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Best Practices in Public Relations

Best Practices in Public Relations . What is public relations? Best Practices in Public Relations The good and the bad in p.r. How the Internet is affecting p.r. How do we define Public Relations?. Public Relations Goals. Build Relationships Educate the public Promote objectives.

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Best Practices in Public Relations

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Best Practices in Public Relations • What is public relations? • Best Practices in Public Relations • The good and the bad in p.r. • How the Internet is affecting p.r.

  2. How do we define Public Relations?

  3. Public Relations Goals • Build Relationships • Educate the public • Promote objectives Always uppermost in your mind is the reputation of your organization.

  4. Best Practices in Public Relations • Include Public Relations in Management Planning • Know Where You Need to Go • Build Relationships • Utilize Crisis Management • Give Ethics the Highest Priority

  5. Include P.R. in Management Decision-Making • Is communication reaching all the right people? • How will it play on Page One? • Avoid “shooting from the hip” • What is the most effective wayto communicate with stakeholders? Have you considered your Achilles’ Heels?

  6. Know Where You Need to Go • Survey • What do people know about you? • Are there smoldering issues out there? • Do we understand the economic and political issues? • Establish benchmarks • What can we measure? • What do we want our efforts to accomplish?

  7. Build Relationships • Use the right format… • … with the right people… • … who have the right contacts.

  8. By connecting with key influencerswe can achieve greater • Acceleration • Collaboration • Validation • Recognition You cannot accomplish the missionbehind a desk!

  9. Focus on Crisis Management • Don’t take ownership of an issue that is not yours • The issue should be the incident itself, not the handling of it

  10. Focus on Ethics • Set business practices that are beyond reproach • Build a solid reputation bank • Value your reputation

  11. Why were these P.R. Blunders? • Dixie Chicks • KFC’s healthy (?) fried chicken • The FEMA news conference

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