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Creating User Interfaces

Learn to create interfaces for websites catering to both regular and mobile devices. Evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction of various functions. Analyze news handheld products, individual functions, and combinations. Develop a plan, compare products, and assess their performance.

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Creating User Interfaces

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Creating User Interfaces More presentations. Websites for regular & mobile devices NewsHandheld functions. Class: plan project. Homework: Work on handheld project.

  2. General assessment on User Observation studies • Good work and good presentations • Used terms/concepts (jargon, expectations, screen real estate, icons, experience, etc.) • Focused on site and tasks. Got beyond your expectations on how subjects would perform • Write-ups • Good as complete study of work • BAD as crisp, professional (I did this..) writing • DO look at abstracts (scholar.google.com) • Do practice formal writing

  3. Two distinct but related situations • Web sites that detect client hardware • Web sites for downloading to hand heldIncluding • Coordination of [ipod] broadcast • Synchronization of schedules

  4. News paper / news readers • [Regular] computer • Hand held

  5. Aside • This is something apart from issue of viability of print newspapers, relating to multiple issues • Revenue stream from • advertisements, especially classified ads • membership/subscription model • Market for general news versus filtered news (old term was 'push') • Generation of news from professional journalists, editors versus bloggers with various backgrounds

  6. Hand held products Individual functions plus combinations • Phone (phone plus carrier) • Voice • Text • Picture & video • Personal Digital Assistant (maintain calendar, notes) (PDA plus carrier) • Email, sharing • Digital camera • Still and video • Audio player • GPS (geographical positioning system)

  7. General plan • Decide as class on set of tasks/tests/activities/questions • Apply to various products • Each team (4?) have 1 to 3 devices and do same tests. • Combine data • Make rankings? • Note: computer information systems are hardware/software/people/procedures. A device may have a function that is not well-used….

  8. How to analyse / rate Should each team take 2-3 products (overlap?) • Compare across multiple functions • Compare for one main function • Phone • Music • Camera • PDA? • GPS?

  9. Assessment • Evaluate effectiveness & efficiency & satisfaction • Do the functions work? Do you use all/many/most functions • E.g., modes for camera; groups for phone • Are they easy to learn and how easy to do (without manual or on-line help or, for complex ones, with help) • Cost/benefit: do more expensive products in the product group provide more functionality? • ?

  10. Assessment, continued • The team needs to come up with the attributes to measure and the metrics (measuring scheme).

  11. Task & Presentation I want • Research (product reviews) and scholarly articles PLUS • The team's own assessment based on your experience and observation of others • Will work best if you own the products within your group I also want • Charts with pictures of screens, diagrams, results

  12. Classwork/Homework • Decide on teams: 2-4??? • Common tasks? • Decide overall approach • Combinations versus base functions? • Product sets • Advance notice: Do go to https://studio.tellme.com/ • Advance notice: uploaded guide to Final. May still make changes.

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