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Come Walk with me. By. Beatrice Mosionier Autobiography,186 pages Setting: takes place when author was born,in1949 until 2001. Marlon Garrioch. Author Page.
Come Walk with me By. Beatrice Mosionier Autobiography,186 pages Setting: takes place when author was born,in1949 until 2001. Marlon Garrioch
Author Page Beatrice Mosionier, also known as Beatrice Culleton is a well known Canadian author who is from Winnipeg Manitoba and resides there. Beatrice has 2 kids named billy and debby, and is now 65 years old. Beatrice is well known for the book “in search of April Raintree” , Beatrice has also wrote other books such as “unusual friendships”, “spirit of the white bison” and “In the shadow of evil.
Main Character page Beatrice(author/protagonist) : Beatrice is the main Character in this novel, she is very kind hearted, and strong because as a child she was sexually abused, psychologically damaged. And also fought suicidal thoughts. Physically describing Beatrice, she is small, with dark brown eyes, and long brown hair. Mrs.Chevallier: Mrs.Chevallier was Beatrice’s foster mom, Mrs. Chevallier treated Beatrice as she were her own child, I would describe Mrs. Chevallier as kind and accepting. (no physical description given in novel) Kathy : Kathy, was Beatrice’ oldest sister, In the autobiography Kathy is described to be Corrupted, Kathy was also in a foster home, but not with her sister. Kathy was described to be corrupted because she lost who she was as an aboriginal person and later committed suicide.
Summary In the autobiography “Come walk with me” it is about a young aboriginal girl who is taken out of her home and put into foster care at a young age. Throughout the novel the protagonist(Beatrice) deals with loss, identity and a lot of racism. Some main events from the novel are, getting put into foster care, to going to school with white children..being put down because she is aboriginal. Other main events Beatrice deals with are the deaths of her sisters, but things take a turn and she meets her husband Bill. Bill and Beatrice later have 2 kids names Billy and Debby. In the novel, Beatrice explains how angry she is at her parents for letting Family services take her and her sisters away from her parents, and also explains how her relationship with her parents slowly die. In the end of the autobiography, there is a happy ending, Beatrice explains how she restores her relationship with her parents and learns to forgive them for what has happened.
Likes and Dislikes Dislikes: Things I really disliked about the novel was the beginning, when Beatrice and her sisters are put into foster homes, I also disliked parts when she talks about sexual abuse. One last part that I really disliked is when she talks about how the relationship between her, her mother and father slowly deteriorate. Likes: I liked the whole autobiography in general, it starts off from a very sad, depressing beginning to a happy ending. I also liked how she explains how she happy when she has her kids, she explains it as an “unexplainable love and happiness”. The last thing that I really liked about the autobiography is when Beatrice explains how she repairs the relationship between her, her mother and father.
Vocabulary words 1 Grievous: Very bad or severe. That is a very Grievous wound. 2. Missionaries: A person sent on a religious mission, esp. one sent to promote Christianity in a foreign country. German missionaries arrived on the tiny Indonesian island of Nias. 3. Perception : The state of being or process of becoming aware of something in such a way. Shoppers were also invited to take part in a hazard perception test. 4. Composition: The action of putting things together; formation or construction. Composition of the atmosphere is changing. 5. Excruciating: Mentally agonizing or painful. Being tortured must’ve been an excruciating experience, both mentally and physically. 6. Dwell: Make (someone) ecstatically happy I dwell on the past.
Themes/ lessons Something I learned reading this autobiography is to have hope. I learned that because the story is so sad, and that the main character didn’t give up no matter how was things got. I thought of this autobiography to be described as a “light at the end of the tunnel” kind of autobiography. I thought of the novel to be like that because the main character lived through a lot of depression, suicidal thoughts, racism and abuse. The main character did not give up and even helped herself get through all of that negativity through writing a novel that turned into one of the best known novels known to Canadian aboriginal literature.
Review I really enjoyed reading this autobiography. The main character deals with a lot of racism, loss and identity loss. I like how she gets through all of that and has hope. I would recommend this book to someone if they were to read it for a novel study. I also think it is very well written.
If I could change the title or the ending If I were to change the title or the ending of the novel, I would definitely choose the title. Although the title “come walk with me” is already good, I would change it to something such as “it only gets better” I would change the ending because because at the end of the autobiography it does get better. The beginning is very sad, depressing and lonely and same with the middle of the novel, but towards the end things take a turn to the happy side. The main character never loses hope although she went through a lot of rough patches in her life.
Free slide Beatrice Mosionier started off her writing career with “Pemmican Publications” they helped publish her book “in search of April Raintree” which is now a well known book to Canadian aboriginal literature. Beatrice was married twice. She also attended George brown collegein Toronto. Also, Beatrice has spoken at many schools, organizations and universities about her experiences and books. Both nationally and internationally. Lastly, on her spare time Beatrice enjoys her long time interest designing and building wood working projects.