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Traumatic Experiences of Refugees in Republic of Serbia Research

Investigating traumatic experiences of refugees passing through Serbia in 2015-2016, covering origins, needs, and education disruptions. Research accessed sociodemographic data, trauma accounts, and basic needs. Information collected via a questionnaire with 40 questions, including closed and open questions. Notable findings include Syrian, Afghan, and Iraqi refugees sharing war-related traumas and facing threats from militant groups such as Taliban and ISIS. Refugee destinations include Germany, Sweden, Holland, Norway, and Italy. Research aimed to enhance understanding and support for refugees in transit through Serbia.

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Traumatic Experiences of Refugees in Republic of Serbia Research

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  1. Traumatic experiences of refugees who are in transit through Republic of Serbia Ms. Bojana Trivuncic - International Aid Network Ms. Biljana Petrovic - International Aid Network Ms. Jelena Loncarevic- International Aid Network Mr. Vladimir Jovic- University of Pristina Mr. Djordje Alempijevic- University of Belgrade

  2. Traumatic experiences of refugees who are in transit through Republic of Serbia • Great influx of refugees in 2015 in Serbia • Majority of the refugees/migrants was just passing through Balkan countries • More than 600 000 refugees/migrants have entered in to Serbia in 2015 • They were staying from a few hours to a few days • Since March 2016, so called Balkan route is closed. • Nowdays around 6000 refugees/migrants are settled in Serbia

  3. Traumatic experiences of refugees who are in transit through Republic of Serbia Research - July 2015 till December 2015 The goal of the researchwas improving existing data about refugees/migrants and better understnading of the situation and needs of the refugees who are located on the Serbian territory, but have not been situated in the centres for asylum seekers

  4. Traumatic experiences of refugees who are in transit through Republic of Serbia Research tasks: • Determination of the sociodemographic characteristics – country of origin, sex, age, education, marital status, migratory routes, etc. • Questioning about traumatic experiences in the country of origin, transit countries, Republic of Serbia, experiences of torture. • Determination of basic needs – existential, legal, health/psychological

  5. Traumatic experiences of refugees who are in transit through Republic of Serbia • Qualitative research • Data are gathered through interviews based on a questionnaire that was set especially for this research. The questionnaire contains 40 questions (multiple-choice questions as well as open questions).

  6. Traumatic experiences of refugees who are in transit through Republic of Serbia Sample

  7. Traumatic experiences of refugees who are in transit through Republic of Serbia However, certain number of the university graduates was forced to stop their education due to difficult circumstances in the country of origin (34 persons)

  8. Traumatic experiences of refugees who are in transit through Republic of Serbia • Large number of people who left the country of origin more than a year ago spent their time living in the neighboring countries such as Turkey, Lebanon, Iran and Greece as well, mostly outside the law.

  9. Traumatic experiences of refugees who are in transit through Republic of Serbia • Majority of the Syrian refugees use route - Turkey, Greece and Macedonia (93.3%). Only 5 refugees came to Serbia through Bulgaria. • Iraqi refugees also use the Turkey-Greece-Macedonia route (73.1%), while smaller number came through Bulgaria (26.9%). • Afghan refugees arrived in Turkey across Iran, except for 13 of them who went through Pakistan to Iran and than to Turkey. 47 of the Afghan refugees (56.6%) came to Serbia across Bulgaria and the rest of them (44.4%) went across Macedonia.

  10. Traumatic experiences of refugees who are in transit through Republic of Serbia Destination countries for refugee: • Germany (97 refugees) • Sweden (19 refugees) • Holland (12 refugees) • Norway (8 refugees) • Italy (7 refugees)

  11. Traumatic experiences of refugees who are in transit through Republic of Serbia Traumatic experiences of refugees / migrants and the experience of torture / ill-treatment • The most common trauma in the countries of origin of which they speak are related to the events of the war and other armed conflicts. These are also the main reasons for leaving the country.

  12. Traumatic experiences of refugees who are in transit through Republic of Serbia Syrians • the most common traumatic experiences were related to the war that is taking place in their country. • The bombing - It is often said that they have been bombed with barrels filled with explosives. • Many are left without houses andhave no place to live. • Manyhavelost close familymembers, parentsandchildren • At the same time theyoftenwitnessed the killing of civiliansandchildren in the streets. • Fearof mobilizationis alsoverypresent, as well as the fear of kidnappingandarrestby the regime

  13. Traumatic experiences of refugees who are in transit through Republic of Serbia Afghans • The most traumatic experience and reason of leaving the country is war • The majority of Afghans in this research are coming from parts of the country that are controlled by Taliban or the Islamic state. • Many have witnessed suicide attacks on the streets and most of them suffered threats from the Taliban or members of the Islamic state. • Death threats by the ISIS or Talibans are common and forcing to join militant groups.

