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Septiembre 2017

Meetings of Ministers and High Level Authorities on Social Development: Background and scope. Septiembre 2017. February , 2019. Meetings of Ministers and High Level Authorities on Social Development.

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Septiembre 2017

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Meetings of Ministers and High Level Authorities on Social Development: Background and scope Septiembre 2017 February, 2019

  2. Meetings of Ministers and High Level Authorities on Social Development Taking advantage of its convening power as the main forum for political dialogue at the hemispheric level • The Organization of the American States Organizes sectorial meetings in areasofspecialinterestfortheregionundertheframeworkoftheInteramerican Council for Integral Development (CIDI) The Meeting of Ministers and High Level Authorities on Social Development The Secretariat for Access to Rights and Equity-SARE is the Technical Secretariat of the Social Development Ministerial process in collaboration with SEDI

  3. Meetings ofMinisters and High LevelAuthoritieson Social Development The Ministerial Meetings on Social Development are basedonthemaininteramericaninstrumentsofthe OAS takingintoaccountthecommitmentsofmemberstates in: 1 • The OAS Charter (1948) • The American Convention on Human Rights (1969) 2 • The Social Charter of the Americas and its Plan of Action (2012 & 2015) 3 4 • The Declaration of Asunción adopted by the OAS General Assembly at its Forty-fourth regular session: “Development with Social Inclusion (2014) • The Declaration “Commitments for Social Development: Equity and Social Inclusion: Overcoming Inequalities for More Inclusive Societies” (2016) 5

  4. Meetings of Ministers and High Level Authorities on Social Development A space for political/technical dialogue among Ministers & High Level authorities on Social Development of OAS Member States to address the main priorities and challenges in the area of Social Development in the Americas • REMDES To define priorities and areas for action in coordination with other global and Inter-American institutions to enable countries to make significant progress in: • Objective • Intersectoral policy making in the area of social development • The fulfillment of the 2030 Agenda, the mandates of the Summits of the Americas, the instruments of the Inter-American system & prior REMDES mandates

  5. Why are REMDES meetings important? REMDES Meetings facilitate 1 The exchange of information, experiences and best practices 2 The definition of priorities for action to strengthen government policies and programs in specific focus areas 3 The activation, update, revitalization & strengthening of cooperation mechanisms at the bilateral and multilateral level 4 The analysis of the progress and challenges in the fulfillment of mandates of the Summits of the Americas, the instruments of the Inter-American system & prior REMDES mandates At the technical level, the guidelines from the Ministerial meetings have been translated into concrete hemispheric cooperation actions at the bilateral & multilateral levels

  6. Meetings of Ministers and High LevelAuthoritieson Social Development-History Since the creation of the Interamerican Committee on Social Development (CIDES) in 1996 (former Committee on Social Development), 3 Ministerial Meetings on Social Development (REMDES) have occurred July 2016 July 2010 July 2008 Asunción Paraguay Cali Colombia Reñaca Chile • A “SUI GENERIS” • MINISTERIAL PROCESS March 2019 • Lack of regularity & frequency of meetings • An inactive CIDES • Lack of a Plan of Action to follow up on REMDES mandates Guatemala City

  7. IV REMDES Overcoming multidimensional poverty and Bridging social equity gaps: towards an Inter-American Agenda on social development To lay the foundation for the creation of an Inter-American Agenda on Social Development that will define priorities and areas of action in coordination with other institutions to enable countries to make significant progress in the promotion of social development in the Americas until the next ministerial meeting • Objective The meeting will serve as a forum for the exchange of experiences, best practices & lessons learned as well as to identify effective public policies to make progress on the core topics of the Ministerial Meeting

  8. Expected Results 1 • Approve a document with priorities at political level on social development (Declaration) 2 • Approve a Plan of Action that will allow to work toward the construction of an Inter-American Agenda for Social Developments 3 • Discuss strategies for strengthening cooperation • and to broaden partnerships with strategic actors

  9. Ministerial Process Cycles 2 3 months 3 months Ministerial Meeting March 28-29/ 2019 Guatemala 3 7 Planning Meeting (Troika + authorities) Preparatory Meeting February 2019 Informal Negotiations Development of work plans Triennial Cycle 6 months 3 months 6 4 CIDI Meeting to present draft documents and begin informal discussions and negotiations Meeting of the Policy Commission to discuss sectoral issues 5 Secretariat drafts documents for the Meeting Implementation of mandates according to the Work Plan Meeting of the Inter-American Commission 3 months 18 months

  10. Betilde Muñoz-Pogossian • Director • Department of Social Inclusión • Secretariat for Access to Rights and Equity • bmunoz@oas.org

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