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Watch And Pray

Watch And Pray. Watch and pray, for the Lord is coming, Coming in the clouds some day; Wash your robes in the cleansing fountain, Watch, oh, watch and pray. 1-6. Words and Music by Elbert Bailey. Watch And Pray. Watch and pray, (Watch and pray, watch and pray,) watch and pray,

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Watch And Pray

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Watch And Pray Watch and pray, for the Lord is coming, Coming in the clouds some day; Wash your robes in the cleansing fountain, Watch, oh, watch and pray. 1-6 Words and Music by Elbert Bailey

  2. Watch And Pray Watch and pray, (Watch and pray, watch and pray,) watch and pray, (oh, watch and pray ev'ry day,) For we know not the hour when the Lord shall come; Watch and pray, (Watch and pray, watch and pray,) watch and pray, (oh, watch and pray ev'ry day,) And be ready to enter the soul's bright home. 2-6

  3. Watch And Pray He may come in the early morning, He may come at close of day; Watch and pray, in His promise trusting, Watch, oh, watch and pray. 3-6

  4. Watch And Pray Watch and pray, (Watch and pray, watch and pray,) watch and pray, (oh, watch and pray ev'ry day,) For we know not the hour when the Lord shall come; Watch and pray, (Watch and pray, watch and pray,) watch and pray, (oh, watch and pray ev'ry day,) And be ready to enter the soul's bright home. 4-6

  5. Watch And Pray When He comes He'll reward the faithful, What a glorious day 'twill be; Joy awaits those who have made ready, Watch, oh, watch and pray. 5-6

  6. Watch And Pray Watch and pray, (Watch and pray, watch and pray,) watch and pray, (oh, watch and pray ev'ry day,) For we know not the hour when the Lord shall come; Watch and pray, (Watch and pray, watch and pray,) watch and pray, (oh, watch and pray ev'ry day,) And be ready to enter the soul's bright home. 6-6

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