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Directions in Neutron Source Development. Physics Colloquium Brookhaven National Laboratory Thomas E. Mason Laboratory Director Upton, New York November 21, 2007. Neutron sources: How far have we come?. SNS. 10 18. SNS. ESS. ILL. HFIR. NRU. MTR. ISIS. 10 15. LANSCE. HFBR. KENS.
Directions in NeutronSource Development Physics ColloquiumBrookhaven National Laboratory Thomas E. MasonLaboratory Director Upton, New YorkNovember 21, 2007
Neutron sources:How far have we come? SNS 1018 SNS ESS ILL HFIR NRU MTR ISIS 1015 LANSCE HFBR KENS NRX IPNS ZING-P SINQ-II SINQ Tohoku Linac X-10 1012 ZING-P 109 Thermal Neutron Flux (n/cm2-sec) CP-2 Berkeley37-inch cyclotron Next-generation sources CP-1 106 Fission reactors Particle driven (steady-state) Particle driven (pulsed) 0.35-mCi Ra-Be source trendline reactors 103 trendline pulsed sources Chadwick ORNL 97-3924f/djr 100 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 (Updated from Neutron Scattering, K. Skold and D. L. Price: eds., Academic Press, 1986) Brookhaven_0711
We have consistently managedto squeeze more out of existing sources • By adding cold sources to existing reactors: • NIST, JRR-3M, HFIR, etc., and more coming • By improving target/moderator optimization: • SINQ target, Lujan coupled moderators • Accelerators also have the potential for increase in beam power • Well exploited by high-energy physicists (e.g., AGS) • Increases in current at ISIS, Lujan, PSI • Next-generation sources (J-PARC and SNS) have made provision for power increases in their design What are the prospects for iterative improvement on the current technology base? Brookhaven_0711
The 20-year plan for SNS • Evolve along path envisagedin Russell Panel specifications • In 20 years: • Operating ~45best-in-class instruments • Two differently optimizedtarget stations • Beam power of 3–4 MW • Long WavelengthTarget Station (LWTS)and Power Upgrade should followa sequence that mesheswith deployment of initial capabilityand national needs • Similar developments likely elsewhere:Japan, China, Europe, . . . Brookhaven_0711
Power upgrade • Increase energyby adding to SC linac • Allows storageof more current in accumulator ring • Relatively straightforward for ring and linac 3-MW linac at 6% duty factorscales to 50 MW CW(not ours) 5 Managed by UT-Battellefor the Department of Energy Brookhaven_0711
SNS external antenna H– source Heliconplasmagenerator Ions Meeting the H– needs of the SNS power upgrade:Helicon driver for the SNS ion source • Demanding requirements: • Beam current: 70–95 mA • Pulse length: 1 ms • Duty factor: 7.4% • Proof-of-principle experiment (LDRD funding) to combine • VASIMR helicon plasma generator, ORNL Fusion Energy Division • SNS H– ion source, ORNL-LBNL • Expected to increasemaximum source plasma density(by a factor of ≥3) at reducedrf power, resulting in: • Increased H– current • Reduced heat removal requirements Helicon test facility, Building 7625 Goulding et al., AIP Conf. Proc.933, 493–496 (2007) Brookhaven_0711
One potential bottleneck: Stripping H– Novel approach to laser stripping: Use a narrowband laser to convert H– to protonsfor high-power operations Laser beam High-fielddipole magnet High-fielddipole magnet H– H0 a H0* proton Lorentz stripping Laserexcitation Lorentzstripping H– H0 + e– H0(n = 1) + g H0*(n = 3) H0* p + e– V. Danilov et al., Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 10, 053501 (2007) Brookhaven_0711
Proof-of-principle experiment at SNS Light invacuum chamber Magnetic insertions Laser and optics H– beamcurrent Stripped electrons by laser light Stripping efficiency> 90% 12 8 4 0 30 40 50 60 Brookhaven_0711
Another potential bottleneck: Target Pressure pulse mitigation • Bubble injection (shock absorbers) • Proton radiography bubble visualization experiment: • Analysis is progressing, with about 500 images processed • Quantification of bubble sizes, numbers, and void fractionover a wide range of test conditions pRad bubble visualizationexperiment, LANL • Test conditions • Mercury thickness: 22 mm • Mercury velocity = 0.4 m/s • Helium gas flow throughjet bubbler 1: 140 sccm Brookhaven_0711
Original SNS-LWTS concept (Developed without assumption of additional beam power) Brookhaven_0711
Optimizing the neutronic environment and increasing beam power Time-averaged neutron spectra • We have many knobsfor tuning moderator/ reflector designto maximizeuseful neutrons • Timing • Energy • We don’t have verygood ways to tailorneutron direction 1.E+15 1.E+14 1.E+13 Brightness (n/s/cm2/sr/eV/MW) Second target station 1.E+12 Russell Panel Long-Wavelength Target Station High Power Target Station, beamline 5 1.E+11 1.E–05 1.E–04 1.E–03 1.E–02 1.E–01 1.E–00 Energy (eV) Brookhaven_0711
Source development • No existing or under construction source takes advantageof spallation process efficiency to make more neutrons • We have taken advantage of spectra and time tailoring to make more “useful” neutrons Figure courtesy K.N. Clausen, PSI Brookhaven_0711
