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Tangible Interaction / Augmented Reality

Tangible Interaction / Augmented Reality. Scott Klemmer 12 October 2004. Bay chi tonight: Don Norman. User Experience: Why Do So Many Organizations Believe They Own It? Kresge Auditorium, 7:45-9:45 pm. Human Subjects. http://www.stanford.edu/dept/DoR/hs

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Tangible Interaction / Augmented Reality

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tangible Interaction /Augmented Reality Scott Klemmer 12 October 2004

  2. Baychi tonight: Don Norman User Experience: Why Do So Many Organizations Believe They Own It? Kresge Auditorium, 7:45-9:45pm Tangible UIs / Augmented Reality

  3. Human Subjects • http://www.stanford.edu/dept/DoR/hs • Email me before class on Thursday that you have read and understand the guidelines Tangible UIs / Augmented Reality

  4. “The future is already here. It is just not uniformly distributed” —William Gibson mentioned inBill Buxton, Forward Into the Past, Time Magazine, 10/11/2004 http://www.time.com/time/covers/1101041011/nextessay.html Tangible UIs / Augmented Reality

  5. Graphical User Interfaces • Potato, keyboard, small “desktop” • Seated, single-user • Structured tasks (word processing, spreadsheets, …) Tangible UIs / Augmented Reality

  6. Tangible User Interfaces • Augment the physical world, integrating digital information with everydayphysical objects • Generally, physical input controlsgraphical or audio output Tangible UIs / Augmented Reality

  7. Three main types • Everyday (no actuation) • Mechatronic (actuated) • Ambient (actuated) Tangible UIs / Augmented Reality

  8. Tangible UIs / Augmented Reality

  9. THE DESIGNERS’ OUTPOST Web Design Practice • Interviews with 11 professional designers [Newman DIS 2000] • Post-It notes on large surfaces • affinity diagrams • Brainstorming • collaborative • solo • Advantages • persistent • immersive & haptic • fluid, informal interface • Difficulties • hard to edit • …to share • …to make digital Wall of a design room at a Silicon Valley web design firm Contextual Design, by Hugh Beyer and Karen Holtzblatt Tangible UIs / Augmented Reality

  10. THE DESIGNERS’ OUTPOST Tangible UIs / Augmented Reality

  11. The Designers’ Outpost • Combining... affordances ofpaper and advantages of electronic media to support design practice [Klemmer et al, UIST 01] • Electronic wall surface(180 cm diagonal SMART Board) • Regular Post-it notes • Computer vision, stylus, & physical tools UI Tangible UIs / Augmented Reality

  12. Tangible UIs / Augmented Reality

  13. I N F R A S T R U C T U R E THE DESIGNERS’ OUTPOST Vision System Rear Camera Vision (640x480, 7fps) Tangible UIs / Augmented Reality

  14. I N F R A S T R U C T U R E THE DESIGNERS’ OUTPOST Vision System Tangible UIs / Augmented Reality

  15. THE DESIGNERS’ OUTPOST Geo-referenced I/O Tangible UIs / Augmented Reality

  16. Tangible UIs / Augmented Reality

  17. Rasa [McGee et al, CHI02] Collaborage [Moran et al, UIST99] Illuminating Light [CHI98] Tangible UIs / Augmented Reality

  18. MediaBlocks [Ullmer] Paper Flight Strips [Mackay et al, CHI98] Palette [Nelson, CHI99] Tangible UIs / Augmented Reality

  19. Books with Voices [CHI03] Audio Notebook [Stifelman, CHI01] Listen Reader [Back, CHI01] Tangible UIs / Augmented Reality

  20. Tangible UIs / Augmented Reality

  21. Tangible UIs / Augmented Reality

  22. Tangible UIs / Augmented Reality

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