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E UROPEAN UNION FUNDING POSSIBILITIES. Mustafa BALCI Education and Training Sector Manager NIHA CONFERENCE – Kızılcahamam / ANKARA 13 – 16 January 2008. LISBON STRATEGY.
EUROPEAN UNION FUNDING POSSIBILITIES Mustafa BALCI Education and Training Sector Manager NIHA CONFERENCE – Kızılcahamam / ANKARA 13 – 16 January 2008 EC Delegation to Turkey
LISBON STRATEGY The Union must become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion (European Council, Lisbon, March 2000). EC Delegation to Turkey
LISBON STRATEGY Ministers of education agreed on three major goals to be achieved by 2010 for the benefit of the citizens and the EU as a whole: to improve the quality and effectiveness of EU education andtraining systems; to ensure that they are accessible to all; to open up education and training to the wider world. EC Delegation to Turkey
LISBON STRATEGY "Education and Training 2010" integrates all actions in the fields of education and training at European level, including vocational education and training (the "Copenhagen process"). As well, the Bologna process, initiated in 1999 is crucial in the development of the European Higher Education Area. Both contribute actively to the achievement of the Lisbon objectives and are therefore closely linked to the "Education and Training 2010" work programme. EC Delegation to Turkey
COPENHAGEN PROCESS Recognition of competences and qualifications Investigating how transparency, comparability, transferability and recognition of competences and/or qualifications, between differentcountries and at different levels, could be promoted by developingreference levels, common principles for certification, and commonmeasures, including a credit transfer system for vocational education and training Increasing support to the development of competences and qualifications at sectoral level, by reinforcing cooperation and co-ordination especially involving the social partners. Several initiatives on a Community, bilateral and multilateral basis, including those already identified in various sectors aiming at mutually recognised qualifications, illustrate this approach. EC Delegation to Turkey
COPENHAGEN PROCESS Transparency, information and guidance Increasing transparency in vocational education and training through the implementation and rationalization of information tools and networks, including the integration of existing instruments such as the European CV, certificate and diploma supplements, the Common European framework of reference for languages and the EUROPASS into one single framework. Strengthening policies, systems and practices that support information,guidance and counselling in the Member States, at all levels of education, training and employment, particularly on issues concerning access to learning, vocational education and training, and the transferability and recognition of competences and qualifications, in order to support occupational and geographical mobility of citizens in Europe. EC Delegation to Turkey
COPENHAGEN PROCESS Quality assurance Promoting cooperation in quality assurance with particular focus on exchange of models and methods, as well as common criteria and principles for quality in vocational education and training. Giving attention to the learning needs of teachers and trainers within all forms of vocational education and training. Decentralization: Measures should be voluntary and principally developed through bottom-up cooperation EC Delegation to Turkey
WHAT IS IPA? New EU financial assistance instrument for the period 2007-2013 States: Turkey, Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Kosovoa Financial assistance of approximately 1.6 billion € to Turkey in years 2007, 2008, 2009 EC Delegation to Turkey
OBJECTIVES OF IPA Organise pre-accession financial assistance under a single framework Support for the adoption and implementation of the EU acquis communautaire Prepare the country for the implementation of EU Structural Funds Contribute towards adoption of EU policies and socio economic levels EC Delegation to Turkey
IPA COMPONENTS Component 1:Transition Assistance and Institution Building Component 2:Regional and Cross-Border Cooperation Component 3:Regional Development Component 4:Human Resources Develop. Component 5: Rural Development EC Delegation to Turkey
INDICATIVE FINANCIAL FRAMEWORK(M€) Component 200720082009Total I– Institution Building 252.2250.2233.2 735.6 II – Cross-border Coop. 6.68.8 9.428.953,00 III – Regional Dev. 167.5173.8182.7 524,00 IV – Human Res. Dev. 50.2 52.955.6 158.7 V – Rural Dev. 20.753.085.5 159.2 Total 497.2538.7566.4 1602.3 EC Delegation to Turkey
IPA: HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT COMPONENT Article 11 IPA Commission Regulation “The Human Resources Development Component shall support candidate countries (….) in policy development as well as preparation for the implementation and management of the Community’s cohesion policy, in particular in their preparation for the European Social Fund. It may in particular contribute towards the financing of the type of actions for under regulation (EC) 1784/1999 [on the European Social Fund]” EC Delegation to Turkey
OBJECTIVES OF THE HRD COMPONENT In the framework of the European Employment Strategy and the revised Lisbon Strategy: - Strengthening education and training systems Inclusion of inactive social groups into labç market - Improvement of social inclusion -Promotion of equal opportunities for men and women - Combating all forms of discrimination EC Delegation to Turkey
