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ITALIE. EMILIE ROMAGNE. COMENIUS EPEITE. PARMA. “ This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects only the views of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there . ».
ITALIE EMILIE ROMAGNE COMENIUS EPEITE PARMA “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This publication reflects only the views of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there. » Program for training and education throughout life. Project carried out by CAP2 Restaurant Hotel-Restaurant Teacher : E. ROUSSILLON L.P 38580 ALLEVARD
EMILIE ROMAGNE located on the axis RIMINI-MILAN. « Chef-Lieu » : BOLOGNE 9 PROVINCES Three types of relief: the Po Valley, the Apennines, over an area that is in transit from one to the other known hills. Two types of climate: the coast near Milano Marittima with cool wet winters (in January until0°) . Summers are hot (30 degrees in July).The climate becomes more continental in Parma, for example, snow in winter, however summers are extremely hot, over 35 degrees. Emilia Romagna has much to offer tourists. The city of Reggio Emilia: tour the most popular and Langhirano( ham called "Parma.« ) The production of parmesan is still part of village life neighbor Fontanellato and Corniglio offers a range of activities.
Roman cathedral PARMA Battistero Population: about 190,000 inhabitants. Founded 2000 years ago, it has a rich Etruscan and Roman and it's easy to visit it by walking. Located in Italy, in the famous region of Emilia Romagna, Bologna to the west of the meandering river Torrente, a tributary of the Po. Parma is a city more attractive. An inner ring marks the outer limit of the historic district. The city center can easily be divided into two districts separated by the river that runs from north to south of the city.Via Mazzini is the main artery from the center of Parma, sandwiched between Via Massimo D'Azeglio and the Strada della Repubblica, near the Piazza della Steccata. Its geographical position, its history and culinary tradition have made the province of Parma a symbol instead of Italy. Located in northern Italy. Sant'Andrea and other spa towns : with rich , precious, mineral water. TO GO TO : Fontanellato : 24 km Reggio Nell Emilia : 40 km Verona : 146 km Office of Tourism : Tél: +39 0521 21 88 89 Open Monday to Saturday - 9:00 to 7:00 p.m., Sunday - 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Cultural heritage and tourism PILOTTA PALACE PIAZZA DEL DUOMO Fontanellato The Duomo is what people like to call the cathedral. It stands on the Piazza Duomo: building quite impressive. The Baptistery is on the Piazza Duomo (designed BenedettoAntelami). The cathedral and the episcopal palace. La Strada Cavour, Piazza Casa di Toscanini Garibaldi.La near the Duke's garden, itself close to the Palazzo della Pilotta. Plaza del Vescovado: Palace inevitable! Cimitero della Villetta: where was buried N. PAGANINI, famous violinist. DUCALE PACALE Statue of Verdi Many flowers, many places, many statues and even a pond with its own island very idyllic place! Historic theaters: Teatro Regio in Via Garibaldi, and the Teatro Farnese in Piazzale Pilotta. February: Busseto Carnevale festival to celebrate the music of Verdi.
The Apennines Alps "of Parma"The territory is home to many lakes including the Parmense Santo, the largest natural lake in the Apennines in"Emiliano-Romagnolo."The sacred lake of Parma (1581 m, the largest natural lake in the Emilia-Romagna) and Lagoni (1399 m). PARKS: 4 regional parkspreserve, protect and restoreHeritage of the High Apennines.Taro River Regional Park.Hundred lakes. Sillara amont : 1861 m Parco Fluviale Regionale dello Stirone Via Francigena ou Via Romea : pilgrimage
CLIMATE Continental climate: hot summers and temperatures (minimum and maximum) between 16 ° and 30 ° degrees (record 39.2 ° in 2003.) The climate of Parma is influenced by its location between the Po valley and the mountains of the Apennines. July the least rainfall with an average of 36mm. Cold winters with temperatures between 0 ° and 8 °. October very wet month with an average of 91 mm. By November: arrival of the fog, gray skies and changing weather conditions.