Neutron production • For power density limit,the ANS reactor designprobably representsa practical extreme(~5 ILL) • CW spallation sourcenot likely to have more than 20 ILLwithout going to large target volume(lower flux) Brookhaven_0711
Father of all spallation sources:Lawrence’s Materials Testing Accelerator • Deuteron acceleratorfor production of plutonium and tritium • NaK-cooledBe target • 500 MeV • 320 mA • 160 MW Brookhaven_0711
The neutrons themselvesare becoming a problem! 15 Managed by UT-Battellefor the Department of Energy Brookhaven_0711
What about the instruments? • We are bumping upagainst the limitin terms of steradians(and space) • We still have lotsof room to improve: • Optics • Sample environment • Detector speed, resolution, efficiency, background 16 Managed by UT-Battellefor the Department of Energy Brookhaven_0711
We shouldn’t ignore non-neutronic improvements: ZEEMANS beamline Ze Extreme MagneticNeutron Spectrometer SNS Target Building Choppers Neutron guide Existing buildings Magnet Detectors Spacefor future second magnet Preliminary concept: High magnetic field (≥30 T) instrument on SNS beamline 14 Johns Hopkins, SNS, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, others Brookhaven_0711
Limits to growth • Intrinsic difficulties of dealing with extremely high neutron flux (radiation/activation, detectors) will ultimately limit useven if we solve the energy density problems through ingenuityor even more efficient production (fusion) • Solvable to some extent with money: Remote handlingof accelerator/significant parts of instruments,target + higher speed detectors with correspondinglysegmented electronics • Current “limit” on regional-scale scientific facilityis $1–2B (or Euros, Oku Yen, etc.) • Global model (ILC/ITER) might provide another orderof magnitude, but doesn’t work so well when capacityis as much an issue as performance • Current (3rd-generation?) spallation source technologywill scale to 3–5 MW with reasonable progressin ongoing R&D • Likely another order of magnitude in a 4th-generation(short pulse, long pulse, or CW: TBD) 18 Managed by UT-Battellefor the Department of Energy Brookhaven_0711
Overcoming the limits • Beyond a 4th generation of spallation sources(plus continued use of reactors when there is synergywith nuclear energy or isotope interests),things get harder • We may be hitting the “neutron limit” with either 100 SNS spallation or a fusion source, unless the economicsof science policy undergoes a fundamental shift • This highlights the importance of continuing to developways to make more useful neutrons • The x-ray community’s log plot world only applies to useful x-rays • Our success in arranging our neutronsmore usefully in time begs a question:What is the optimal time structure for scattering? • Current debate is constrained by the accelerators • Also: What can we do about spatial distribution? Brookhaven_0711
Update on SNS:Exceeding early power ramp-up goals 160 Actual 120 Commitment Integrated Beam Power (MW-hours) 80 40 0 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct FY 2007 Brookhaven_0711
SNS is now the world’s most powerfulpulsed neutron source Brookhaven_0711
We are on schedulefor commissioning instruments Brookhaven_0711
Backscattering spectrometer Brookhaven_0711
Backscattering spectrometer:Measurement of a “spin ice” • Holmium titanate spin icedoped with nonmagnetic(La) voids: Ho1.6La0.4Ti2O7 • SNS at 150 kW, 30 Hz • Spectra: 10 h • 0 < Q < 1.8 Å–1(Q-independentspin dynamics) Are the spin dynamics thermally activated or defect assisted? Georg Ehlers, SNS Brookhaven_0711
Backscattering spectrometer:Hydration-water-induceddynamic transitions in lysozymes 1013 TL = 223 K 1012 Bulk water Reversible 1011 Water-lysozyme h = 0.3 1/D (sec/m2) VFT fit Cpmax Arrhenius fit Irreversible denatured 1010 VFT fit TD Strong-to-fragiledynamic crossoverin protein hydration water is conjecturedto initiate reversible protein denaturation 109 Native 108 2.6 3.0 3.4 3.8 4.2 4.6 5.0 1,000/T (K-1) Sow-Hsin Chen, MIT Brookhaven_0711
Backscattering spectrometer:Hydration-water-induceddynamic transitions in lysozymes (continued) Brookhaven_0711
Reflectometers 27 Managed by UT-Battellefor the Department of Energy Brookhaven_0711
Liquids reflectometer:pH-responsive weak poly-electrolyte multilayers • Sample • Multilayer consisting of • Poly(methacrylic acid) [PMAA]water-soluble acid • Quaternized poly(vinylpyrolidone)[PVP] salt (ionic) • Deuterated d-PMAA markersevery fifth bilayer • Goals • Determine how film reacts to changes in pH • First step to controlling release in vivo Kharlampieva and Sukhishvili (Stevens Institute of Technology) and Tao, Halbert, and Ankner (SNS), submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. Brookhaven_0711
Si3N4 Mn 10 Si3N4 Si Magnetism reflectometer:Where does the ferromagnetism reside? H. Ambaye, R. Goyette, A. Parizzi, F. Klose, and G. Felcher Brookhaven_0711
31 Managed by UT-Battellefor the Department of Energy Brookhaven_0711