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Presentation Transcript

  1. To start the presentation, click on this button in the lower right corner of your screen. The presentation will begin after the screen changes and you press enter. Developed by: U-MIC
  2. ClinicalTrials.gov

    requirements for registration and informed consent Developed by: U-MIC University of Michigan IRB Collaborative
  3. http://www.ClinicalTrials.gov
  4. ClinicalTrials.gov Rationale Transparency – public knows how its money is being spent Identify clinical trials for participants Provide a place where researchers can see what is going on elsewhere – even before results exist, to avoid duplication of effort
  5. ClinicalTrials.gov Why should I register my study on ClinicalTrials.gov? It’s the law since September 2007! Food and Drug Administration Amendment Act (FDAAA) All “Applicable Clinical Trials” must register in ClinicalTrials.gov. “Applicable Clinical Trials” of FDA approved items must register AND report results.
  6. ClinicalTrials.gov Required informed consent language “A description of this clinical trial will be available on www.ClinicalTrials.gov, as required by US law. This website will not include information that can identify you. At most, the website will include a summary of the results. You can search this website at any time.” This requirement is a federal regulation, and for that reason, the required language cannot be altered in any way.
  7. ClinicalTrials.gov “Applicable Clinical Trials” If drugs or biologics are involved, controlled clinical investigations subject to FDA regulation except Phase I trials
  8. ClinicalTrials.gov “Applicable Clinical Trials” If a device is involved, prospective studies of health outcomes use an FDA regulated device compare an intervention with the device against a control except feasibility studies
  9. ClinicalTrials.gov Exceptions: expanded access continued access purely retrospective studies purely observational studies some bioequivalence studies more like Phase I than II (most bioequivalence studies are considered applicable clinical trials)
  10. ClinicalTrials.gov “As required by law” Guidance for Sponsors, Investigators, and Institutional Review Boards Questions and Answers on Informed Consent Elements, 21 CFR § 50.25(c) (Small Entity Compliance Guide) Feb. 2012 18. If a clinical trial is not subject to the rule, do investigators have to inform trial participants about the availability of clinical trial information on www.ClinicalTrials.gov? No, if the clinical trial is not subject to the rule (not an applicable clinical trial), then investigators/sponsors do not need to inform participants about the availability of information on the www.ClinicalTrials.gov website. The required statement should not be included in informed consent documents or processes for clinical trials that are not applicable clinical trials. However, if investigators/sponsors independently believe that reporting data on www.ClinicalTrials.gov may influence subjects’ willingness to participate, nothing in this regulation prevents investigators/sponsors from voluntarily reporting trial data and informing trial participants in an appropriate manner. http://www.fda.gov/downloads/RegulatoryInformation/Guidances/UCM291085.pdf
  11. #1 #2 I want study participants to join my trial! I want to publish! ICMJE says, “Register or don’t publish in our journals!” ClinicalTrials.gov Why else might I want to register my study on ClinicalTrials.gov?
  12. ClinicalTrials.gov Reasons to Register &Use Informed Consent Language FDAAA Results & AE Reporting FDAAA Registration ICMJE Registration Looking for Participants
  13. Additional Resources General ClinicalTrials.gov information: http://prsinfo.clinicaltrials.gov, especially Elaboration of Definitions of Responsible Party and Applicable Clinical Trial http://prsinfo.clinicaltrials.gov/ElaborationsOnDefinitions.pdf FDAAA related information: http://prsinfo.clinicaltrials.gov/fdaaa.html For specific questions or comments: register@clinicaltrials.gov. Office of Extramural Research (OER): http://grants.nih.gov/Clinicaltrials_fdaaa/ Frequently Asked Questions for NIH Grantees:http://grants.nih.gov/Clinicaltrials_fdaaa/faq.htm Instructions for Authors sections of ICJME journals all have information regarding clinical trial registration Office of Regulatory Affairs:http://msa.med.umich.edu/RegulatoryAffairs Diane Lehman Wilson 764-0634; dlehman@med.umich.edu
  14. Diane Lehman Wilson, MPP, JD Office of Regulatory Affairs University of Michigan Medical School Administration thank you. Developed by: U-MIC
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