machine with minimal shared devices • Identify apps that must run for viable platform • Add basic apps that would be on typical machine • Each test case describes what modifications are made to this standard environment • include order in which processes are started • Include a debugger in the standard environment • Isolate these machines from rest of network at least initially Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Additional Infrastructure • Many distributed objects rely on infrastructure provided by a third-party vendor • Create regression suite to test compatibility between the app and the infrastructure • Verify against new releases of the infrastructure • Reconfiguration of the system • Some infrastructures are self-modifying and reconfigure themselves when the system reconfigures itself – (two moving targets!) • A specific input data set can cause a different path to be executed because the previous path no longer exists Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Partial failures • May find a portion of the system cannot (does not) execute because of hardware or software failures on a machine hosting part of the system. • How do you test this? Failures are simulated by • removing or disabling network connections • shutting down a node in the network Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Time-Outs • Networked systems avoid deadlocks by setting timers when a request is sent to another system • If no response is received within the allotted time, the request is abandoned • Software must perform correctly when request is answered and when it isn’t, albeit perhaps differently • Testing should include a variety of loading configurations on machines in the network • Testing should cause partial failures to ensure software works correctly when time-outs are reached Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Dynamic Nature of the Structure • Often built with the capability of changing its configuration • Specific requests may be directed dynamically depending on the load on various machines • Allow a variable number of machines to participate • Tests need to be replicated with a variety of configurations Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Threads • Design trade-off • Increasing the number of threads can simplify algorithms but increase sequencing problems • Reducing the number of threads can make the software more rigid and less efficient • Synchronization - when 2 threads access the same memory location, must ensure non-interference • May try to execute a method that modifies a data value at the same time • Java -- language keyword • C++ -- individual developer constructs • OO language localizes access to the modifier method for the common data attribute Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Specifying synchronization • Design documents: specify synchronization in the guard clauses of the UML state diagram • In Java, synchronize appears in the signature of a method • C++ -- specify synchronization mechanisms as classes; creation of instance of a monitor object indicates the location where synch. is needed. • During reviews, verify that synchronization is specified to occur in the right place, on the right method, etc. Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Defining useful paths • A path is a set of logically contiguous statements that is executed when a specific input set is used. • Multiple new control structures result in new paths, possibly indeterminate number or, worse, infinite. • A path is a set of logically contiguous statements between the definition (assignment) of a value for a variable to the places where the variable is used. • Other definitions of path are more useful in distributed systems Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Significant paths in distributed software • Richard Carver and K. C. Tai, 1998 • SYN-event is any action that involves synchronization of two threads. The spawning of one thread by another is one example. • SYN-sequence is a sequence of SYN-events that will occur in a specified order. This is one type of path through the program code. • Design test cases that correspond to SYN-sequences. • The main thread is not counted in the number of paths because it executes regardless of the data set Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
What type of events are SYN-events? • Creation and destruction of a thread object • Creation and destruction of an object that encapsulates a thread • Sending of a message from an object on one thread to an object on another thread • One object controls another by putting it to sleep or waking it up • Tester traces paths from one of these events to another • Minimal SYN-path coverage covers one path through control statements between one SYN-event and another Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
SYN-paths are necessary, not sufficient • An object that has its own thread should receive thorough testing as a class with its aggregated attributes before being tested in interaction with other objects. • The SYN-path technique identifies defects related to synchronization defects. • Use of the SYN-path technique does not replace the need to use conventional testing to find defects unrelated to synchronization errors. Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Thread models • An object has its own personal thread • An object is visited by an active thread as necessary • Either case, there must be a mechanism to prevent multiple threads from operating in the same modifier method at the same time. • Beware the differences in • Java thread behavior among operating systems • Windows, Sun, Unix, MacOS -- a cross section • Variants of Unix • Different models of workstations w/ different options installed Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Design for Testability • In languages with single inheritance, e.g. Java, the root of every inheritance hierarchy should be an interface. • The test harness must inherit from a tester parent class to also implement the interface. public class TimerTester extends Tester implements TimeObservableIf • Whenever possible, define a default constructor that can be used during unit testing without requiring dependencies on many other classes. The default constructor need not be public. Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Life-cycle Testing in a distributed system • This life cycle is measured by the lifetime of the infrastructure components instantiated to support the system. • Test plan • Test run starting from nothing instantiated, followed by bringing the system up, executing a series of actions, and finally bringing the system completely down. • Did each action complete successfully? • Were all resources allocated by the system released after the system was terminated? • Can the system be restarted successfully? Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
More on life-cycle test plan • Many paths through a complete life-cycle • Select representative paths to provide maximum coverage • Effective life-cycle tests validate correct answers and • Item being tested interacts correctly with its environment • All acquired resources have been released • Other elements with which the tested piece interacts have been left in correct states. Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Basic Client/Server Model – simplest distributed system • Multiple clients all have access to the server • Single point of failure -- the server • What should be tested? • Can server deliver correct results to the correct client under steady load of a moderate number of requests simultaneously over an extended period of time? • Can the server correctly handle a rapidly increasing load? Test set should present a large number of test cases at increasing arrival rates. Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Commercial infrastructures • Simple client/server model generalized to eliminate single point of failure • Client can select among multiple servers • Models abstract away the networking details reducing the error rate of the former primitive pipe- and-socket structures • Commercial infrastructures hide the communication details and support testing systems using the models • CORBA • RMI • Web Services Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
