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credibility. uncertainty. “pursue happiness”. international. mac vs pc. wikipedia. american. adolescence. famous. single. international. basketball. reality TV. “express yourself”. sports. iTunes. Online. facebook. american idol. iraq war. relationships. Associative.
credibility uncertainty “pursue happiness” international mac vs pc wikipedia american adolescence famous single international basketball reality TV “express yourself” sports iTunes Online facebook american idol iraq war relationships Associative two incomes Wireless global Mentoring dating feedback automation cell phones continuous partial attention high school Mobile dream job Leadership Confident piercings opportunity simplicity value systems technology Facilitation Social Movements feedback Participation Individuality team orientated “you can do anything” Blogs problem solvers impacting 911 Generation Y determination “stand up for yourself” terrorism helicopter parents college iPod passion online Characteristics Convergence government Video “respect yourself” interactive lifestyle competition environment Collaboration micromanagement Opportunity Mobility internet family easily bored equality Open safety RSS web 2.0 Direct Google karate Adaptable seeks mentors connected Data Driven personal planner Diverse job environment myspace “just be yourself” instant Productive guitar hero be respectful praised bureaucracy soccer camp expectations Instantaneous democracy conform
Gen X Baby Boomers Gen Y Births (in thousands) Birth Year
There are over 70 million people in the US belonging to Generation Y.
Just like the Baby Boomers, Generation Yis a very large group of people that is IMPACTING society
25% Generation Y is currently ~ of the US workforce, and is projected to be ~47% of the US workforce by 2014.
Every generation is a product of theenvironment they are raised in.
Google youTube Daily Show SpaceShipOne eBay Steroids iTunes CD’s The 2000 Election Crisis Columbia Accident Internet Online Shopping Southpark Columbine Starbucks Barry Bonds Gen Y Formative Events Amazon.com 9-11 mac vs. pc Gaming Terrorism Simpsons abu ghraib Reality TV Technology Challenger Accident Blogging The Iraq War Clinton Impeachment Franchises Cable Napster MTV The Dean Campaign Oprah Celebrity Scandals Global Warming Tupac Death
A generation that is individualistic Generation Y is more individualistic than earlier generations and demands autonomy in their opinions and behavior.
A generation that is team-oriented Generation Y thinks in terms of teams and many enjoy working in groups, preferably with peers, where they can share their ideas and talents.
A generation that is confident Generation Y was raised with advice such as “anything is possible”, to “follow your dreams”, to “be what you want to be”, to “pursue happiness,” and to “just be yourselves.”
A generation that is ambitious … and ambitions only grow stronger for those that attend college. Technical excellence is a starting point and is inherently assumed.
A generation that is expecting Expectations arise from absorbing the culture and environment around them. High expectations for salary, job flexibility, lifestyle, technology, and their future.
A generation that is “famous” Ordinary people can find an audience on the internet and participate in reality TV shows. Because of this, Generation Y is very comfortable with social interactions.
A generation that is open Generation Y is fiercely uninhibited and is more willing to share feelings and personal information. Opportunity linked to willingness to share online.
A generation that is direct Generation Y is compulsively honest and will give and expect honest feedback.
A generation that is empowered This generation was encouraged to pursue happiness, follow their dreams, and embrace individuality. They have a strong sense of self-worth and responsibility.
A generation that is wired & wireless Generation Y enjoys the convenience of communicating electronically and wirelessly. Yet, many are equally concerned about privacy.
A generation that is global Generation Y grew up in and interacts with a world that is connected, accessible, and open.
A generation that is mobile Work at the office, or the coffee shop, or the beach, or the hotel lobby, or the airport. Always on the move.
A generation that is independent Childhood filled with instability, unpredictability, and uncertainty. They have no expectation for lifetime employment and don’t assume social security will support them.
A generation that is information rich Many get bored or frustrated if the information flow is poor or too slow. Continuous partial attention and multi-tasking is a result.
A generation that is associative Generation Y makes decisions based on associations and relationships. Many are attracted to large social movements. Many are civic or mission minded.
A generation that is instantaneous Generation Y is used to giving and receiving information immediately. Anything is just a Google search away.
A generation that is always “on” Their networks and conversations don’t “end.” They blur the lines between work and life.
A generation that is impatient Used to an environment of “instant gratification” and constant “praise.” Sometimes unrealistically so.
A generation that is adaptable Generation Y is quick to cope with complexity and can increase or decrease their levels of attention on demand.
A generation that is diverse Generation Y is a diverse group as far as race, religion, and lifestyle, so they tend to be more accepting and less judgmental of others.
here A generation that is And is already having a large impact on the workforce!
A generation that can absorb discontinuous information and make meaning of it.
A generation that can see the global view and leverage their optimism for a better future.
A generation that can use tools and create technology to change the world in new ways.
A generation that can cope with extreme complexity.
A generation that can provide energy and insight into process and system improvements.
A generation that can be extremely productive and supportive, if engaged.
A generation that can negotiate diverse or international situations well.
A generation that can innovate and communicate in new and distinctive ways.
“Failure” for many in Generation Y is: Not pursuing an opportunity; not trying Not effectively managing school, work, and life balance Not being true to oneself; compromising integrity Not making a difference; being ignored Not succeeding; not being challenged Being “normal”
“Expectations” for the work environment: Flexible, informal, decentralized work environments Team atmospheres Focus on results, not time spent on the job Need to feel valued Appreciate open communication and feedback Follow leaders based on credibility (not authority) Frustrated by bureaucracy and red tape Not necessarily afraid of losing their job Not being bored is a prerequisite Like to learn by hands-on opportunities; failure is an option “If I’m not challenged, I’ll find something better to do” Openly talk about career paths and options Desire the workplace to be fun Value diversity and globalization
Thoughts for Generation Y: Understand and respect other perspectives Be respectful; it may be done that way for a reason Realize that other attitudes are not wrong, they are just different Seek out mentors Use technology to make the job easier Set goals, again. Take risks. Turn boredom into a positive contribution at work Ask to be involved Strive to understand the system Be willing to compromise Share your success and enable others Volunteer, Invest, Network Smile If all else fails, wear a suit
Thoughts for Employers: Understand and respect other perspectives Be direct, not abstract Realize that other attitudes are not wrong, they are just different Embrace technology Allow for a collaborative, participatory environment or system Mentor and coach others; create custom career paths Earn respect, don’t assume it Provide an opportunity to learn by doing Don’t expect others to conform Provide interactive training Encourage skill development, not loyalty Try not to micromanage Remember how the previous generation misunderstood you Allow for flexible, personalized work environments Involve others in the “big picture”
References: General Content: Inspired by the“Generation Y Perspectives” Presentation, 2007; http://www.opennasa.com/files …as well as numerous interview s, books, articles, blogs, tweets (www.twitter.com) and websites. Cover art inspired from: http://kosmar.de/archives/2005/11/11/the-huge-cloud-lens-bubble-map-web20/ Statistical Data: Just Google “Gen Y” or visit Wikipedia for references. 70 million is a conservative number. Additional Formative Events Info: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m4021/is_2001_Sept_1/ai_78426787 Failure, Expectations for Workplace: Some content inspired by “Generation Me” by Jean M. Twenge, Ph.D, 2006. Advice: Content gathered through various research, discussions, and observations Created by Nick Skytland, Garret Fitzpatrick and Kristen Painting in association with Mary Lynne Dittmar, Madi Sengupta, William Pomerantz, Diana Trujillo, Brooke Owens, Mark Barnett and feedback at the 2008 ISDC conference.