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Madigan Army Medical Center. Welcome to Medical Evaluation Boards (MEBs). Please Silence ALL Phones, PDA’s, and Pagers. DA 5893 Counseling Checklist. Checklist # 1. BLUE PACKET CONTENTS. Left Pocket Right Pocket MAMC Briefing Slides Personnel Data letter MEDCOM Briefing Slides TSGLI
Madigan Army Medical Center Welcome to Medical Evaluation Boards (MEBs)
DA 5893Counseling Checklist Checklist # 1
BLUE PACKET CONTENTS Left PocketRight Pocket MAMC Briefing SlidesPersonnel Data letter MEDCOM Briefing SlidesTSGLI APDES HandbookACAP Transition Svc FACT Sheet (TAMP)Legal Svc Information My MEB (AKO) Checklist # 5
GOALS for Today’s Briefing 1. Introduce you to Medical Evaluation Board (MEB) Process 2. Introduce you to Physical Evaluation Board (PEB) Process 3. Answer common MEB/PEB questions
A Few ACRONYMS MEB = Medical Evaluation Board PEB = Physical Evaluation Board PEBLO = PEB Liaison Officer MEBT = Medical Evaluation Board Technicians NARSUM = Narrative Summary (or dictation) WTB/WTU = Warrior Transition Battalion (Unit)
The MAMC MEB Staff Medical Board Technicians & Clerks: Make your appointments, track board through the process. Ms. Paige A-C 968-1638 Ms. Coleman D-G, POM, CBWTU 968-5057 Ms. Edwards H-L 968-5058 Mr. Der M-R 968-3438 Mr. Espinoza S-Z 968-3744 Ms. English TDRL 968-1855
The MAMC MEB Staff (cont’d.)PEBLOs Physical Evaluation Board Liaison Officers (PEBLOs): Review board packet, counsel soldiers on benefits and appeals. Ms. Burnham A-B, POM 968-2026 Ms. High C-F 968-6019 Ms. Johnson G 968-3437 Ms. Levene H 968-2564 Ms. Miracle I-L, CBWTUC 968-1679 Ms. Robinson M-R 968-3649 Ms. Gorden S-Z 968-3686
Office Hours Walk- In Hours 1000 - 1600 HRS Monday - Wednesday & Friday CLOSED EVERY THURSDAY CLOSED on Federal Holidays ** Inclement Weather**
WHAT IS PDES? • The entire Physical Disability Evaluation System • 2 Parts MEB and PEB • MEB - Medical evaluation Board • - Gathers together the medical information • PEB - Physical Evaluation Board • - Determines disability percentage based on medical information
DA Physical Disability Process • MAMC Responsibility: • Washington, Idaho, California (incl. CBWTUC), Oregon, & Nevada • AC, RC, & TDRL Physician MMRB 4-6 Mos FFD MEB Initiated MEB PEB at Ft. Lewis MAMC Responsibility PDA in D.C. Standard = 90 workable days Madigan Average = 92 workable days Orders PEBLO Counsels Soldier & Assists VA Transition
How long does it take to complete a Medical Board? From the time you are notified, by the MAMC MEB staff that you will undergo a Medical Board, our goal is to send the case to the PEB within 90 workable days. THIS IS ONLY AN ESTIMATE
What is a Medical Board? It is a “word picture” of your medical condition, military history and lifestyle.
How did I become a Medical Board? 3 Ways to become an MEB: 1. Referred by a Fitness For Duty Evaluation (Commander) 2. Referred by MMRB (Medical MOS Reclassification Board) 3. Referred by Doctor* (most common)
A Medical Board is NOT... • An MOS reclassification Board (MMRB) - any MOS reclassification would have occurred at the MMRB. • You WILL NOT sit in front of a panel of board members. The MEB is simply a physician’s evaluation and recommendation.
