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Introduction to Digital Hardware Design S01: Introduction to HDLWorld

This course provides an introduction to developing digital circuits using hardware description language (HDL) and prototyping them on FPGA hardware. Topics include combinatorial and sequential circuits, state machines, modular design, and digital circuit development flow.

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Introduction to Digital Hardware Design S01: Introduction to HDLWorld

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  1. Introduction to Digital Hardware Design S01: Introduction to HDLWorld Dr. Khaled Benkrid (Author) k.benkrid@ieee.org Reviewed and updated by; Prof. W. Adi

  2. Course Specification • Aim • To produce students who are capable of developing synchronous digital circuits from high level functional specifications and prototyping them on to FPGA hardware using a standard hardware description language (Verilog in our case) • Pre-requisites: • Knowledge and understanding of the basics of combinational and synchronous digital circuits

  3. Course Specification • Objectives • To explain and illustrate combinatorial and sequential circuits and present a number of ways of designing, and capturing them in a standard hardware description language; • To explain and illustrate basic and linked state machines for controlling circuit behaviour, and present a number of ways of designing, and capturing them in standard hardware description language; • To explain and illustrate the notion of “modular design” and “design for reuse”, and ways of capturing this in a standard hardware description language; • To present a digital circuit development flow that captures functional specification, design, simulation, synthesis, implementation and testing on FPGA hardware, and illustrate it using a commercial tool suite.

  4. Course Timetable – 1/4 • Section 1 • 30 Min: Introductory lecture • 3 hours: Lab session 1: "HelloWorld" and "HelloLotsofWorlds" modules, with 15mn break in between • 30 Min: Lecture on sequential digital hardware • 3 hours: Lab session 2: “HelloSynchronousWorld", "ShiftingTheWorld" and "ShiftingManyWorlds" lab modules, with 15mn break in between

  5. Course Timetable 2/4 • Section 2 • 30 min: Lecture on combinational digital hardware • 3 hours: Lab session 3: "CountingTheWorld" and "TimingTheWorld" modules, with 15mn break in between • 30 min: Short lecture on coding styles • 3 hours: Lab session 4: "DecodingTheWorld" module, with 15mn break in between

  6. Course Timetable 3/4 • Section 3 • 30 min: Short lecture on the BASYS 2 board’s 7-Segment Displays • 3 hours: Lab session 5: "TimingTheWorldInDecimalNow" module, with 15mn break in between • 30 min: Short lecture on the BASYS 2 board’s VGA port • 3 hours: Lab session 6: "ColouringTheWorld" module, with 15mn break in between

  7. Course Timetable 4/4 • Section 4 • 30 min: Introduction to state machines • 3 hours: Lab session 7: "TheWorldofStateMachines" and "TheWorldofLinkedStateMachine" modules, with 15mn break in between • 30 min: Short lecture on the Snake Game • 3 hours: Lab session 8: "SNAKE" Game module, with 15mn break in between

  8. An Introduction to FPGAs Reconfigurable Input/Output Cell Reconfigurable Logic Cell Programmable Switch Block Specific blocks (e.g. Memory, Multipliers, Embedded Processors ) Programmable Routing switches • Generic Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) architecture

  9. An Introduction to FPGAs Programmable Switch Block Programmable routing Switch X X X X X X X X X X Programmable Switch • Generic Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) architecture • Most commercial FPGAs are based on SRAM technology (volatile). Others include non-volatile Flash and one-time programmable fuse technology.

  10. An Introduction to FPGAs • Xilinx’ Virtex-5 FXT FPGA Input/Output e.g. 6.5 Gbps serial links, up to 1200 pins Configurable Logic Blocks (CLBs) 50,000+ (Up to 500MHz) PowerPC 440 @550MHz DSP48 Blocks (e.g. MACs) BlockRAMs 288x36Kb PCI-e Interface

  11. An Introduction to FPGAs • Xilinx’ Virtex-5 FXT FPGA: CLB architecture

  12. Computing Platform Alternatives 1/2 • General Purpose Processors (GPPs) e.g. Pentium • Software reprogrammableand general purpose • Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) • Field CustomisableReprogrammable hardware • Application-specific processor (ASIPs), e.g. DSP • Software reprogrammable, optimised for a particular class of applications • Fixed Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) • Non reprogrammable, fully customised to only the application in hand

  13. Computing Platform Alternatives 2/2 Flexibility Speed Performance

  14. Why FPGAs? Memory Arithmetic Logic Unit e.g. MAC Control Unit • Unlike ASIPs/GPPs, FPGAs are not constrained by the Von Neumann architecture • FPGAs have ASIC-like performance and power consumption, with the additional re-programmability feature • FPGAs have a shorter development cycle, lower Non-Recurring Engineering costs compared to ASICs • FPGAs are nowadays widely used in Telecommunications, networking, automotive, industrial and consumer electronics • They are also widely used for prototyping ASIC designs before fabrication Instructions executed sequentially cycle by cycle in a Von Neumann architecture

  15. FPGA Programming Tools • FPGA are programmed through a bit-file which describes the configuration of all switches in the fabric • FPGA Programming tools have improved greatly since FPGAs’ early days in the mid 1980’s: • Schematic design: mid-80’s – 90’s • Hardware Description Languages (HDLs): 90’s - Present • Structured (Geometric) hardware design environments: 90’s - present • Graphical design environments: 90’s - present • Object-Oriented hardware design languages: 90’s - present • Hardware design languages from High Level Languages (HLLs): 90’s – present