MULTI-ANNUAL INDICATIVE PLANNING DOCUMENT (MIPD) Strategic document for IPA Prepared by the European Commission Presents the general framework for pre-accession financial assistance on the basis of Accession Partnership Document and Progress Reports Sets out objectives, expected results and indicative budget for each of the IPA components EC Delegation to Turkey
STRATEGIC COHERENCE FRAMEWORK (SCF) Document that ensures coordination between components 3 and 4 Document for the coming period of 7 years Coordinating Agency: SPO SCF content: SWOT analysis of HRD sector Coordination mechanisms with the other components HRD priorities under IPA Indicative budget allocations for operational programmes EC Delegation to Turkey
HRD COMPONENT OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME (OP) Document for the coming period of 7 years Ensures implementation of objectives and priorities specified under SCF Identifies priorities to be implemented through various projects and measures EC Delegation to Turkey
CONTENTS OF OPERATIONAL PROGRAMMES Medium term requirements under HRD area Process of consulting relevant stakeholders Detailed priorities, tangible results expected in conformity with general objectives specified under MIPD and SCF Target groups, final beneficiaries Cost Monitoring and assessment methods, measurable indicators Administrative structures for OP management EC Delegation to Turkey
MAJOR AREAS TO BE SUPPORTED UNDER THE HRD COMPONENT AND INDICATIVE RANGE Employment: %40-50 Education and training: % 30-40 Social inclusion: %20-25 EC Delegation to Turkey
FORMS OF ASSISTANCE TO BE PROVIDED (I) Increase of labour force participation rates, particularly for women Reduction of undeclared employment Reduction of unemployment rates, particularly for young people Increase the enrolment rates and decrease of dropouts, particularly of girls in secondary/VET education More equal access to education services More alternative pathways of study for graduates of secondary education Better access to training and active albour market initiatives in both rural areas and urban areas with more needs (gecekondu), particularly for unskilled labour force migrated from rural to urban areas EC Delegation to Turkey
FORMS OF ASSISTANCE TO BE PROVIDED (II) Improvement of public employment services Improvement of the quality of VET and increase of the attractiveness of VET Strengthening of policies for the employment and further training of women of vulnerable groups Improvement of the coordination and effectiveness of social services provided to facilitate women participation in employment and to particularly disadvantaged people (inc. day-care for children and the elderly) Elimination of regional disparities in the fields of labour market, education and training and social inclusion EC Delegation to Turkey
HRD OP Strategic Priorities To attract and retain more people in employment To enhance investment human capital To increase adaptability of workers enterprises and entrepreneurs. To promote an inclusive labour market with opportunities for disadvantaged persons EC Delegation to Turkey
EMPLOYMENT PRIORITY AXIS -1 To attract and retain more people inemployment, particularly by increasing labour force participation of women, and decrease unemployment rates especially for young people. EC Delegation to Turkey
Priority Axis - 1 Measures: To promote women’s participation into the labour market, and increase female employment, including those formerly employed in agriculture To increase employment of young people To promote registered employment. To improve the quality of public employment services EC Delegation to Turkey
EDUCATION PRIORITY AXIS 2 To enhance investment in human capital by increasing the quality of education, improving the linkage between education and labour market, raising enrolment rates at all levels of education EC Delegation to Turkey
Priority Axis - 2 Measures: To increase enrolment rates particularly for girls with a view to developing female human resources and access to labour market. To improve the content and quality in Vocational and Technical Education EC Delegation to Turkey
ADAPTABILITY BY PROMOTING LIFELONG LEARNING PRIORITY AXIS – 3 To increase adaptability of workers, enterprises (newly added) and entrepreneurs, in particular by promoting lifelong learning and encouraging investment in human resources for low-skilled workers and unemployed, in order to manage a better economic change and to develop employment, training and support services for workers. EC Delegation to Turkey
Priority Axis - 3 Measures: To promote the development and implement. of coherent and comprehensive strategies for lifelong learning To increase adaptability of employees and employers by investing more in human capital EC Delegation to Turkey
SOCIAL INCLUSION PRIORITY AXIS – 4 To promote an inclusive labour market with opportunities for disadvantaged people, with a view to their sustainable integration into the labour force eliminating the barriers in the labour market. EC Delegation to Turkey
Priority Axis - 4 Measures: To increase the employability of disadvantaged persons, facilitate their access to labour market, and eliminate barriers for their entrance into the labour market Better functioning and coordination among the institutions and mechanisms in the field of labour market and social protection particularly in order to facilitate the integration of disadvantaged persons into the labour market. EC Delegation to Turkey