History & Physical Examination (DD 2807 & DD 2808) When you complete your forms (DD 2807 & DD 2808), address ANY and ALL medical conditions which you have.
Consults If your MEB Provider wants you to be evaluated by another specialty clinic, they will request a consult with that clinic. Please notify your MEBT ASAP when this happens. DO NOT CALL TRICARE FOR AN APPOINTMENT – SEE YOUR MEBT!
Narrative Summary (NARSUM) It is in your best interest, to tell your MEB Provider about any & all medical problems you have. If necessary, they will be reviewed and addressed in your board. Your MEB Provider CANNOT read your mind. If you do not tell them all your problems, they cannot help you.
What are the possible MEB recommendations? • The MEB Provider can recommend: • Return to Unit without limitations • Return to Unit with limitations • Refer to Physical Evaluation Board (PEB) • Other
MEB Review: Who reviews my MEB? 1st: Two Doctors, your board doctor and one other doctor 2nd: YOUR PEBLO 3rd: The Madigan Deputy Commander for Clinical Services (or his representative) 4th: YOUR PEBLO
Independent Review (IR) • An independent review is an opportunity for an independent medical provider to review your COMPLETED medical board. • They will determine if the board has been adequately completed and will provide you written documentation to support any missing diagnosis. • The information they provide you can assist you with your appeal. • All information pertaining to your IR will be forwarded to the PEB with your case. Checklist # 16 &19
Can I write on my behalf? If you feel you have information which would help the MEB/PEB, you can write a statement on your own behalf, which will be included in your PEB packet.
Can I appeal the MEB? • Yes. • You have 7 calendar days to review board. Decision for IR will be decided during this time. The PEBLO will attempt to schedule your appointment within 5 days. You will have 7 calendar days (from the date of your appointment) to make your election of concur/nonconcur (appeal).
MEB Packet • Coversheet (DA 3947) • Narrative Summary (NARSUM/dictation): written by your doctor. Provides a “word picture” of your condition, history and status. Provides a recommendation. • Consults from clinics you visited. • Current History & Physical (DD 2807 & 2808). • Copy of your profile.
Personnel Data** • ERB/ORB/PQR • Commander’s Performance Statement • NCOERs/OERs (E-5 And above) (Last 3) • DA 4187 (Name changes, loss of rank, promotions, etc) • DA 2648 (COMPLETED ACAP Checklist) • LES (Current End of Month) **RC soldiers may have additional requirements.
Line of Duty (LOD) A LOD is may be required for any condition that is the direct result of an accident or injury which occurred while entitled to Active Duty Pay. Examples: Motor Vehicle Accident, Misconduct, Drugs, Alcohol, TPU/M-Day soldiers
What about flags or UCMJ? Court martial procedures will stop your medical board. Chapter 14 is done in conjunction with the medical board. Which action has precedence will be determined once the MEB is completed. All other Chapters are put on hold until the Medical Board is completed. Immediately report any flags or adverse actions to your PEBLO
What if I am about to ETS? Soldiers can be retained medically for the purpose of completing the medical evaluation board. NOTIFY YOUR PEBLO 30 Days PRIOR! ENLISTED - 6 month Interval OFFICER - 3 month Interval Checklist # 23
What if I am about to PCS? Soldiers who come down on PCS orders or are currently on orders cannot PCS until the Medical Board is complete. NOTIFY YOUR MEBT IMMEDIATELY Your MEBT will obtain the paperwork necessary to delete or defer your PCS orders until the board is complete
What if I put in for retirement? Soldiers who have submitted for retirement and have received orders will have their orders revoked until completion of the Medical Board. **NOTIFY YOUR PEBLO IMMEDIATELY** DON’T
Is there any way I can stay in? YES, you can request Continuation on Active Duty/Active Reserve Component (COAD/COAR). CRITERIA FOR CONSIDERATION: 15 YEARS BUT LESS THAN 20 SHORTAGE MOS INJURY COMBAT RELATED HRC MAKES THE DECISION NOT THE PEB Checklist # 17
PEB: What does the Physical Evaluation Board Do? The PEB reads all documentation and determines your fitness status: “FIT FOR DUTY” or “UNFIT FOR DUTY”
There are 2 types of Fit For Duty NORMAL FIT FOR DUTY You are found fit because you can do the majority of your duties in your current MOS. PRESUMPTIVE FIT FOR DUTY You have submitted for retirement or are at your Retention Control Point (RCP).