  16. FPGA Programming Tools Design entry Schematic capture Library of symbols FDC Data Dout CLK EN Schematic to Netlist converter Gate level netlist e.g. EDIF, XNF, … Place-and-route FPGA Configuration 1 - Schematic Design • Since the early days of the technology • Intuitive way of designing circuits • Technology dependent • Not programmatic though – Not easy to scale up and parameterise • Not easy to port to other tools/environments

  17. FPGA Programming Tools Hardware Description Languages (HDLs) e.g. Verilog module Multiplexor_2_to_1( input In0, input In1, input Select, output reg Out ); always@(In0 or In1 or Select) ….. endmodule Design entry HDL Synthesis Gate level netlist e.g. EDIF, XNF, … Place-and-route FPGA Configuration 2- Hardware Description Languages (HDLs) • Became more popular since mid-1990’s • Programmatic approach – easy to scale up and parameterise • Easy to port to other tools/environments • Industry standard HDLs: VHDL, Verilog • Can describe circuits at different levels of abstractions

  18. FPGA Programming Tools Select[1] Select[0] In0 0 Out In1 1 Multiplexer_4_to_1 2 In2 3 In3 2- Hardware Description Languages (HDLs) • Behavioural Description • Describes how the circuit behaves • Borrows high level language constructs (procedure calls, control structures etc.) • Can include time delays • Saves design time at the expense of some loss of implementation efficiency module Multiplexor_4_to_1( input In0, input In1, input In2, input In3, input [1:0] Select, output reg Out ); always@(In0 or In1 or In2 or In3 or Select) case (Select) 2’b00 : Out = In0; 2’b01 : Out = In1; 2’b10 : Out = In2; 2’b11 : Out = In3; endcase endmodule

  19. FPGA Programming Tools In0 In2 In1 In3 0 1 0 1 Select[1] Mux_1 Mux_2 Multiplexer_2_to_1 Multiplexer_2_to_1 0 1 Select[0] Mux_3 Multiplexer_2_to_1 Out 2- Hardware Description Languages (HDLs) • Structural Description • Component-based design • Could be used as the text equivalent of schematic entry • Can result in highly efficient implementations module Multiplexer_4_to_1( input In0, input In1, input In2, input In3, input [1:0] Select, output reg Out ); wire temp1, temp2; Multiplexer_2_to_1 mux_1( .In0(In0), .In1(In2), .Select(Select[1]), .Out(temp1) ); Multiplexer_2_to_1 mux_2( .In0(In1), .In1(In3), .Select(Select[1]), .Out(temp2) ); Multiplexer_2_to_1 mux_3( .In0(temp1), .In1(temp2), .Select(Select[0]), .Out(Out) ); endmodule1

  20. FPGA Programming Tools • Most hardware designs include a mixture of the above abstraction levels • We also distinguish between synthesisable HDL code and non-synthesisable HDL code • Synthesisable HDL is HDL code that can be compiled and mapped on to hardware • Non-synthesisable HDL is HDL code which cannot be compiled and mapped into hardware. It is often used for simulation purposes • Most HDL languages (e.g. Verilog, VHDL) have a synthesisable subset and a non- synthesisable one

  21. FPGA Programming Tools module D_Flip_Flop_testbench; // Inputs reg CLK, IN; // Outputs wire OUT, OUTBAR; // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT) HelloSynchronousWorld uut ( .CLK(CLK), IN(IN), .OUT(OUT), .OUTBAR(OUTBAR) ); initial begin CLK = 0; forever #100 CLK = ~CLK; end initial begin // Initialize Inputs IN = 0; #50 IN = 1; #50 IN = 0; #200 IN = 1; #20 IN = ~IN; #100; end endmodule module D_Flip_Flop( input CLK, input IN, output reg OUT, output reg OUTBAR ); always@(posedge CLK) begin OUT <= IN; OUTBAR <= ~IN; end endmodule Synthesisable Verilog Code Non-synthesisable Verilog Code (Testbench for simulation)

  22. Software/Hardware Used in The Lab • In this course, you will learn to use a standard Hardware Description Language called Verilog for FPGA hardware programming • You will target real FPGA hardware in the form of a BASYS2 FPGA card from DIGILENT, Inc, which has a Spartan 3E FPGA chip from Xilinx, Inc. • You can purchase the board from Digilent Inc. for ~US $50 (http://www.digilentinc.com/)

  23. Software/Hardware Used in The Lab The FPGA hardware development software suite that you will use in the labs is Xilinx ISE You can download a free version of ISE called WebPACK from Xilinx website: http://www.xilinx.com/support/download/index.htm With the free WebPack software and the BASYS2 board, you can develop your digital hardware skills from home or from anywhere else!

  24. Software/Hardware Used in The Lab

  25. Lab Session 1 The first lab session (HelloWorld and HelloLotsofWorlds modules) will introduce & familiarise you with the tools used throughout this lab (Xilinx ISE) and Digilent BASYS2 board. You will also implement your first piece of HDL code on reconfigurable hardware

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