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Weather Accident Accident Prevention. Aviation Safety Program. Objectives Provide the Flight Deck, ATM & AOC with Higher Fidelity, More Timely Intuitive Graphical Information Detect and Mitigate Weather Hazards. Tethered Weather Display in a Honeywell Cessna Citation Cockpit
Weather Accident Accident Prevention Aviation Safety Program Objectives • Provide the Flight Deck, ATM & AOC with Higher Fidelity, More Timely Intuitive Graphical Information • Detect and Mitigate Weather Hazards Tethered Weather Display in a Honeywell Cessna Citation Cockpit showing convective activity over the continental United States Elements • Aviation Weather Information (AWIN) • Weather Information Communications (WINCOMM) • Turbulence Detection and Mitigation (TDAM) Contacts • WxAP Project Manager: Ron Colantonio (216) 433-6370; renato.o.colantonio@grc.nasa.gov • AWIN Element Lead: Paul Stough (757) 864-3860; h.p.stough@larc.nasa.gov • WINCOMM Element Lead: Gus Martzaklis (216) 433-8966; Konstantinos.S.Martzaklis@grc.nasa.gov • TDAM Element Lead: Rod Bogue (661) 258-3193; rod.bogue@mail.dfrc.nasa.gov
Objectives Provide decision-makers within air carriers, air traffic management, and other government & industry groups with regular, accurate, & insightful measures of health, performance, & safety of National Aviation System (NAS) ASMM products will provide technology & procedure developers with reliable predictions of system-wide effects arising from changes introduced into the aviation system Elements Data Analysis Tools & Intramural Monitoring (DATIM)--Develop tools for carriers to continuously monitor internal performance & safety Extramural Monitoring (EM)--System-wide survey mechanism for monitoring overall safety of NAS & evaluating effects of changes Modeling and Simulations (MS)--Predictions and risk assessments using data collected by monitoring elements Information Sharing (IS)--Develop reliable and secure infrastructure for exchange of data Aviation Safety Program Aviation System Monitoring and Modeling PDARS Performance Data Analysis & Recording System Contacts • ASMM Project Manager: Yuri Gawdiak (650) 604-4765; ygawdiak@mail.arc.nasa.gov • DATIM Element Lead: Irv Statler (650) 604-6654; istatler@mail.arc.nasa.gov • EM Element Lead: Linda Connell (650) 604-6654; lconnell@mail.arc.nasa.gov • MS Element Lead: Mary Connors (650) 604-6114: mconnors@mail.arc.nasa.gov • IS Element Lead: Yuri Gawdiak
Objectives Address aviation safety issues associated with Human error Procedural non-compliance Reduce aviation accident rates by Reducing or mitigating human error Understanding key man/machine interface issues Elements Human-Error Modeling (HEM)--Development of predictive models for human error in human/system operations • Maintenance Human Factors (MHF)--Develop products to support improved maintenance operations Training--Develop more effective training procedures, aids, curricula, simulations, and crew performance measurement techniques Aviation Safety Program System-Wide Accident Prevention Contacts • SWAP Project Manager: Tina Beard (650) 604-1327; tlbeard@mail.arc.nasa.gov • HEM Element Lead: Jay Shively (650) 604-6249; jshively@mail.arc.nasa.gov • MHF Element Lead: Barb Kanki (650) 604-5785; bkanki@mail.arc.nasa.gov • Training Element Lead: Key Dismukes (650) 604- 0150: kdismukes@mail.arc.nasa.gov Web site--http://vision.arc.nasa.gov/~tina/swap/swap.htm
Objectives Increase human survivability in accidents Increase human survivability in post-crash fires Prevent in-flight fires & explosions Elements Systems Approach to Crashworthiness (SAC) Fire Prevention (FP) Aviation Safety Program Accident Mitigation Full-scale crash tests to validate dynamic crash analysis and to evaluate structural concepts Contacts • AM Project Manager: Doug Rohn (216) 433-3325; Douglas.a.rohn@grc.nasa.gov • SAC Element Lead: Lisa Jones (757) 864-4148; l.e.jones@larc.nasa.gov • FP Element Lead: Bryan Palaszewski (216) 977-7493; bryan.a.palaszewski@grc.nasa.gov