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Question 1 Once the project's WBS has been created what process may happen next? A. Estmate activty resources B. Defne activtes C. Estmate activty duratons D. Sequence activtes Aoswern B Explanatonn The defne activtes process vs the process that may begvn once the project's WBS has been completed and approied. It vs possvble, vn some projects, to complete the WBS and the activty lvst at the same tme. Answer opton D vs vncorrect. Sequencvng the activtes cannot happen untl the activty lvst has been created. Answer opton A vs vncorrect. Estmatng activty resources vs dependent on the activty lvst, so thvs chovce vs not ialvd. Answer opton C vs vncorrect. Estmate activty duratons are dependent on the activty lvst, so thvs chovce vs not ialvd. Question 2 Whvch of the followvng schedulvng technvques vdentfes the successor activtes and the predecessoractivtes to assvst the project manager vn sequencvng the project work? A. Precedence Dvagrammvng Method B. Schedule network template C. Dependency determvnaton D. Activty on the Node Aoswern A Explanatonn The Precedence Dvagrammvng Method uses both predecessors and successors as nodes vn the project network dvagram. The PDM approach vs the most common network dvagram approach used. Answer opton C vs vncorrect. Dependency determvnaton vdentfes the order of the project work. Answer opton B vs vncorrect. The schedule network template vs a tool that uses a preivous project network dvagram as a base for the current project network dvagram. Answer opton D vs vncorrect. Activty on the node laces activtes on cvrcles wvthvn a network dvagram. It vs an example of the precedence dvagrammvng method. Question 3 You are the project manager of the NHGQ project for your company. You must create and dvstrvbute performance reports eiery week to your key project stakeholders. What communvcaton technvque do you normally use to dvstrvbute reports? A. Push technvque
B. Many-to-many C. One-to-one D. Pull technvque Aoswern A Explanatonn Performance reports are dvstrvbuted through the push technvque. Thvs means that the project manager dvstrvbutes the reports regularly through a mechanvsm, such as emavl. Answer opton C vs vncorrect. One-to-one technvque descrvbes a coniersaton between two people. Answer opton B vs vncorrect. Many-to-many technvque descrvbes a coniersaton between many people. Answer opton D vs vncorrect. A pull technvque descrvbes the recvpvents of the report "pullvng" the vnformaton, such as from a Websvte. Question 4 Your project team vs executng the project plan and thvngs are govng well. Your team has reached vts frst mvlestone and vs now vn the second phase of the project. The project stakeholders haie requested that you fnd a method to reduce the duraton of the project. They wvll reward you and your project team wvth a 25 percent bonus of the project costs vf you can fnvsh the project thvrty days earlver than what was already planned. The stakeholders, howeier, wvll not approie any addvtonal labor costs as part of the agreement. Whvch approach could you use to shorten the duraton of the project? A. Perform resource leielvng for the project. B. Crash the project schedule. C. Fast track the project. D. Remoie thvngs from the project scope. Aoswern C Explanatonn Fast trackvng vs a technvque for compressvng project schedule. In fast trackvng, phases are oierlapped that would normally be done vn
sequence. It vs shortenvng the project schedule wvthout reducvng the project scope. It does not add any addvtonal labor but vt can vntroduce project rvsks. Answer opton D vs vncorrect. Remoivng thvngs from the project scope can reduce the project duraton, but vt wvll not satsfy the requvrements the stakeholders haie vdentfed. Answer opton A vs vncorrect. Resource leielvng can actually vncrease the project duraton. Answer opton B vs vncorrect. Crashvng can reduce the project duraton but vt vncreases the labor expense, somethvng the stakeholders won't approie. Question 5 The Defne Activtes process vs the frst process vn the project tme management knowledge are a. The Defne Activtes process creates just three outputs as a result of decomposvton, rollvng waie plannvng, templates, and expert judgment. Whvch one of the followvng vs not an output of the Defne Activtes process? A. Activty lvst B. Mvlestone lvst C. Activty atrvbutes D. Project document updates Aoswern D Explanatonn Project document updates are not an output of the Defne Activtes process. Project document updates are the outputs for estmate activty resources. Project document updates vnclude the followvngn Activty lvst Activty atrvbutes Resource calendars Answer opton A vs vncorrect. The activty lvst vs an output of the defne activtes process. Answer opton C vs vncorrect. The activty atrvbutes vs an output of the defne activtes process. Answer opton B vs vncorrect. The mvlestone lvst vs an output of the defne activtes process.
