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Taxonomy and Phylogenetic Relationships of Ctenidae Spiders in Afrotropical and Neotropical Regions

Explore the taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships of Ctenidae spiders in the Afrotropical and Neotropical regions. Discuss diagnostic characters, ocular patterns, claw tufts, and tarsal scopulae. Present scientific production, PhD projects, and new data from cladistic analysis, including the discovery of new genera. Delve into the discussion of terminal taxa, the age of Cteninae, and the implications of new genera like Afroneutria and Arctenus.

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Taxonomy and Phylogenetic Relationships of Ctenidae Spiders in Afrotropical and Neotropical Regions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships of Afrotropical and Neotropical Ctenidae spiders (Araneae) Daniele Polotow

  2. About me São Paulo, Brazil

  3. About me São Paulo, Brazil

  4. About me Education Biological Sciences (2000-2002) Master degree – São Paulo University (2004-2006) Zoology Doctor degree – São Paulo University (2006-now) Zoology

  5. About me • Butantan Institut • 2002-now • Vaccines • Antidotes • Basic Research • Applied Research

  6. Scientific experience Taxonomy and phylogenetics of the spider family Ctenidae (Neotropical)

  7. Ctenidae: diagnostic characters Ocular pattern: 2-4-2

  8. Ctenidae: characters Claw tufts Tarsal scopulae

  9. Phylogenetic relationships and monophyly Silva, 2003

  10. Phylogenetic relationships and monophyly Raven & Stumkat, 2005

  11. Scientific production

  12. Scientific production

  13. Scientific production

  14. Scientific production

  15. Scientific production

  16. Scientific production

  17. Scientific production

  18. Scientific production

  19. PhD Project “Taxonomy of the Neotropical spider genus Celaetycheus Simon and cladistic analysis of Cteninae (Araneae, Ctenidae)” • Phylogenetic relationships of Cteninae (Ctenidae) • Taxonomic revision of Celaetycheus Simon ok

  20. Cladistic Analysis: Preliminar results Ctenidae Cteninae

  21. Cladistic Analysis: Preliminar results Ctenidae Cteninae

  22. GTI Program • Goals • -Examine of Afrotropical material for the cladistic analysis • Taxonomy of Afroneutria gen. nov. • Taxonomy of Arctenus gen. nov.

  23. Cladistic Analysis New data 1 7 + 14 = 21 41

  24. Cladistic Analysis New data Mesquite: 67 taxa and 75 characters

  25. Cladistic Analysis New data Ctenidae Cteninae Result: 48 trees of 175 steps

  26. Calocteninae

  27. Cteninae Afrotropical taxa

  28. Taxonomy Afroneutria, a new Afrotropical spider genus (Araneae, Ctenidae, Cteninae) Composed by median to large sized spiders. Distribution: Central Africa. Four species: Afroneutria velox, A. immortalis, A. erythrochelis and A. quadrimaculata sp. nov.

  29. Taxonomy Afroneutria, a new Afrotropical spider genus (Araneae, Ctenidae, Cteninae) Composed by median to large sized spiders. Distribution: Central and south-east Africa. Four species: Afroneutria velox, A. immortalis, A. erythrochelis and A. quadrimaculata sp. nov.

  30. Taxonomy Afroneutria, a new Afrotropical spider genus (Araneae, Ctenidae, Cteninae) Distribution: Central Africa.

  31. Taxonomy Afroneutria, a new Afrotropical spider genus (Araneae, Ctenidae, Cteninae) Distribution: Central Africa.

  32. Taxonomy Arctenus, a new Afrotropical spider genus (Araneae, Ctenidae, Calocteninae) Composed by small sized spiders. Distribution: South-east Africa. One species: Arctenus taita sp. nov.

  33. Taxonomy Arctenus, a new Afrotropical spider genus (Araneae, Ctenidae, Calocteninae) Composed by small sized spiders. Distribution: South-east Africa. One species: Arctenus taita sp. nov.

  34. Taxonomy Arctenus, a new Afrotropical spider genus (Araneae, Ctenidae, Calocteninae) Distribution: South-east Africa.

  35. Taxonomy Arctenus, a new Afrotropical spider genus (Araneae, Ctenidae, Calocteninae) Distribution: South-east Africa.

  36. Taxonomy Arctenus, a new Afrotropical spider genus (Araneae, Ctenidae, Calocteninae) Distribution: South-east Africa.

  37. Discussion • Problems with terminal taxa: several Neotropical taxa and just a few of others regions • Cteninae: older than the split of the continent? • Arctenus new genus: first Calocteninae from the Afrotropical region • Afroneutria new genus: large size spiders and related to Phoneutria in the cladistic analysis: public helth problem?

  38. Thank you!

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