CORBA - as a style • Central element is an object request broker (ORB) • One object uses this to communicate with other objects • A CORBA-compliant system provides services • that allow one object to find others based on objects being requested, location, or load • needed to connect two objects written in different languages or executing on different types of machines • Multiple vendors provide CORBA with competitive differences Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
CORBA -- continued • CORBA standard assumes • machines may have different o.s.’s and different memory layout • components that comprise the distributed system may be written in different languages • infrastructure may change its configuration based on the distribution of objects and the types of machines in the network • Flexible Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
CORBA style – testing implications • Does the system work correctly regardless of its infrastructure configuration? • Can the test cases be made more reusable by building them based on the services of the standard infrastructure? • Does a specific new release of the infrastructure integrate efficiently with existing applications? • Regression test suite and test harness allows new releases of the infrastructure to be tested prior to being integrated into products Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
RMI -- remote method invocation • Java provides a simplified distributed environment that assumes every machine is running a JVM • Structure is similar to CORBA • simpler because of less flexible assumptions • A registry (broker) object is provided • All participating objects must know what port the registry listens to for messages • Testing implications • Which CORBA test patterns can be used in RMI-based systems? Test cases may be structured the same as many CORBA test cases. Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Review of process communication Generic architecture service provider service requester surrogate for provider - stub surrogate for requester - skeleton Communication and location services Process B Process A Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Test the Requester • Stimulus • Most of its behaviors have been previously tested using class testing techniques • Still need to test timing requirements • Requester sends asynchronous msg (1-way), test cases must investigate the effect of the length of the time it takes to receive a reply. • Sender immediately proceeds • May be written to expect answer within window; may not be written to wait if not arrived by then. • Test this interaction under different amounts of latency (different load conditions) Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Provider -- central role • Performs behaviors and sometimes returns information to the requester. • Complete interface of the provider can be tested using the basic class testing techniques. • Behaviors expected to be invoked by other distributed objects require specialized testing (stay tuned!) • Provider is registered with the infrastructure with information about its services. Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
The many faces of the Provider • May be an object waiting actively for a request to be received. • May not be, too. • First, instantiated • Then the request is forwarded to it. • Source of timing differences. • Any provider that can be dynamically instantiated upon request should be exercised using test cases starting from • instantiated scenarios • non-instantiated scenarios. Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Stubs and skeletons • Stub -- surrogate for the provider in the requester process. • Keeps requester from knowing semantics of the infrastructure • Some infrastructures are smart enough to reconfigure themselves depending on whether the two objects are actually • in the same process • in different processes on the same machine • on different machines with different architectures • Reconfiguring involves adding or removing stubs, skeletons, or other method calls Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Stubs and Skeletons • Skeleton -- surrogate for the requester in the provider process. • Keeps provider from knowing semantics of the infrastructure • If infrastructure reconfigures itself to add or remove stubs, skeletons, or other method calls, this changes the path through which the request travels. • Interaction test suites should be designed to execute a set of tests over the path corresponding to each possible configuration. Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Specifying Distributed Objects -- IDL • The spec for service providers is usually written in an interface definition language (IDL). • simpler than a programming language • provides information useful for testing purposes • Signature • Main portion of the IDL spec is the usual signature for a method. • Method name, types of its params, [return type] • Standard techniques for sampling these values (continued ...) Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Specifying Distributed Objects -- IDL • One-way -- asynchronous message • Must be tested over a complete life cycle • Requester may need the requested information before the provider sends it. • Message may result in an exception being thrown by the provider. • Tests should specifically investigate whether exceptions are caught in the correct object. • In, out -- defines if requester is to provide this information or expect the parameter to be modified by the provider. (continued) Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Specifying Distributed Objects -- IDL • in, out (continued) • Tests of a method specifying anoutparameter must • locate the returned object (because most OO languages do not handle this case gracefully) • verify that it has the correct state Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Pre- and Post conditions and Invariants • Remember them?? • Last semester, looked at building test cases based on pre- and post conditions • Distributed components should be designed not to know their location relative to other components • Components DO have to know about the expanded set of possible errors. • Post conditions now include exceptions for scenarios such as a service that is not available from the specified provider • What else? Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Test cases for implicit, ever-present errors • “Ever-present errors” are those that the developer doesn’t bother to state in the post condition as a possible outcome because, “Everybody knows that!” • Test the requester for proper handling of • Provider not found • Provider busy -- time-out • Null provider reference • Any null pointer is a problem but some infrastructures invalidate a pointer after some amount of inactivity. Oops. • Null “out-parameter” • Include in test a checklist for the type of class being constructed Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Temporal Testing • Eventually • Until • Always Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Test Environment • Using a wrapper to test the OUT interface of a class Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Test Environment • Interaction testing • 2 objects distributed in separate processes • Testing a complete protocol is important • In distributed systems ... whether msgs are really received in an order even if they are sent in the sequence described by the protocol. • more to this ... Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Model-Specific Test Cases • Basic Client/Server Model Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado
Model-Specific Test Cases -- cont. • Generic Distribution Model • Different models make different assumptions about the type of application and the deployment environment • Tests should focus on these assumptions • Some can be tested during guided inspections Testing Distributed Software, ECEN5053, Univ. of Colorado