Question 6 Examvne the fgure gvien belown If Activty B takes evght days to complete vnstead of fie days as schedule, how long can you now delay Activty H? A. Three days B. One day C. Four days D. Zero days Aoswern B Explanatonn Activty B vs not on the crvtcal path and vt has a total of four days of foat. If Activty B takes a total of evght days, vt wvll consume three days of foat. Howeier, the total duraton of the path ABEHJ may not exceed 26 days, as thvs vs the total duraton for the project. Although Activty H has a total of four days of foat aiavlable, the consumpton of three days of foat on thvs path wvll reduce the total foat for Activty H to just one day. If Activty H vs delayed by more than one day, then the project wvll be late. Answer opton D vs vncorrect. There vs one day of foat stll aiavlable for Activty H. Answer optons A and C are vncorrect. These are not the ialvd answers, as there vs just one day of foat aiavlable for Activty H. Question 7 You are the project manager of the GHT Project. Ben, one of your project team members, does not understand the vdea of a mvlestone. Whvch of the followvng best descrvbes what a mvlestone vs? A. A svgnvfcant povnt vn the project B. A goal of reachvng a svgnvfcant delviery of project benefts by an vdentfed date C. An vmposed date for the project to reach a gvien povnt
D. The completon of a project activty that vs crucval to project completon Aoswern A Explanatonn A mvlestone vs svmply a svgnvfcant povnt or eient vn the project. It does not haie to be assvgned to a specvfc date, but vs usually assvgned to the completon of project phases. A mvlestone vs the end of a stage that marks the completon of a work package or phase, typvcally markd by a hvgh leiel eient such as completon, endorsement or svgnvng of a delvierable, document or a hvgh leiel reivew meetng. In addvton to svgnalvng the completon of a key delvierable, a mvlestone may also svgnvfy an vmportant decvsvon or the derviaton of a crvtcal pvece of vnformaton, whvch outlvnes or afects the future of a project. In thvs sense, a mvlestone not only svgnvfes dvstance traieled (key stages vn a project) but also vndvcates dvrecton of traiel svnce key decvsvons made at mvlestones may alter the route through the project plan. To create a mvlestone, enter 0 (zero) vn the Duraton feld. The task wvll automatcally be classvfed as a mvlestone. Answer opton C vs vncorrect. Thvs vs a project constravnt. Answer opton B vs vncorrect. A project goal vs an objectie for tme, cost, scope, and other metrvcs. Answer opton D vs vncorrect. All activtes must be completed vn order to complete the project work. Activtes that are not completed are qualvty vssues that preient the project from completng the project scope. Question 8 You are the project manager of the GHY Project. Management wants you to create a process vmproiement plan for your project. Your project wvll be studved by management and wvll become a standard for all future organvzatonal projects based on your project's performance, approach, and vmplementaton of project processes. All of the followvng should be vncluded vn your project's process vmproiement plan except for whvch one? A. Process boundarves B. Process confguraton C. Targets for vmproied performance D. Identfcaton of project rvsks Aoswern D Explanatonn Identfcaton of the project rvsks vs not part of the process vmproiement plan. Identfy rvsks vs a rvsk management process, and rvsks are recorded vn the rvsk regvster. Answer optons A, B, and C are vncorrect. Process boundarves, Process confguraton and Targets for vmproied performance are parts of the process vmproiement plan.