Opportunities to access Parma situated on the A1 motorway that connects Milan to Bologna. Parma Airport: 3 km from the city International flights: Bologna, Milan. Serves the towns of : Palerme, Catane, Tirana, Rome et Londres. Bus, taxi, rental car waiting for you! The train: easiest and most economical way to travel in the province of Parma and nearby attractions.The station of the city is located near the historical center. La gare en ville
Many restaurants clustered around the main public places, such as the Piazza Garibaldi. Parma is a great place to enjoy fine Italian cuisine, a kind of culinary mecca and boasts of its regional cuisine. Parma ham known throughout the world, as is also the parmesan, Parmigiano Reggiano. In the historic center of Parma or at its periphery, there are many upscale restaurants that offer gourmet food: traditional regional specialties and a nice wine selection. (eg Parizzi Restaurant, Via Repubblica, the most famous of Parma). In the evening pizzeria or trattoria with a warm atmosphere and friendly evening. Eat less?or a snack?Follow us!
BEST WESTERN HOTEL FARNESE (PARMA) HOTEL CAMPUS Hôtel Fontanellato GRAND HOTEL DE LA VILLE (PARMA) : but now .... do not talk about price for one night!
NATURAL, and NATIONAL PARKS A welcome break in tourism across the river Parma and a walk around the park's most popular city, the Parco Ducale.Parco Ducale in Parma accessible from Ponte Verdi, Via dei Farnese, Ponte Caprazzucca, Via Kennedy or Via Pasini. A haven for those wishing to enjoy a relaxing walk. Botanical Gardens Citadel park. Colorno Duke Gardens located in Peripherals of Parma, there : large green area of land surrounding the Ducal Palace of Colorno. Regional Park Parma Apennines, and trails for hiking. Saint Lake
Italian treasures and precious works of art inmany museums and galleries of Parma. Her name was Marie-Louise of Austria. She was beautiful, powerful and had lived in cities and courts of Europe's most glittering.And when the Austrian Empress arrived in Parma in 1816, she fell in love with this land and never left. The traces of this sovereign Grand Duchy of Parma are numerous: Theatre Royal (1821-29), temple of opera, commissioned by the Empress. Residence, the Ducal Palace, decorated with frescoes and covered with a huge park that beloved sovereign decided to open to residents. The Glauco Lombardi Museum relics that gathers, gathers evidence of life, customs and art of the Duchy of Parma 1748 to 1859. Cultural, musical and architectural very well preserved. National Galery Castle Museum National archeological museum Diocesan Museum (in the basement of a former bishop's palace). Bodoniano Museum: Palazzo della Pilotta: printer Giambattista Bodoni work of the eighteenth century.Glauco Lombardi Museum. March: Arte Parma, an exhibition of modern and contemporary art by various local artists.
What is the common point between abbeys and monasteries, medieval castles, spas Liberty style, roads of ancient pilgrims, navigation on the Po, protected parks and museums such as the curious ham and Parmesan?Easy !................... : Poetry. Yes, because let's say right away: the territory of Parma is extraordinary intensity 50 km for bycicles, or by boat. Where to park? underground car park on Viale Toschi, downtown historic Parts . Or rent a classical or electric bicycle. Visit Parma and its surroundings: Langhirano to 14 km (south of Parma ham for her). Reggio Emilia Corniglio View of the center of Modena And discover all its festivals during the year: a festival a month!As of January: Fiere di Parma to Emporium, in the main exhibit hall, the exhibition marks the opening of the European season antiques.October: Verdi Festival, a month of operas and concerts at the Teatro Regio and in many small venues in the city.Preference for tourism seasons: spring, fall.
At the heart of a food valley... Parma is located in the center of a large network of European, international exchanges : Parma ham and salami from Felino, mushrooms, pasta Barilla ...The area is known for its productions: milk and dairy products quality (cheese: parmesan) sausage (Parma ham, culatello, sausage, spalla), canned vegetables, pasta and baked goods.This activity, supported by food companies of special importance (Barilla,Parmalat) has contributed to the candidacy of Parma at the headquarters of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA and EFSA) since 2003. "Parma International will acquire a breath, and must be prepared to speak French and English as well as Italian." According to the Minister Berlusconi. • Main Exhibition Fair of Parma: a hive of activity during the spring and fall months. • May: exhibition Dolce Italia for business visitors and groups, dedicated to the Italian bakery and confectionery industry. • Parma Brawl: a busy fair which takes place over three days and offers a wide range of paintings, jewelry, books, furniture, fabrics and carpets. • Cibus: the largest exhibition of the international food industry (some of the most popular Italian food.) Parma also has a university with scientific infrastructure leading edge forming highly qualified professionals in the legal, scientific and humanistic. Antiquities, art and cooking Important Tourism attracted by : many sports, music and traditional festivals.
