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advice. Survivorship Planning Service. INTRODUCING.

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  1. advice Survivorship Planning Service INTRODUCING Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (MetLife), New York, NY 10166. Securities products and investment advisory services offered by MetLife Securities, Inc. (MSI) (member FINRA/SIPC), New York, NY 10166, a registered investment advisor. MetLife and MSI are affiliates. [New L#]

  2. Comprehensive Survivorship Planning Financial Analysis & Implementation Offered by MetLife • Wealth Transfer Planning • Estate Tax Strategies • Retirement Security Planning • Investment Services • Business Succession Planning Legal Analysis & Implementation Offered by an Independent Law Firm* • Wills & Trusts • Financial Powers of Attorney • Health Care Powers of Attorney • Living Wills • Buy/Sell Agreements *The Law Firm in not affiliated with MetLife or any of its affiliates. MetLife does not provide tax or legal advice. You are under no obligation to engage any specific law firm and are free to select the attorney/law firm of your choice to perform this work.

  3. What is Essential? • Qualified team of planning professionals • Independent law firm legal review • Planning completed and implemented before death occurs • Decisions made while most options are still available • Plans updated periodically or as needs change

  4. Important Issues Upon Death Survivors must attend to many tasks, such as: • Gathering Financial Statements • Death Certificates • Social Security benefits • Employer benefits • Credit card changes • Collecting life insurance benefits • Obtaining access to safe deposit box • Subscriptions, utility bills, etc. • Auto ownership • Real Estate ownership • Investment account title changes • Assistance to trustee • Identification and location of all assets belonging to the deceased and determination of value • Preparing list of all decedent’s debts and compiling income tax and estate information • Filing will for probate

  5. The Process Survivor Benefit Financial Plan Delivery Financial Strategy Implementation C L O S U R E Financial Analysis Review Data Gathering Session Legal Analysis Review Document Design Session Legal Document Implementation Periodic Review

  6. The Survivor Benefit In Action For your surviving spouse and family members • Begins new file and Fact Find • Reassesses financial goals • Assists with budget living expenses • Arranges updated estate analysis

  7. The Survivor Benefit In Action Your lawyer will guide and assist your survivors with legal issues such as: • Define responsibilities of surviving family members: Guide • Organize assets and liabilities and type of documentation needed • Locates and files Will • Obtains Court’s appointment of Executor • Assists Executor to: File asset and debt information with Court, file accounting with Court, prepare estate and income tax returns, settle estate, update wills and trusts, durable powers of attorney, and health care proxies for survivors We will also be available to assist you work through this process with your attorney.

  8. The Survivor Benefit  Surviving Client Calls • MetLife Receives Call After Death Begins assisting survivors with check list of tasks MetLife Advice

  9. The Survivor Benefit  Independent Law Firm MetLife Advice & Surviving Client • Notify Surviving Client’s Independent Law Firm of Death • Request from Law Firm • Estate Tax Inventory List • To help organize assets & liabilities and • type of documentation needed • Estate Document Explanation • To define responsibilities of surviving family members: • “Roadmap”

  10. The Survivor Benefit • Retrieve Financial Information from Last Periodic Review • Help Survivors to: • Prepare Files for Assets and Liabilities • Prepare Letters and Authorization Forms for Financial Institutions • Review Budget Expenditures and Prioritize Action Steps MetLife Advice MetLife Financial Planner

  11. The Survivor Benefit • Review at 1st Meeting after Funeral Estate Document Explanation from Independent Law Firm • Implement Administrative Functions • Benefits of Employer • Benefits from Insurance Companies • Update Estate Tax Inventory • Update Surviving Client File • and Financial Plan Surviving Clients & Family Members Independent Law Firm MetLife Financial Planner Financial Planning offered by MetLife Securities, Inc., New York, NY 10010 MetLife Advice

  12. Why Survivorship Planning? • The legal & financial issues surrounding death and wealth transfer only get more complicated • Empower families to make more educated and informed legal, financial, retirement, estate and investment decisions • Assist employers in providing an innovative yet cost-effective benefit for valued employees

  13. The Survivor Benefit Surviving Client Calls Surviving Client & Family Members • MetLife Advice Receives Call After Death Independent Law Firm • Along with the Surviving Client • Notify Law Firm of Death • Coordinate with Law Firm • Review at 1st Meeting after Funeral • Implement Administrative Functions • Update Estate Tax Inventory • Update Surviving Client File & Financial Plan MetLife Advice MetLife Financial Planner • Retrieve Financial Information • Build Survivorship File What Team of Professionals Will Do This For Your Family?

  14. Why Survivorship Planning? Financial Planning Services are offered by MetLife Securities, Inc. (“MSI”), a registered investment adviser. You may choose to implement your financial plan through MSI, one of its affiliates, or any other financial institution of your choice. If you desire, a financial services representative of either MSI or one of its affiliates, including Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and/or other affiliated or unaffiliated insurance companies, acting in a sales capacity, may recommend specific investment, risk, protection and other financial products through which this financial plan can be implemented. These recommendations may include products issued or distributed by MSI and/or its affiliates. You are under no obligation to purchase any products or additional services from, or through, MSI or its affiliates. If you purchase such products or services from, or through, MSI, or any of its affiliates, this may result in the payment of additional compensation to the financial services representative, MSI and its affiliates, and may require the completion and execution of separate applications and agreements. L0209020923[exp0310][FL] 14

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