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PK-5 Math Forum

PK-5 Math Forum. Erin Wheeler Erie 2 BOCES- IES. 2/13/13. Housekeeping-. Security at Wheelock State your name and the workshop you are attending at the door. Please remain in the areas near our hallways. Housekeeping-. MathForum Listserve We have just one listserve for PK-6.

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PK-5 Math Forum

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PK-5 Math Forum Erin Wheeler Erie 2 BOCES- IES 2/13/13

  2. Housekeeping- • Security at Wheelock • State your name and the workshop you are attending at the door. • Please remain in the areas near our hallways.

  3. Housekeeping- • MathForumListserve • We have just one listserve for PK-6

  4. Forum Messages- agendas, reminders, updates, follow-up etc. PK-5 6-12 Other Using the listserve to ask a “big picture” question. Type in the address of the listserve In the subject line Identify the Target Audience (PK-5 or 6-12)- Descriptive Title Having the Target Audience identified makes it easy to delete emails that don’t pertain to you.

  5. List Serve and Forum Structure for Next Year? The math forum listserve will continue to be the vehicle for forum news and big picture announcements. PK-5 6-12 Other Do we need smaller grade band specific list- serves for ongoing discussion? PK-2 3-5 6-8 9-12 How do we accommodate the increasing numbers of participants? How do we respond to an increase in content and grade specific information?

  6. Weebly • Reorganized to accommodate grade specific information. • As we develop resources that fill in gaps for the modules, we will post them on the module pages.

  7. Modules • Currently we have • Module 3 for 2nd and 5th grade • Module 5 for K and 3rd grade • Best Case Scenario- • First module for K-5 in May. • First semester’s worth of modules in July • Second semester’s worth of modules in November

  8. Modules • Resource lists- Generated as the modules are built. I don’t have a year-long list of resources at this time. This is just a suggested list. • Modules are being constructed as end products and not as transitional documents. (Assumes prior teaching and that students/teachers have familiarity with content and routines)

  9. Modules • Original design- one sample lesson per main topic (A,B,C…) • Current design- a lesson for each subtopic. (3rd grade module on fraction. 30 lessons vs 6 lessons) • Call for additional writers- • Send resume ASAP, Training in NYC, 15 hr. a week writing curriculum, most meetings conducted virtually • http://commoncore.org/careers.php

  10. Mindsets • Growth Mindset- intelligence can be developed through hard work and effort, failure is an opportunity to grow. • Fixed Mindset- intelligence is innate, you have it or you don’t, failure shows that you are lacking intelligence, avoiding challenges is a strategy for saving face.

  11. Carol Dweck Mindset • How did the use of praise impact student problem solving ability. Consider how this research could relate to the challenges we face getting our students to persevere in problem solving (MP1).

  12. Mindsets • How did the use of praise impact student problem solving ability. Consider how this research could relate to the challenges we face getting our students to persevere in problem solving (MP1). • Share your thoughts with your table. Appoint a recorder for your table and use our space within Today's Meet to jot down your table's reflections.

  13. Grade Level Meetings • Take turns sharing the student work you brought (if you were able to). • Go around the table and discuss how the work illustrates the thinking of the Common Core • Go around the table and discuss how the work could be extended • When you have shared all the student work, discuss any other resources or ideas that might be beneficial to support your colleagues as they implement the Common Core. • PK-K (table 6) • 1 (table 1) • 2 (table 2) • 3 (table 3) • 4 (table 4) • 5 (table 5) http://learnzillion.com/

  14. Instructional Shifts Shift 1 Focus Shift 2 Coherence Shift 3 Fluency Shift 4 Deep Understanding Shift 5 & 6 Application and Dual Intensity

  15. Reflection of the Shifts in the TestQuestions • When we compare the tests from the past with the present, we see that: • Questions from previous tests were simpler, one or two steps, or were heavily scaffolded. The new questions will requires multiple steps involving the interpretation of operations. • Questions from the past were heavy on pure fluency in isolation. The new questions require conceptual understanding and fluency in order to complete test questions.

  16. Reflection of the Shifts in the TestQuestions • Questions from past tests isolated the math. The new problems are in a real world problem context. • Questions of old relied more on the rote use of a standard algorithm for finding answers to problems. The new questions require students to do things like decompose numbers and/or shapes, apply properties of numbers, and with the information given in the problem reach an answer. Relying solely on algorithms will not be sufficient.

  17. Language of the Standards 2.NBT.7 Add and subtract within 1000, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method. Understand that in adding or subtracting three-digit numbers, one adds or subtracts hundreds and hundreds, tens and tens, ones and ones; and sometimes it is necessary to compose or decompose tens or hundreds.

  18. Strategies for Building Student Success • Teach Like A Champion- “49 Techniques that put students on the path to college” by Doug Lemov • Practice Perfect- “42 Rules for getting better at getting better” by Lemov, Woolway, Yezzi

  19. No Opt Out Technique Notes Why is the technique important? How might this technique help you encourage a growth mindset? Four ways to get to an answer…

  20. Directions- • The Teacher should start by asking Student A a simple question like “What is 3 plus 5?” • Student A will be unable to answers, but in a different way and with a different tone each time. • Think of how you might respond in each situation • Practice using Student Z to provide a correct answer before you use No Opt Out to return to the original student.

  21. Where is this going? • Simple Feedback – • Student Z- Next time try… and repeat the trial applying the feedback

  22. Stretching the Technique • Not just for low level knowledge questions  • Our practice has been exaggerated and simplified to build automaticity, but we don’t stop there!

  23. Compare the Transcript • What do you notice about the technique in these contexts?

  24. Try It • The chef put ¼ of the meat on the grill to make one burger and put the rest in the refrigerator. Draw a 2-part number bond showing the fraction of the meat on the grill and the fraction in the refrigerator. Draw a visual model of all the meat. Shade what is in the refrigerator. (5.B.42- Third Grade) • What fraction of the meat was in the refrigerator? • How many other such burgers can the chef make from what is in the refrigerator? Teacher poses question a or b. Student A says “I don’t know.” Student Z may be used to supply a piece of info, but scaffold your questions to help Student A get it.

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