With lavender scent made by the monks The artisans of Parma are also famous for their expertise in the field of leather work: their creations bear the mark of quality "Made in Parma." Pottery : Ocarina of Budrio Musical instrument Mosaic Wrought Iron Lace (hemp)
Shopping Parma is a delightful place for you ladies: tourism, some shopping: clothes, handbags, shoes, some gifts, local produce ...: main street in the historic center, shopping arcades picturesque. Antiquity Market Via d'Azeglio every thursday. Or if you prefer:Fidenza Village shopping center outside the city. Acqua di Parma fragrance celebrates the city, and sweets of yesteryear combined with Parma violets. Parmesan cheese and Parma ham to remember! attractive, right? Opening hours of shops: 10:00 to 1:30 p.m., 3:30 p.m. to 19: 30.
Itinerary of flavors Three roads were born under the sign of the Wine road and taste flavors of Parma. Roads with high potential tourism characterized by agricultural production : food , wine and typical traditional high quality, placed in a scenic attractions, mixing in a cultural and artistic. Museum of sausage, salami Parma, Langhirano Museum of Parmigiano Reggiano Museum of the tomato « Barilla » pasta
REGIONAL SPECIALITIES Culatello of Parme DELICATESSEN(prosciutto) TIPICAL SALUMI Olive oil extra(special) virgin resulting from good olives with ideal maturity. Olives are collected with hand and are pressed 48 H after the harvest to maintain their integrity. Fiochetto of Parma Balsamic vinegar AOP Reggio Emilia or of Moden (earth of Pavarotti) PARMESAN : Parmigiano Reggiano AOP of mountain, 24 or 36months old, stamped by the cooperative. Think of your greedy presents!
The pleasures of the table, the " knowledge to live ", Emilie Romagne's user conviviality are everywhere: gourmet restaurants or inns of countryside.
CULINARY SPECIALITIES Let us enter the delicious world of the cooking(kitchen) in the Parmesan cheese in "Food Valley" (valley of the food-processing industry) of Europe. Salty(Steep) bacon, Parma ham, sausage of Felino, mushrooms, pastas, Parmesan cheese, tomato are products masters(teachers) of the region! Tomatoes, Parmesan cheese in the oven Tagliatelles Sausages and beans in stew Ravioli in herbs and Parmesan cheese « anolini » The most popular : the cake of Parmesan : cheese fries: triangles mixed in a warm sausage ( consalumi ). The2nd flat : parmigiana with polenta, delicious boiled sauces accompanied with " picàja " Trip or " buzèca ". The most typical desserts : rice puddings, in almonds. "Spongata" pastas stuffed with: honey, walnuts and candied fruits, dyes purple and sweetens the most typical desserts. « Spongata »
WINES OF THE HILLS OF PARMA DOC Colli di Parma: red wine Sauvignon Doc Colli di Parma Sparkling wine It is a red, generous and slightly acid wine, with a bouquet of violets and moderated alcohol 10-11°. Malvasia DOC elegant, dry wine with Culatello, delicatessen. Or Fortana vintage, red , little sparkling wine The best special liqueurs! Infusions of fruits or plants in some brandy:
For you the young people. A lot of activities!!!! SCHIA ski resort Paths marked out about the hikes baseball stadium European championship Sporting rooms University Theater, Piazza William Shakespeare Choose a mode of locomotion! Festival of Torrechiara (jazz) Poésie festival Festival Sport Barilla Where to eat? Or rent a bike and visit the city!
BESOIN D AIDE? Breakfast included?- E inclusa La colazione? Where may I find a taxi? - Dove posso prendere l'ONU en taxi? It’s near o there?- E 'Qui vicino? Please you can show me? - PuO mostrarmelo, per favore? Go straight on!- Avanti. What is your phone number?- Qual'e 'il tuo (suo) numero di telefono? SMALL LEXICON! Good night!- Buonanotte. What is this? Che cosa? Why?- Perche? I think so! Io penso di sì Howmany?- Qual è il prezzo? I’m sorry!- Mi Perdoni. I would like a doubleroom. - Vorrei una camera matrimoniale. Main post office: on Via Melloni, Near via Garibaldi 0521-252233 :RED CROSS 0521-238888: Police, Police station : on Borgo della Post 118 : Help Don’t forget your cake(Panettone)!