  14. Traumatic experiences of refugees who are in transit through Republic of Serbia Iraqis • Experience of violence by different military groups • It is often stated that in Iraq act five different armed groups. • Very often they witnessed suicide attacks, killings, many have lost close family members in these conflicts.

  15. Traumatic experiences of refugees who are in transit through Republic of Serbia Transit countries • 70% refugees in the research stated that they had experienced traumatic experiences in the countries of transit. • Most often traumatic experiences are traveling by the boat from Turkey to Greece • Passing through Bulgaria • Traumatic experiences related to the journey that is exhausting, includes long-term walking, hiking in the woods, living and sleeping in the open.

  16. Traumatic experiences of refugees who are in transit through Republic of Serbia Torture experience • Based on research data 29.8% of refugees, or 61 refugees out of 205 stated to have survived some form of torture / ill-treatment in the country of origin.

  17. Traumatic experiences of refugees who are in transit through Republic of Serbia • Syrians - 25,6% claimed they had experienced torture / ill-treatment in Syria Perpetrators: • The most common - forces of the regime. • Forces of the Islamic state. • The largest number of victims had been kidnapped or arrested, and spent in prison from several days to several months. The reasons: • religious affiliation (Sunni Muslims). • The doubts that they cooperate with the rebel army • Victim lives in a territory that is "rebellious"

  18. Traumatic experiences of refugees who are in transit through Republic of Serbia • methods of torture which perpetrators applied were brutal. • Victims speak about the harsh daily beatings, strangulation, hanging, torture with electricity. • Intimidation, threats and humiliation are accompanying psychological methods of abuse about which respondents testify.

  19. Traumatic experiences of refugees who are in transit through Republic of Serbia • Afghans- 38,6% claimed they had experienced torture / ill-treatment in Afghanistan Perpetrators: • members of the Taliban or the Islamic state. Refugees were living in the territory of Afghanistan that was occupied or held by Taliban or Islamic state. • Most often were psychological methods of ill-treatment, death threats, intimidation, forcing the participate in armed conflict, and to join their forces. • Physical abuses, beatings, kidnappings.

  20. Traumatic experiences of refugees who are in transit through Republic of Serbia • Iraqis - Even the sample of refugees from Iraq in the study was much lower, 29.2%, reported that they had experience of torture / ill-treatment in Iraq. Perpetrators - official police and members of Islamic state on the territory occupied by them. • Methods of torture / ill-treatment of which they have spoken were mainly methods of physical abuse, whipping – method common among ISIS perpetrators as well as psychological methods of intimidation and death threats.

  21. Traumatic experiences of refugees who are in transit through Republic of Serbia Torture experience/ill treatment in transit countries • 42% of refugees reported that they have experienced some form of torture or inhumane treatment in the countries of transit. • In more detail, out of 61 refugees who experienced torture / ill-treatment in the country of origin, 50.8% of them had experienced another form of torture or inhumane treatment in the transit countries.

  22. Traumatic experiences of refugees who are in transit through Republic of Serbia • The experiences of torture, ill-treatment and inhuman treatment in transit countries were mostly related to the police brutallity in Iran, Lebanon, Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece and Macedonia. • Reason for such treatment, as they see it, is an attempt to cross the border. • The most frequently was excessive use of force by the police, and hitting with batons. • The experiences of inhumane treatment suffered in transit countries, including Serbia were long, as they see, unnecessary waitings for the registration papers, very bad, inhumane conditions in the shelters without sufficient food and water, as well as humiliation.

  23. Traumatic experiences of refugees who are in transit through Republic of Serbia Possible systematic torture in transit countries? • 47 of Afghan refugees came to Serbia via Bulgaria and 82.9% (39 refugees) of them said they have experienced torture in Bulgaria, mostly in prisons • In prison, they spent from five days to two months. • Methods of torture/ill treatment – beatings with nightsticks every day, robbing (they said that they have been taken all the money and that they took away their mobile phones).

  24. Traumatic experiences of refugees who are in transit through Republic of Serbia • Some have reported that the police had chased them with dogs through the woods in Bulgaria. • The reason for the torture they see the fact that they are refugees, Afghans, or the fact that they tried to cross the border.

  25. IAN work with refugees IAN – mobile team unit – at the real station in Sid Mobile team consit of: • Medical doctor • Nurse • Psychologist • Interpretor

  26. IAN work with refugees From 28th September – 31 March • Medical interventions – for 7373 refugees (usually one intervention per refugee) • PFA interventions – for 4264 refugees

  27. Thank you for your attention

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