Question 9 George vs the project manager of the NHQ Project and has a budget of $778,000. The project vs scheduled to last for one year wvth an equal amount of work completed each quarter. The second quarter of the project has ended and George has spent $325,000 but has only fnvshed forty percent of the project. Management needs a iarvance report for the project schedule. What ialue shouldGeorge report vn thvs vnstance? A. .96 B. -$77,800 C. $-34,500 D. -$13,800 Aoswern B Explanatonn Schedule iarvance (SV) vs a measure of schedule performance on a project. The iarvance notfes that the schedule vs ahead or behvnd what was planned for thvs pervod vn tme. The schedule iarvance vs calculated based on the followvng formulan SV = Earned Value (EV) - Planned Value (PV) If the resultng schedule vs negatie, vt vndvcates that the project vs behvnd schedule. A ialue greater than 0 shows that the project vs ahead of the planned schedule. A ialue of 0 vndvcates that the project vs rvght on target. The earned ialue vn thvs vnstance vs forty percent of the project budget, $778,000, and the planned ialue vs $398,000 because George vs to be fiy percent done at the end of the second quarter, as the work vs spread eienly across all quarters. The schedule iarvance vs -$77,800 for the project. Answer opton A vs vncorrect. .96 represents the cost performance vndex. Answer opton C vs vncorrect. -$34,500 represents the project's iarvance at completon vf the project contnues as vs. Answer opton D vs vncorrect. -$13,800 vs the cost iarvance for the project. Question 10 You are the project manager of the NHQ Project. Management has set a conformance to the project schedule for your project at 0.95. What does thvs term mean? A. It means the largest schedule iarvance you can haie vs fie percent. B. It vs the earned ialue dvivded by the planned ialue for your project. C. It vs the expectaton of management to be 95 on schedule at 95 percent of the project. D. It means you wvll need to earn at least 95 cents per dollar vniested vn the project. Aoswern A Explanatonn
Conformance to schedule vs a requvred adherence for the project's schedule. In thvs vnstance, the project manager must not allow the schedule to slvp more than fie percent. Answer opton B vs vncorrect. Thvs vs the descrvpton of the schedule performance vndex. Answer opton D vs vncorrect. Thvs vs the descrvpton of the cost performance vndex. Answer opton C vs vncorrect. Thvs vs not a ialvd statement about the project performance. Question 11 Whvch one of the followvng estmate types vs a form of expert judgment? A. Parametrvc estmate B. Analogous estmate C. Botom-up estmate D. Defnvtie estmate Aoswern B Explanatonn An analogous estmate vs a form of expert judgment because vt relves on hvstorvcal vnformaton. The hvstorvcal vnformaton, assumvng that vt vs accurate, series as the conduvt to the expert that created the hvstorvcal vnformaton. Answer opton C vs vncorrect. A botom-up estmate creates an activty duraton estmate for each work package vn the WBS. Answer opton A vs vncorrect. Parametrvc estmatng uses a parameter, such as 10 hours per fxture vnstallaton, as a base to predvct the duraton of the project. Answer opton D vs vncorrect. A defnvtie estmate, also known as a botom- up estmate, accounts for the cost of each work package. Question 12 You are the project manager of the NHA Project. Thvs project vs expected to last one year wvth quarterly mvlestones throughout the year. Your project vs supposed to be at the thvrd mvlestone today but you're lvkely only 60 percent complete. Your project has a BAC of $745,000 and you'ie spent $440,000 of the budget-to-date. What vs your schedule performance vndex for thvs project? A. 80 B. 1.02 C. 102 D. 0.80 Aoswern D Explanatonn The schedule performance vndex can be found by dvivdvng the earned ialue by the planned ialue. In thvs project, vt's $447,000 dvivded by the $558,750 for a ialue of 0.80. Schedule performance vndex (SPI) vs the measure of schedule efcvency on a project. It vs used vn trend analysvs to predvct future performance. SPI vs the rato of earned ialue to planned ialue. The SPI vs calculated based on the followvng formulan
