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THEMES. Thematic Network on Safety Assessment in Waterborne Transport. Work Package IV: HUMAN ASPECTS. WP Leader: D’Appolonia. Partners involved : Task Leader 4.1: Danish Maritime Institute Task Leader 4.2: Risø Members: DGG, MATSU, MCA, MT, MSR, RINAVE, TRUTH, JRC, CAT, Uppsala UN.
THEMES Thematic Network on Safety Assessment in Waterborne Transport Work Package IV: HUMAN ASPECTS WP Leader: D’Appolonia Partners involved : Task Leader 4.1: Danish Maritime Institute Task Leader 4.2: Risø Members: DGG, MATSU, MCA, MT, MSR, RINAVE, TRUTH, JRC, CAT, Uppsala UN.
THEMES Premise Generalities Human Factors are identified as an important contributing factor to the risk of ship accidents Human Factors are one of the main causes in 60 to 90 % of the accidents, depending on the type of accident The International Safety Management (ISM) Code is a step forward, as it enhances the safety culture onboard and among ship owners IMO has prepared a guideline document for the introduction of human factors in the FSA process
THEMES Premise Available Research in the Field • MASIS and MASIS II • education of seafarers • multicultural crews • reduced crews • ATOMOS family of projects • ergonomics of Ship Control Centre • task analysis • validation through simulation • BERTRANC Concerted Action - CASMET • human data to be reported in casualty analysis • database structure
Work Package IV - Human aspects Objectives THEMES Selection of methods related to prospective and retrospective analysis of human factors Investigation on the methods suitability for integration in the FSA approach and their relation to the IMO Guidance on Human Reliability Analysis on FSA Identification of gaps and weaknesses of the available methods in relation to decision problems and needs Definition of necessary improvements
Work Package IV - Human aspects Task Structure THEMES Task 4.1: “Methods for prospective and retrospective analysis of Human factors” To extend the work undertaken in the CA-FSEA on methods and tools related to human factors (Marine operations - Human interaction with ship control) Task 4.2: “Integration in safety and environmental analysis” To integrate the methods identified in the Task 4.1 and human/organisational factors in safety and environmental analysis (FSA approach)
Task 4.1 Methods for prospective and retrospective analysis of Human Factors THEMES Prospective methods: accident prevention Assessment of the human contribution to the chain of events leading to the accident Selection of methods and group of methods more suitable to cover the end-users needs Identification of new methods not dealt within the CA-FSEA Retrospective methods: accident investigation
Task 4.2 Integration in safety and environmental analysis THEMES Suggestion on the incorporation of the most suitable methods for qualitative and quantitative analysis Task 4.1 Methods for prospective and retrospective analysis of Human factors Critical analysis of the FSA approach and IMO Guidance from the human factor perspective
Work Package IV Key Human Factors Aspects THEMES • behavioural: • multicultural / multilingual / reduced - crews • operational: • education / procedures / workload / stress • working environmental: • micro climate / lighting / temperature / ... • ergonomics: Human Machine Interface • validation & training: use of simulators
THEMES Work Package IV - Human aspects Interrelation with other Work Packages WP I: European framework for the development of safety assessment in waterborne structure WP IV Human Aspects WP III: CHIRP and Voyage data recorder WP V: Safety and Environmental Assessment Methods WP VI: Safety Management
THEMES Work Package IV - Human aspects Interrelation with other RTD Projects ATOMOS IV (DAP - CMR - DMI - ...) Thematic Network on Maritime Education (DMI - CMR - … ) WP IV Human Aspects Safer EURORO - Thematic Network (BV - DNV - DAP - …) TRESHIP - Thematic Network (BV - DNV - BMT - … ) …...
Work Package IV - Human aspects Integrative Study THEMES An Integrative Study is foreseen on: THE QUANTIFICATION OF HUMAN FACTORS FOR USE IN FSA to establish a set of guidelines for quantifying the importance of human factors for use in the Formal Safety Assessment, according to the outcomes of the WP and of IMO guidance on human reliability assessment in FSA
THEMES Work Package IV - Human aspects Deliverables • 1. Month 6 (30/10/00): report on updated list of methods and critical description • 2. Month 12 (30/04/01): report on • selected methods suitable to cover end-user needs (end of Task 4.1) • suggested form for human related data collection during accident investigation (input to WP III) • 3. Month 25 (30/05/02): draft report on suggestion for integration of human factors in safety and environmental data(input to WP V) • 4. Month 33 (30/01/03): final report including outcomes from tasks 4.1 and 4.2
Work Package IV - Human aspects Short Term Action Plan THEMES • 1. Objective: to prepare Workshop 2 in October 00 • 2. WP meeting • date and venue: first week of August in Copenhagen • participants: DNV, BV, DMI, RISOE, DAP • input: list of available methods from research / projects (all members • output: report outline / more detailed list of required inputs from members • 3. Contribution from members by 15 September 00 • 4. Discussion during Workshop 2 • 6. Final draft report issued short after Workshop 2