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Challenge to Greek autonomy: Persian Empire led by Darius (522-486) and Xerxes (486-465). Heroic past: Plain of Marathon Athens & Plataea vs. Persians, 490 BCE. Marathon Bay. Persian cavalry. Persian fleet. Persian camp. Greek camp at sanctuary of Herakles. Soros.
Challenge to Greek autonomy: Persian Empire led by Darius (522-486) and Xerxes (486-465)
Heroic past: Plain of MarathonAthens & Plataea vs. Persians, 490 BCE Marathon Bay Persian cavalry Persian fleet Persian camp Greek camp at sanctuary of Herakles Soros
Heroic past: Leonidas of Sparta, 7000 hoplites:μολὼν λαβέ(molōnlabe: Plutarch Moralia 225c11)“Come and take [them]!”
Battle of Salamis, 480 BCE Battle of Plataea, 479 BCE (north of Attica) Mt. Aigaleos (Xerxes) Salamis Psyttaleia Phaleron
Pentekontaetia(50 years)479/8-432/1 BCE The wars between the wars, summarized by Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War1.87-118
Thuc. 1.89-93 • Conclusion of the Persian War, led by Athens • Rebuilding of Athens’ walls • Themistokles’ political acumen in deceiving Sparta • Themistokles’ plan for Athens • Rebuild and fortify Piraeus (the port of Athens): “For he first ventured to tell them to stick to the sea and forthwith began to lay the foundations of the empire” (1.93) • Themistokles, accused of medism, fled to Persia ca. 470-465
Thuc. 1.94-97 • Sparta recalls King Pausanias, withdraws from the united sphere and yields to Athenian leadership • Athens creates the “Delian League,” centered on Delos • Of the next 50 years, Thucydides relates that “the history of these events contains an explanation of the growth of the Athenian empire” (1.97).
Thuc. 1.98-103 • Cimon, son of Miltiades hero of Marathon, wages war with the Persians in southern Asia Minor (Eurymedon River) and defeats the Persian fleet (468-466) • Cimon besieges, enslaves the inhabitants of, and takes • Eion on the Strymon River (in Thrace), for silver and timber • Carystus (on the nearby island of Euboea) for the grain route • Islands of Naxos & Thasos, which revolted from the Delian League (470/69 &465/4) • Thasos, which revolted from the Delian League (465/4) over silver • Earthquake strikes Sparta; Cimon offers help • Pericles’ career begins
THRACE Strymon River Eion Carystus
Naupactus Mt. Ithome
Social issues • Privileged populations • Citizens: name, patronymic, demotic (e.g., Themistokles son of Neokles of Phrearrhioi) • Participation in δημοκρατία (demokratia) • Priestly castes • Education for sons of aristocrats but not state-sponsored • Marginalized populations • Women • Slaves • Foreigners: barbaroi and metoikoi
Perikles, 465-432 (Thuc. 1.104-118) 465/4 charged Kimon over Thasos revolt 462/1 reformed Areopagus (Ephialtes assassinated) contributed to Kimon’s ostracism 461-55 jury pay, office sortition, subsidized festivals 460-50 support of Egyptian revolt from Persia (Kimon) First Peloponnesian War 459 started construction of Long Walls 454 moved Delian League treasury to Athens 451 restricted citizenship; Kimon recalled from exile (dies in Cyprus); truce with Sparta 449 Peace of Kallias(?) – peace with Persia 448/7 Congress Decree (but no one comes) 446 30-years’ peace with Sparta 447-32Construction of Parthenon, Propylaea, Odeon 446 Suppressed revolts in Megara & on Euboea 444/3 Thucydides son of Melesiasostracized 440/39 Suppressed revolt on Samos 433 Tensions arise with Sparta and her allies
459/8 (or as early as 461/0): Long Walls, Athens (Thuc. 1.107)
455/4: Delian League funds transferred to Athens: the League becomes an empire
Acropolis N Areopagus Agora Panathenaic Way
Athena Promachos,456-50(?) Parthenon, 447-32 Altar of Athena N Propylaia, 437-32 Athena Nike, 427-24 Panathenaia Agora
Parthenon: basics • 447-432 BCE • Architects: Kallikrates & Iktinus • Sculptural program: Pheidias (statue of Athena Parthenos) • Pentelic marble (Mt. Pentelikon, Attica) • Craftsmen: citizens, metics, slaves
Parthenon frieze: cavalcade Frieze as celebration of Athena, Athens and the Panathenaea
Parthenon frieze: peplosfor the xoanon, gods Hephaistos Athena
Chryselephantine statue, PheidiasPlut. Per. 31 Pericles? Varvakeion Athena(Roman, 2nd c. CE) Pheidias? Strangford Shield(Roman, 3rd c. CE)