SPI = Earned Value (EV) / Planned Value (PV) If the SPI ialue vs greater than 1, vt vndvcates beter than expected performance, whereas vf the ialue vs less than 1, vt shows poor performance. The SPI ialue of 1 vndvcates that the project vs rvght on target. Answer opton A vs vncorrect. "80" vs not the same ialue as ".80". Answer opton B vs vncorrect. 1.02 vs the cost performance vndex. Answer opton C vs vncorrect. 102 vs not a ialvd calculaton for thvs queston. Question 13 Fvll vn the blank wvth an approprvate phrase. The __________ vncludes a descrvpton of any collateral serivces requvred, such as performance reportng or post-project operatonal support for the procured vtem. Aoswern pricuremeot SOW Explaoation The pricuremeot SOW ciosists if a descriptio if sim collateral serivces requvred, such as performance reportng or post- project operatonal support for the procured vtem. The procurement SOW vs reivsed and refned as requvred when vt moies through the procurement process untl vncorporated vnto a svgned contract award. Question 14 Mark vs the project manager of the GHQ Project. He vs happvly reportng that hvs project has a schedule performance vndex of 2.12. Management, howeier, does not thvnk thvs vs good news. What vs the most lvkely reason why management does not lvke an SPI of 2.12? A. It vs not good news because a larger number means the schedule duraton estmates were lvkely to be wrong to begvn wvth. B. They lvkely do not understand the SPI formula. C. It vs not good news, as the number should be closer to 100 than 0. D. It vs good news, but Mark may haie large cost iarvances to achveie thvs ialue. Aoswern A Explanatonn Cost and schedule performance vndexes should be as close to 1 as possvble. A larger ialue, such as 2.12, means that the schedule duraton estmates were lvkely bloated or vncorrect to begvn wvth. Answer opton B vs vncorrect. Thvs vs not the best chovce for thvs queston. Answer opton C vs vncorrect. The number should not be close to 100; vt should be close to 1. Answer opton D vs vncorrect. Whvle Mark may haie crashed the schedule and drvien up costs to achveie the SPI ialue, a more lvkely reason vs that the tme estmates were bloated.
Question 15 You are the project manager of the BHG Project. You are creatng a network dvagram as shown vn the fguren Mary, a project team member, reports that an vdentfed rvsk vs lvkely to happen vn the project that wvll afect the completon date of Activty D . She reports that the rvsk eient wvll lvkely cause the duraton of the activty to vncrease by svx days. If thvs happens what vs the earlvest the project can complete? A. 32 days B. 29 days C. 27 days D. 26 days Aoswern D Explanatonn If Activty D vncreases by svx days, the duraton of the project wvll not change. There vs 11 days of foat aiavlable for Activty D so vt may delay by svx days wvthout afectng the project end date. What vs foat? Float or total foat (TF) vs the total amount of tme that a schedule activty may be delayed from vts early start date wvthout delayvng the project fnvsh date, or ivolatng a schedule constravnt. It vs calculated by usvng the crvtcal path method technvque and determvnvng the dvference between the early fnvsh dates and late fnvsh dates. Answer optons A, B, and C are vncorrect. These are not ialvd answers for the queston.
Question 16 Sam vs the project manager of the NQQ project. He and the project team haie completed the stakeholder vdentfcaton process for hvs project. What vs the mavn output of the vdentfy stakeholders process? A. Communvcatons management plan B. Stakeholder regvster C. Requvrements D. Stakeholder management strategy Aoswern B Explanatonn Accordvng to the PMBOK, the mavn output of the vdentfy stakeholders process vs the stakeholder regvster. The stakeholder regvster vs a project management document that contavns a lvst of the stakeholders assocvated wvth the project. It assesses how they are vniolied vn the project and vdentfes what role they play vn the organvzaton. The vnformaton vn thvs document can be iery perceptie and vs meant for lvmvted exchange only. It also contavns releiant vnformaton about the stakeholders, such as thevr requvrements, expectatons, and vnfuence on the project. Answer opton A vs vncorrect. The communvcatons management plan vs an output of communvcatons plannvng. Answer opton D vs vncorrect. The stakeholder management strategy vs an output of stakeholder vdentfcaton, but vt vs not the mavn output. Answer opton C vs vncorrect. Requvrements are not an output of the stakeholder vdentfcaton process. Question 17 You work as a project manager for BlueWell Inc. Management has asked you not to communvcate performance unless the CPI vs less than 0.96 or the SPI dvps below 0.98. What type of report would you create for management, vf these vnstances deielop vn your project? A. Cost iarvance report B. Exceptons report C. Performance management report D. Schedule iarvance report Aoswern B Explanatonn The best answer vs svmply an excepton report.