Can I appeal a FIT for DUTY? YES The PEB President will decide if you will appear in front of a formal board.
“FIT for DUTY” Once you have been found FIT for DUTY, you will receive a FIT letter from the Physical Disability Agency, you will be released from all restrictions imposed during the medical board process (i.e. You are now deployable). YOUR MEB PERMANANT PROFILE WILL BECOME A PART OF YOUR MEDICAL RECORDS.
“UNFIT for DUTY” When the PEB determines UNFIT for DUTY, they also determine the % of unfitness. ----% Existed Prior to Service (EPTS) 0% - 20% Severance Pay Calculation 30% or Medical Retirement
Existed Prior to Service (EPTS) Separation is given without Disability Benefits (monetary or medical) [Exception “8 Year Rule”] ***LIMITED BENEFITS ARE GIVEN THROUGH INVOLUNTARY SEPARATION ***SEE TRANSITION POINT WALLER HALL
0 - 20 % - Severance Pay 2 MONTHS BASE PAY FOR EACH YEAR OF ACTIVE SERVICE (UP TO 19 YRS) 2 X Month Base Pay X #YRS EXAMPLE: 6 YEARS 10 MONTHS ACTIVE SERVICE WOULD BE 2 X MONTH BASE PAY X 7 = $$$ NEW!! NEW!! NEW!! Non-Combat - Minimum 3 years In Combat Zone – Minimum 6 years Checklist # 40
Combat Zone Vs Combat Related • Combat Zone • Any injury or illness that occurs in a combat Zone. • (example: Tripped and fell walking to the mess hall, while deployed in Iraq) • Combat Related • Any injury or illness that occurs while engaged in a combat mission. • (example: IED blast while on patrol)
0 - 20% - Severance Benefits In addition to Severance Pay, you and your family are entitled to the following: Medical Care 180 days
Medical Retirement - 2 types Temporary Disability Retirement List (TDRL) - Re-evaluated every 18 months - Can be retained a maximum of 5 years Permanent Disability Retirement List (PDRL) - Permanent Retirement
Retirement Benefits Eligible for all benefits awarded to 20 year length of service retirees: MEDICAL THROUGH TRICARE DENTAL THROUGH TRICARE COMMISSARY AND PX
Can I appeal this recommendation? If you disagree with an “UNFIT for DUTY” determination, you can appeal in two ways: 1. IN WRITING 2. REQUEST A FORMAL BOARD with LEGAL REPRESENTATION YOU HAVE 10 CALENDAR DAYS TO MAKE YOUR DECISION NOTE: If you choose to appeal in writing, and the appeal is rejected, you may lose your right to request a formal board.
PDA – Physical Disability Agency • Once your case has been completed by the PEB, it is forwarded to the Physical Disability Agency for final review. • After PDA processing, you will be placed on TRANSPROC for orders. • Once you are on TRANSPROC, your PEBLO will contact you so you can go to Waller Hall (transition) to pick up your packet. Your command will need to sign a 4187 so you can go back to transition and get your final orders. Please give a copy to your PEBLO as soon as you receive your final orders so your case can be closed.
LEAVE/PERMISSIVE TDY Your Command will determine what leave and/or Permissive TDY will be granted.
What about Additional Benefits? If you are separated or medically retired, Your PEBLO will: • Refer you to the VA to start your claim • Refer you to the TRICARE Service Center • Discuss other services available on an individual basis