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WHAT IS IT ?Novacoc is a watery solution for infusion in animals for parenteral administrationTarget animal species:HorsesCattle, calvespigsTreatment target: I. faster recovery in case of: severe intoxication II. faster restitution in case of imminent tissue (organic) damage.
3. Ingredients:
Glucose monohydrate:
basic essential energy supply for organism
Action: providing direct essential „fuel“ via bloodstream necessary for ALL life processes
in ruminants (cow, sheep goat):
especially important for the lactating cow (lactose):
more than 4kg glucose requirement for about 60kg milk
energy for milk fat synthesis requires glucose
Result: prompt improvement of clinical signs (energy) milk production can be maintained NOVACOC FORTE
4. Ingredients:
calcium digluconate:
major electrolyte in animal body (bone, teeth)
Action: necessary for: normal cardiac rythm
neuromuscular activity
metabolic activity
In ruminants:
last month fetus growth: 0.2g Ca/hour! Start of lactation (20kg milk): 1.0gCa/hour!
hypocalcaemia (can occur in all species!)
Result: correction of immediate imbalance until
homeostatic mechanism has adapted to the situation
5. Ingredients:
Metamizole (novaminsulfone, dipyrone):
Non Steroidal Antiphlogistic Inflammatory Drug
Action: inhibition of peripheral prostaglandin synthesis (E2)
thus inhibiting: pain
superoxide radicals generation
bradycinin action
enzyme release (lysomal ones)
distinct spasmolytic effect on smooth muscle tissues
Result: spasmolytic, antipyretic antiphlogistic effects
6. Ingredients:
essential sulphur containing amino acid!
Action: source for cysteine (only known 2nd amino acid with sulphur)
essential for gluthathione peroxidase (red blood cells)
source for sulphur: ATP production
oxygen transport
Result: efficient function of sulphur dependant systems in body
7. Ingredients:
Magnesium gluconate:
synergism with Ca, against electrolyte deficiency
Action: guarantees physiological function of:
phosphate transfer
muscle contractibility
neuronal transmission
often seen in early lactating cows: ataxia, collapse
in young suckled beef calves: sudden death
in chronic cases: decreased appetite
reduction in milk yield
Results: prevents disturbances in tissue functions
normalises electrolyte balance
8. Ingredients:
circulatory stimulating substance
Action: inhibition of adenosin receptor blocade (main action)
raise in blood pressure
increase in turnover of neurotransmitters
increases sthrength and duration of contraction (cardial and skeletal muscles)
Results: enhancement of body functions (circulation, CNS)
9. Dosage:
Horses (350-600kg): 150-250ml
Horses (200-350kg): 100-150ml
Adult cattle: 100-250ml
Calves, Young cattle : 50-100ml
Pigs: 20 - 50ml
10. Side effects:
too fast infusion can cause tachycardia
cardiac arrythmia
if administered too quickly collapse
cardiac disturbances
Tolerance was proven to be very good!
(E. Glawischnig, Wr. Tierärztl. Mschr)
Cows tolerated 500ml for 7 days without any problems if bodywarm increased breath and puls rate if cold infusion
12. Field trial in about 1000 animals with following diseases:
Foreign body peritonitis:
partly severe progressive cases
liver disease: fatty liver disease
degenerative liver disease
severe intoxications in different species:
cattle (coli mastitis, severe bronchitis),
sows (puerperal sepsis),
piglets, calves (acute enteritis, diarrhea, bronchopneumonia)
sheep (staphylococci mastitis, stenosis of intestine)
goat (stenosis of omasum, endometritis)
14. Results of Trial:
faster increase of feed intake
faster clinical restitution (especially in liver disease)
acceleration of recovery (especially in case of intoxication)
general recovery faster
(than controls)