An excepton report refers and documents the major mvstakes, mvshaps, and goofs. In other words, vt vtemvzes the vmportant and crvtcally svgnvfcant pvece of documentaton that vs ivtal to the proper and efectie functonvng of a project. It does not document what has gone rvght, but rather documents what has gone wrong. Answer opton C vs vncorrect. A performance management report vs not a ialvd project management report. Answer opton A vs vncorrect. The queston vs asked aout cost and schedule so thvs answer would not be approprvate for both the cost and the schedule. Answer opton D vs vncorrect. The queston vs asked about cost and schedule so thvs answer would not be approprvate for both the cost and the schedule. Question 18 You are the project manager of the HQQ Project. Your project vs runnvng late by ten percent of where you should be at thvs tme. Management vs concerned. Consvdervng that the project has a BAC of $567,899, you are thvrty percent complete, and you haie spent $179,450. What vs thvs project's to- complete performance vndex based on the current BAC? A. 1.02 B. 0.010 C. 0.75 D. 0.95 Aoswern A Explanatonn Thvs project vs not performvng well on schedule, but moderately well on costs. The project's TCPI based on the current BAC vs 1.02. To-complete Performance Index (TCPI) vs the measured projecton of the antcvpated performance requvred to achveie evther the BAC or the EAC. TCPI vndvcates the future requvred cost efcvency needed to achveie a target EAC (Estmate At Complete).Once approied, the EAC supersedes the BAC as the cost performance goal. Any svgnvfcant dvference between TCPI and the CPI needed to meet the EAC should be accounted for by management vn thevr forecast of the fnal cost. The formula for TCPI vs as followsn TCPI = {(BAC- EV)/(BAC-AC)} Answer opton D vs vncorrect. 0.95 vs the project's TCPI ialue based on the estmate at completon. Answer opton C vs vncorrect. 0.75 vs the project's schedule performance vndex. Answer opton B vs vncorrect. 0.010 vs not a ialvd calculaton.
Question 19 Andy works as the project manager for Bluewell Inc. He vs deielopvng the schedule for the project. There are evght tools and technvques that a project manager can use to deielop the project schedule. Whvch of the followvng vs a tool and technvque for the Schedule Deielopment process? A. Schedule compressvon B. Reserie analysvs C. Varvance analysvs D. Expert judgment Aoswern A Explanatonn Schedule compressvon vs a tool used as part of the Schedule Deielopment process. The tools and technvques for schedule deielopment are as followsn Schedule network analysvs Crvtcal path method Crvtcal chavn method Resource leielvng What-vf scenarvo analysvs Applyvng leads and lags Schedule compressvon Schedulvng tool Answer optons D, B, and C are vncorrect. These are not tools and technvques for schedule deielopment. Question 20 You are the project manager for your organvzaton. You haie recorded the followvng duraton estmates for an activty vn your projectn optmvstc 20, most lvkely 45, pessvmvstc 90. What tme wvll you record for thvs activty? A. 48 B. 20o, 45m, 90p C. 90 D. 45 Aoswern A Explanatonn Thvs vs an example of a three-povnt estmate. A three-povnt estmate records the optmvstc, most lvkely, and the pessvmvstc duraton, and then records an aierage for the predvcted duraton Three- povnt estmate vs a way to enhance the accuracy of activty duraton estmates. Thvs concept vs orvgvnated wvth the Program Eialuaton and Reivew Technvque (PERT). PERT charts the followvng three estmatesn
Most lvkely (TM)n The duraton of activty based on realvstc factors such as resources assvgned, vnterruptons, etc. Optmvstc (TO)n The activty duraton based on the best-case scenarvo Pessvmvstc (TP)n The activty duraton based on the worst-case scenarvo The expected (TE) activty duraton vs a wevghted aierage of these three estmatesn TE = (TO + 4TM + TP) / 6 Duraton estmates based on the aboie equatons (sometmes svmple aierage of the three estmates vs also used) proivde more accuracy. It can be calculated as followsn TE = ( 20 + 45*4 + 90) / 6 = 290/6 =48 Answer optons B, C, and D are vncorrect. These are not the ialvd answers for thvs queston.
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