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Detailed overview of the annual and comprehensive unit review process with templates and guidelines for non-instructional units. Get insights and updates on the improvement initiatives for program review processes.
AY 2009 Unit Review Data Delivery Plan Data Description Process – Timeline Rev. 11-19-09
Purpose • The primary purpose of this presentation is to provide clarity to all non-instructional units on the process we are following for both our local Comprehensive reviews, and the system required Annual Unit Reviews. • We have been asked to produce an annual unit review for each and every one of our instructional programs and units. They are required of each system CC and will be taken to the U of H Board of Regents for their review. • So who has to do a unit review this year? If you are normally scheduled to do a comprehensive or are “Jumping” you will complete a comprehensive review this year. Additionally, every instructional and non-instructional program will do an Annual Program Review this year. • Not sure if you’re scheduled for a comprehensive review or not? Click here for the Program-Unit Review Schedule
What’s a Jumper? • A Jumper is a locally defined term that is used to describe an instructional program or non-instructional program (unit) that has decided to jump out of their normally scheduled slot for their comprehensive program reviews and into this years cycle. • Why would anyone want to do that? Jumping into this years comprehensive cycle means that you will have an opportunity to be considered for any budgetary decisions that will be made in this years budget process. • Jumpers will still have to do their comprehensive review on their next scheduled review. Jumping does not affect the existing schedule—you are voluntarily doing an extra review to be considered in this budget cycle.
What are we doing to improve our program review process? • Upon completion of last years program review process a sub team was brought together, and a program-unit process improvement survey was developed and deployed on campus. • The survey was developed in order to ensure continuous process improvement, drive accountability, and to communicate back to the campus the improvements we have made to our existing program – unit review process. This is done to ensure that we are making positive changes year over year. • A “Lessons Learned” summary was drafted, based on your suggested changes, and is available on the 2008 Program Review site at AY 2008 Program Review Process “Lessons Learned” • Based upon the feedback we received from you last year from our program and unit review process improvement survey, the following changes have been implemented. • Over the course of the summer the program review website was developed and most of the documentation was updated. • A list of comments specific to Student Services was sent to the Interim VCAA to share with the Dean of Student Services for follow up. • A couple of comments centered around a desire to have Student Services data collected at the system level where possible, data that is more specific to the sub units, and more robust sources of data. These and other concerns are being addressed in the revised UHCC Student Services Annual Unit Review, which should be available in 2010. • There were also concerns that the training sessions were primarily focused on Instruction. To address this issue four separate training sessions will be given this year in order to focus on specific groups. They are: • 1. ATE Division Programs • 2. Hospitality, Business Ed, and Nursing Division Programs • 3. Liberal Arts Division Programs • 4. Units
I belong to a non-instructional unit…which template do I use? • All Units (and some sub units) are required to submit an annual review. Additionally, if you are on the schedule for a comprehensive review or are jumping you will also need to complete a comprehensive review. • If you are on the schedule for a comprehensive unit review or are jumping you will be using the comprehensive unit review template below. Comprehensive Unit Review Template • For annuals, if you are writing your unit review in support of Administrative Services you will use: UHCC Administrative Services Unit Review Template • For annuals, if you are writing your unit review in support of Student Support you will use: UHCC Student Support Services Unit Review Coversheet Student Support Annual Report of Program Data (spreadsheet provided by IR) Also required for submission is an Executive Summary
I belong to a non-instructional unit…which template do I use? Continued • For annuals, if you are writing THE unit review for Academic Affairs (not the sub-units) you will use: UHCC Academic Support Coversheet UHCC Academic Support Data Spreadsheet Also required for submission is an Executive Summary • For annuals in Academic Affairs Sub-Units please use: UHCC Academic Support Data Spreadsheet (paste your sub-units section of the completed spreadsheet into the template below) Annual Unit Review Template • For all other units you will use: Annual Unit Review Template
Which sub units have to turn in an Annual Review? • Last year a decision was made to collapse some annual unit reviews performed by sub units to reduce the amount of work that it takes for all of us to get through the program review process every year. The following is a list of units, and the sub-units contained in their review. • Admin Services will do one annual review that encompasses: Business Office, Budget and Fiscal Management, Planning, Operations, and Maintenance, and Human Resources. Admin Services is also responsible for a comprehensive review on Budget and Fiscal Management. • Academic Support sub-units will do 3 separate annual reviews that will include a data spreadsheet for their areas. The 3 reviews are on: Computing Technology, Learning Center, and Library. The DOI will be using the new Academic Support Coversheet to submit an annual review for the Academic Support Unit in general, that will include an executive summary and a data spreadsheet. The DOI is also responsible for a comprehensive review on Computing Technology. • OCET will do one annual review that encompasses: Apprenticeship, IEP, and Workforce/Community Development/Skills Development. OCET is also responsible for a comprehensive review on IEP. • Student Services will do one annual review that encompasses: Admissions and Registration, Counseling, Financial Aid, Student Life, Records and Data Management, Information Center, and provide an Executive Summary. Student Services is also responsible for a comprehensive review on Financial Aid. • University of Hawaii Center at West Hawaii will do both an annual review and a comprehensive review this year as they have chosen to jump into this years comprehensive schedule.
Create and post a “Lessons Learned” document to capture year over year improvements to existing PR process Receive 1 years data from system office and begin collecting other 2 years Post all Program & Unit Reviews to Assessment Website Deliver all 3 years of data to instructional programs Comprehensive & Annual Program Review Timeline Determine what templates will be used and that they are linked to a common website (UHCC). Work with AC and Interim VCAA to determine what needs to be taken back to UHCC IPRC All instructional program and unit reviews (Comprehensive and Annual) due to Interim VCAA by email by EOB Wednesday December 2nd. Build out 2009 program review page on the assessment website Jul 28th Jul - Sept Aug 15th Aug 28th Oct 14th Dec 2nd Dec 20th Jan 25th Dec 15th Jul - Sept Jul - Aug Aug 26th Aug - Oct Oct 16th, 30th Oct 23rd Jan 5th Develop and administer PR Process Improvement Survey Review all PR documentation and work with Trina and AC to update Develop presentation and training materials Collect and deliver data to Student Support Services Plan this year’s program review based on suggested improvements from last year’s review Package and Delivery of all Program & Unit Reviews to System Office Provide Annual Program Review Training to Campus Determine what data needs to be added to our instructional program review beyond what system delivers
AY2009 Comprehensive & Annual Review Process • Step 1 Write unit review using the appropriate template(s). • Step 2 Send yourdocuments (one Word document per review) to Interim VCAA Noreen Yamane by email no later than end of business, Wednesday December 2nd, 2009. • Step 3 Interim VCAA will ensure that all required documents have been received and that they are adequate. • Step 4 Interim VCAA will forward all approved reviews to the Institutional Research Office for further processing. • Step 5 The Annual reviews will be appropriately packaged and sent to the System Office for review by the UH Board of Regents. Comprehensive reviews will be forwarded along as appropriate following CERC guidelines. • Step 6 All reviews will finally be converted to PDF and posted to the Assessment Web Site.
Questions? The intention of this presentation was to provide a single source for all of the documentation related to the Comprehensive & Annual Unit Review process. I have linked all of the documents you should need directly into this presentation. If you need more information on this process please feel free to contact me: Shawn Flood974-7512 Mahalo!